2nd Grow gonna try mainlining :)


Well-Known Member
Transplanted the 2nd one into 11l fabric pot and moved them both into the empty room for a week of dual spectrum hps :)

Something sad about an empty room :-(

That looks better :D



Active Member
Damn reddi, for a second grow it looks like you are doing great! lol I ON THE OTHER HAND just keep running into issues lol and its my second grow as well :) I still love it either way. :)

I have a question for you here, I see you topped so you have the 2 main stalks, but did you only LST the one half of it? The pics above make it look like its more to one side of the pot than the other.

Im running and ebb and flow 5 gallon buckets system. And I have a long time to veg so im thinking of doing some topping and LST kind of like ur doing.

And if im seeing it right, once you see they are holding that structure and you transplant you dont put the hooks back in there right?


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you here, I see you topped so you have the 2 main stalks, but did you only LST the one half of it? The pics above make it look like its more to one side of the pot than the other.
And if im seeing it right, once you see they are holding that structure and you transplant you dont put the hooks back in there right?
Hi, thanks i'm hoping to improve on my first grow with these as you learn quite quickly what not to do :)

The one on the left is a mainline failure, I had topped for 4 mains but then i slipped with my knife and amputated one side so she was down to 2 so i let a secondary branch catch up so it now has 3 main stems, i left all the side branching on them and let her grow, the one on the right is an attempt at mainlining for 16 tops but 3 or 4 are not growing as well as the rest so well see how she pans out.
I think if you want to mainline its easier from seed as you get opposing nodes rather than alternating nodes :)


I topped and lst'd my 1st grow and she just loved it, i got just just over 8oz from her and she was only about 40inches tall including the pot.
You can see the branch structure quite well in these pics https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/669112-1st-grow-how-does-look-17.html#post9656601


Active Member
Ya I actually read the last few pages of that one already! JEALOUS/impressed/happy for ya all at the same time! lol I just cant decide what to do. I just transplanted 8 clones to thier 5gallon ebb and flow buckets and am thinking of topping for 4 or 6 tops. 4 im leaning more towards. My last ones i topped and they had 10-12 nodes after topping each! in a 5x5 tent they ran out of room to grow OUT pretty quick and i didnt have room for enuf fans. They had to veg for about 9 weeks, they got topped at like week 6 or 7, so the lower stuff did catch up to the top but when I moved them into the bigger flower room, most all the lowest branches were so weak from basically leaning on the other plants that they were almost falling over when a fan hit them. I ended up cutting off the bottom 2-3 nodes on each of the 7 plants.

So ya, just trying not to have to waste all that again lol. I need to figure the best way to maximize my space... Was maybe thinking LST and just tie them down to the rim of the 5 gallon buckets with zip ties or something i dunno. but i have about 9 weeks of veg.

I'll be watchin ur grow tho man! Excited to see it! :joint:


Well-Known Member
You can keep them slow vegging until you need them, that way they are more manageable for you when you go into flower.
I kept these 2 on weak nutes in small pots with just 1 55w flourescent t5 about 15" above them and they grew very slow, once i knew i was ready i potted them up, dropped the light on their heads and upped the food, within a few days they took off :)


Active Member
Hmm. Shit man, maybe ill try that!

And I cant remember but i think a couple of the clones may be PRETTY close to symetrycal with the nodes. but most if not all, i really cant remember now lol are off by like an inch or inch and a half.

SO i guess i wonder this then, if they are off a bit, and you tried to "mainline" them, is that upper branch gonna be way fatter than the lower?


Well-Known Member
Yes it will be but what you have to do is supercrop the dominant branch, pinch it and bend it, and let the other branch catch up in height and width. There's a good thread on here all about it.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Yep thats the one, its a loooooonnnnnggggg thread though but some very good info in the first few pages :)

I'm gonna flip them tomorrow so i'll take some pics before they go 24hrs of dark and then the 12/12 starts on sunday, that should mean they finish 1st or 2nd week of Dec for some xmas smoke bongsmilie

Prob just gonna do weekly pic updates on this grow unless i run into any problems then i'll be posting like crazy and begging for answers :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres some pics of the 2 ladys.
I noticed my leaves are drooping down and i'm not sure whats caused it, it only happened after i put the hps lamp in yesterday as i did the last week with a mh. They were fed yesterday morning and the lamp changed and today they have drooped. They are on 24/0 with max temp 25c and min 22c, any ideas?



Active Member
My first grow was in soil. The ONLY time mine looked like that, which was a lot at first, was when they were too wet still. The soil, that is. Let it get real dry and light in weight. BUT if its already nice and dry then maybe someone that knows more can help :)


Well-Known Member
I think it was a combination of too wet and the hps light being stronger than the mh.
They have perked up a bit now but i'm gonna let them dry out before next watering although with coco you shouldn't let them get too dry.


Well-Known Member
What are you using for air circulation? I see no fans in there. Could be heat stress, even if temps are right, plants need air moving over them when under HPS.


Well-Known Member
What are you using for air circulation? I see no fans in there. Could be heat stress, even if temps are right, plants need air moving over them when under HPS.
The fans are just out of the shot, you can see them here


The light is also in a cooltube/batwing hybrid hood that i made and cooled with a 4" rvk fan so runs pretty cool, i can get that 600 within 10 inches without burning but it is about 20 inches away at the moment although the room does run warmer with the hps than when i had the mh in so could have been a bit of heat stress also.