So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
I understand sodium bentonite will swell and is not for soil? Calcium Bentonite is the creature to use.

Manure is great!


Well-Known Member

well, i guess i'll find out.

feel free to criticize me. i wanna LEARN. what ami missing?


Well-Known Member
Hey Rrog, got 2 lids 2 rings and ring bolts. 1 drum and gonna grab the other in the morning. Not sure what gauge but they are all about the same thickness that we get at work. Hope they work out for you. I'll give stOw a shout tomorrow afternoon once I have everything


Active Member
ummm i used roots 707 and added some EWC, fish bone, bat guano, kelp, let it cook for 30+ days and thats what i grow in..... plants LOOK amazing and seem to love it.

I tryed to used my dads compost pile at his house, but when i dug some up the shit was INFESTED with ants... do you guys have a problem??? next year ill grow in it outside


Well-Known Member
ummm i used roots 707 and added some EWC, fish bone, bat guano, kelp, let it cook for 30+ days and thats what i grow in..... plants LOOK amazing and seem to love it.

I tryed to used my dads compost pile at his house, but when i dug some up the shit was INFESTED with ants... do you guys have a problem??? next year ill grow in it outside
What did I miss?


Well-Known Member
hey guys. I have a question about alfalfa, should I use it as a tea or directly in my soil? also, what state is it best to apply it in? There are pellets, compressed cubes and bags with the plants. my next soil is to be ROLS, for now of: soil, perlite or pumice, worm castings, blood and bone meal. Im looking into the best ways for feeding bat guano and alfalfa, the former for P, the latter for N to veg vigorously. any idea or critique is warmly welcomed :)


Active Member
Ive got some mix in my compost container , about 90 gallons, should i mix it all up, there are layers of grass, goat poop, chicken poop, plant material from juicing, green cut grass, about 2 bushels of rotten apples and some ash?


Well-Known Member
Rrog is around guys. He is working on a few projects. No one gives better advice than he does. Hang in there.

benbud....I use the Alfalfa both in my mix and in teas. Same with the guano. I know Rrog doesn't use guanos. I have pellet and non pellet forms. I use the non pellet form mostly. Teas are awesome. Both compost and nutrient if you use them correctly.


Well-Known Member
Is that a yes?

Yes, mix it up. You should also consider some more carbon materials like straw, saw dust, brown paper bags, etc. You want to turn your pile at least once a week until the pile cools a bit. Once it cools you can turn it less often. This will speed up the process, and make sure that the aerobic microbes are getting sufficient oxygen.


Active Member
Yes, mix it up. You should also consider some more carbon materials like straw, saw dust, brown paper bags, etc. You want to turn your pile at least once a week until the pile cools a bit. Once it cools you can turn it less often. This will speed up the process, and make sure that the aerobic microbes are getting sufficient oxygen.
Awesome, thank you and will do.


Well-Known Member
Gandalf, if you could tell me then, Ive just bought high N bat guano, blood meal and alfalfa. what would be a good proportion to mix up for watering and/or foliar feeding , Ive got about three weeks left of vegging, and like for the plants to grow another great deal.