Well-Known Member
Really, the problem is that most people who are in the market for a DIY fermentation system are running a micro to mini grow and hence probably have 1. 24/7 ventilation 2. a setup that is infeasible for a major CO2 setup 3. a tight budget 4. (hence) no $$ for a ppm meter. The people with a ppm meter have a tank CO2 system and thus are not making little fermentation vessels. It's a double-edged sword. maybe someday someone will do a real experiment to test this[/QUOTE]
There is another thread by ninja and if you read the whole thing towards the end someone did test this sugar water setup with a meter. it raised the ppm like 300- 400 with all fans off in a bathroom, which i think would be helpfull for plants. to the original op, are you saying to just drill really small holes in the first cap and does water syat in the chamber? if not i'm gunna just glue my tube in therewithout the chamber.
There is another thread by ninja and if you read the whole thing towards the end someone did test this sugar water setup with a meter. it raised the ppm like 300- 400 with all fans off in a bathroom, which i think would be helpfull for plants. to the original op, are you saying to just drill really small holes in the first cap and does water syat in the chamber? if not i'm gunna just glue my tube in therewithout the chamber.