Club 600


Well-Known Member
4:20 the time or cafe haha I was looking for grey area cafe then we planned coming back for 4:20 to meet u, il be back dst m8 dont worry we meet up sumtime, a think we coming back in jan tho I will mail u at bb in couple hours about the dog pips soon as I pick my bluelab up from post depot as I missed him friday


Well-Known Member
No, I was waiting at Twenty past the hour of 4, like we arranged, at the Grey Area.

Worry, dinnae fret lad, am no upset because ah didnae get tae see yer ugly mug, lmfao.:)


Well-Known Member
I don't post my pics here as much lately. My 6 5 gal plants vegging under 600 watts till they're hopefully big enough to utilize 1600 watts of flower. Couple more weeks-ish of veg


Well-Known Member
Looking very happy Supchaka. You ditch the lazy susan? And why don't you post your pics here much lately?:)


Well-Known Member
i have just had all mine out and took about 20 pics and when i put me memory card in laptop its saying to format so i think i will need to upload them later or tomoz when i get back to the pc... but they have shot up since friday maybe flipping this weekend and get the 600 hps on them al let yous help me decide when yous see them.

dodgy old place on a night time like had a good laugh window shopping at the horrors hahaha


Well-Known Member
Well fuck, I was there at 4:20 AM! Was wondering why no one was around. The place wasn't even open.

Nice buds Weedman.


Well-Known Member
What up 6, it's time giggles got back in the game lol. Dug my 600 out and blew the dust off and got down, placed 25 new beans in the ground, lets hope they make it.

Temps are back in check, 70-72 at night and 75-77 lights on. Keeping my fingers crossed for a lot of females lol. Got a lot of different strains this time so it should be fun.

and now finally for some pr0n, well eh kinda lol.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Insanely sweet smell, almost got me paranoid thinking it smelled like power plant. But it's got an underlying pine tinge to it as well...there's dank in them there trees.

looking hellua good,mmm frosty nugs any sweet stintch?or more on thee hash side of things?
Just like they said back in the 80's:

"Crack should be whacked!"

Or something like that...
Cool pic, nice tartan skirt, pron just isn't what it use to be, lol.


Well-Known Member
well here is my skywalker/og at the flip...first time ever growing in pro-mix with canna nutes, I keep waiting for something to go horribly wrong but these girls are jungle monsters, some super cropping and other training is def going to be necessary.....





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