The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
fuking hell, nija u need to get a grip, ur posting so much bullshit in here and then asking same in forums, fuk off tyo the noob section ur doing my nut

and DST-less of the noob u cunt! lol


Well-Known Member
fuking hell, nija u need to get a grip, ur posting so much bullshit in here and then asking same in forums, fuk off tyo the noob section ur doing my nut

and DST-less of the noob u cunt! lol
Listen to the noob himself lol, not to bad havin the noobs around, at least we got rid of some of the oldies...,that ic3 was a rite bellend


Active Member
Listen to the noob himself lol, not to bad havin the noobs around, at least we got rid of some of the oldies...,that ic3 was a rite bellend
aye i agree ic3 was a total cunt..

just that nigga1 dude is just posting stupid dumb questiosn rather than just getting on with it

meanwhile mastergrow has been cough on camera.


Active Member
lol, ud be lucky if that's all I put down ur chimney lol
yeh prolly a bag of fert knowing u like!

email mg u twat

seems i may have found a little spot to easily fit 10 in, see how shit goes, this time its with protection,,, by my reckoning got 2 days before the shits dry and out, then its just gone...


Well-Known Member
yeh prolly a bag of fert knowing u like!

email mg u twat

seems i may have found a little spot to easily fit 10 in, see how shit goes, this time its with protection,,, by my reckoning got 2 days before the shits dry and out, then its just gone...
Sounds good m8, if it works out for ye anyway, hard to trust folk but supposes ye gotta take the risk. Replied back m8


Active Member
just got myself some ripen, herd good things about it in here, but does anyone have any opinions on when to start and stop using it? ive got about 3-4 weeks till harvest at the most.


Well-Known Member
evening all, just had some good news, equipment I needed to get set up should be with me in the next week at some point, cant fucking wait!

Thank you very very muchfor helping me out @you know who you are :-)


Well-Known Member
fuking hell, nija u need to get a grip, ur posting so much bullshit in here and then asking same in forums, fuk off tyo the noob section ur doing my nut

and DST-less of the noob u cunt! lol
yeah I'm asking about sortin out the yields and I am getting on with it I'm growing while tryna sort it. Please don't become a keyboard warrior that really gets on my tits. If I bother you that much pm me a number n well meet up.


yer man got me a bottle of rambos magic as I call it too lol only gonna use mine in the last 2 weeks I think that's all he gives them last 2 weeks cant remember.......but im gonna be using boost and pk then yer last 2 weeks ripen with a bit of molasses we will see......
just got myself some ripen, herd good things about it in here, but does anyone have any opinions on when to start and stop using it? ive got about 3-4 weeks till harvest at the most.


Active Member
yeah I'm asking about sortin out the yields and I am getting on with it I'm growing while tryna sort it. Please don't become a keyboard warrior that really gets on my tits. If I bother you that much pm me a number n well meet up.
look mate yer a dikhead, reeally? just fucking grow, ur asking shit here, then making a thread wen sum1 dont answer u fast enough, shit ur like a benfit form, same question in about 5000 diffrent ways of asking it, i have no reason to meat up with u OR give u my number? fucking plum, is that your plan? start shit then try and get established growers numbers?


now fukoff and watch youtube,