Fox Farm Nutes....


New Member
Hey whats up? yes I am a nube ! and I wanted to know if I can combine nutes in the same gallon jug. I've been using Fox Farm grow big, and wanted to start using tiger bloom too. Would I put it in a separate gallon jug, or is it all good to combine them together? Just wanted to know... Thanks


Well-Known Member
You mix them together, you should get a PPM meter so u know exactly what you are feeding.
You should be using big bloom too.
Look up the FF feeding schedule online it's a simple search, remember soil and hydro are two different schedules.


Active Member
Hey whats up? yes I am a nube ! and I wanted to know if I can combine nutes in the same gallon jug. I've been using Fox Farm grow big, and wanted to start using tiger bloom too. Would I put it in a separate gallon jug, or is it all good to combine them together? Just wanted to know... Thanks

1) Shake the bottle real good before pouring
2) Don't mix them(nutes) straight, mix in water
3) If watering from a jug, shake it up again before doing so
4) As already mentioned, look up their feeding schedule online and only water if medium is on the dryer side.


Active Member
There's no specific way the fuck... Pour both nutes into one gallon jug put in water shake that fucking simple :)

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
There's no specific way the fuck... Pour both nutes into one gallon jug put in water shake that fucking simple :)
U cant mix the nutes unless your mixing in water! Fill up your jug with some water first. Then you can mix the nutes and add the rest of the water u need to fill the jug.


Active Member
U cant mix the nutes unless your mixing in water! Fill up your jug with some water first. Then you can mix the nutes and add the rest of the water u need to fill the jug.

Can u explain to me how pouring it in a empty jug of water vs one with water in it alrdy makes any difference?


Active Member
Try it, you will be displeased with the results. They'll congeal into putty (well, the FF I mixed without water did anyway. I don't recall which specific bottles I mixed).

Assuming you'll eventually drop your nutes in water, I would just mix them into the water. Or, try mixing 5 different bottles of goo without water and post your results so I can say I told you so :)


Active Member
Idk what kinda nutes u guys have wtf ur shit turned to putty?? The F my nutes are pure liquid how they gonna turn into putty? What's makes me laugh is some of u say fill the jug first with water then add nutes lmao how the fuck is that any different then just adding ur nutes in first then adding water then shaking? BAHA idk
Idk what kinda nutes u guys have wtf ur shit turned to putty?? The F my nutes are pure liquid how they gonna turn into putty? What's makes me laugh is some of u say fill the jug first with water then add nutes lmao how the fuck is that any different then just adding ur nutes in first then adding water then shaking? BAHA idk
Its different because you are diluting the mixture with water vs if you mix all the nutes at once you will have such a high concentration you will get nute lock out.... so its very very very important to mix nutes in water first and really you should start with your base nute "big bloom" then go to big grow then add tiger bloom afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Thread started with a newb wanting to mix 2 different nutes in same bottle of water, when it clearly states on each bottle what it's for, ( I use FF grow big and tiger bloom ) seperately, and I add my nutes then water to jug, which shouldn't matter