Whats your favorite drug cocktail?


Well-Known Member
40 - 50mg Diazepam + Heavy Indica and once they kick in I start binge eating and become a weed chimney, on benzos you just want to have some kind of smoke in ya :D. I alternate the combo with 10mg oxycodone nasally (or 100mg tramadol orally which allows me to smoke even more weed on it because of the nor-epinephrine and serotonergic boost which keep me lucid and awake) + weed. I don't fancy mixing benzodiazepines with opiates due to the increased risk of respiratory depression.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
A terribly conceived thread. lol Drug cocktail. That's not a dangerous idea or anything. x) Skilled hands are few and far between.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
2 mg lsd is 2000 mics Somehow I doubt you are mixing k with that much acid.
how little you know about me. i will say i spread the dose out in 3 over 3 hours. i also have decades of tripping under my belt. if you have the lucy ild be more than happy to prove it


Gosh, since the teen days of the 70s, I guess then I like Ludes and Coke, back when back coke was what above avg is today. I like to get to the point that the coke was not overwhelming, and the ludes almost to a nod, at just very small amounts of coke to keep the cycle

Decades off due to Military Career, at times some hash, some week and whenever I could get a military doc to prescribe Robaxin 500s and hydro or oxycodone.

After the mid 90s, starting all over. I guess I would love to snort heroin and coke, but I do not. I know what will happen, I am a compulsive addictive and those days are over. Now, my dangerous cocktail or choice, Way above street coke, taking away most all that jitter from whatever cut adulterants. Some Xanax, for a quick WHOA slow down, some Klonopin, and perc 10/325. I just play around, knowing my normal limits, although we all know the possibility exists that it goes wrong. Coke, Xanax, Klonopin, Percs. I do not look at Cannabis as a drug. I do not or better said cannot hit the weed much once the throat is froze. Just makes me cough bad, even vaped. Ciggs, damnit, does not do the same thing, I can smoke. Weird, I know. Most will say keep your pams/benzo's for the come down with a joint. I just like them all together for those short spurts I get it just right and in its own way, the nod.


Well-Known Member
LSD and opium. Mescaline and x. Methaqualone and clobazam. Butalbital, hydrocodone and soma. In that order.


Well-Known Member
I'll never forget when I dropped a few blotters, and during the peak I blew a line of K, then blasted some deems. Beyond bizarre.


Well-Known Member
Well damn,

I was gifted more than a shoebox full of 40+ original Quaaludes, 100's of Mandrex and 100's of Placidyls, one winter from a friend who was going into the military, he stopped cold turkey I guess, and I never heard from his or his family since. I spent over 2 years going through that box. Those meanie greenie's will take you places that truly are magical. I have taken just about every form of lsd there is and a lot of it as a teen. Peyote, Mescaline and every blotter under the sun. Done coke, meth, smoked heroin and eaten enough valium to stone a small city.

All those, imo, fail in comparison to what 2 - 750mg Placidyls will do to you. I survived those times only because I had a praying Mother and Grandmother. God looks after damn fools and babies, I must fit in there somewhere.

Long behind me are those days. Would I trade them, never. I now enjoy a less chaotic life now, kids are grown and gone and have families of their own. I grow my dank, enjoy my bourbon and toast a few fine cigars in the meantime...oh...and I am one fishing mother f___ker :twisted:




Well-Known Member
Well damn,

I was gifted more than a shoebox full of 40+ original Quaaludes, 100's of Mandrex and 100's of Placidyls, one winter from a friend who was going into the military, he stopped cold turkey I guess, and I never heard from his or his family since. I spent over 2 years going through that box. Those meanie greenie's will take you places that truly are magical. I have taken just about every form of lsd there is and a lot of it as a teen. Peyote, Mescaline and every blotter under the sun. Done coke, meth, smoked heroin and eaten enough valium to stone a small city.

All those, imo, fail in comparison to what 2 - 750mg Placidyls will do to you. I survived those times only because I had a praying Mother and Grandmother. God looks after damn fools and babies, I must fit in there somewhere.

Long behind me are those days. Would I trade them, never. I now enjoy a less chaotic life now, kids are grown and gone and have families of their own. I grow my dank, enjoy my bourbon and toast a few fine cigars in the meantime...oh...and I am one fishing mother f___ker :twisted:





Well-Known Member
Yeah, it became really rare after being handed out like candy in the 70s and they finally stopped making it around the turn of the millennium.


bud bootlegger
Yeah, it became really rare after being handed out like candy in the 70s and they finally stopped making it around the turn of the millennium.
I pretty much didn't start my harder drug usage until I was into my 20's or so..
My old man couldn't hold his liquor so at an early age I decided I didn't want to go down that path.. silly me.. lol..
So I missed out on a few of the really good drugs like ludes and a few other oldie bit goodies as even though they may have still been around when I got onto the scene, they were well beyond their heydays when I was a bit younger.. :(