new in hydro


New Member
hello , i want to try hydro but i can;t understand some stuff.what s "PPM"(parts per milion) and how much important is it ?in 1st place i allready saw some videos but nobody explain whats is , or how tu mix this PPM , why is 1200 on 5 week of flowering , and why is lower when vegetativ.i think is the nutrients mix , but how to calculate this ?and why is lower on vegetativ and rising on flowering until the last week when flush. i only grow outdoor for 3 years , without nutrients, just in backyard and everything is simple.thanks guys. Mikael from Bucharest.


Well-Known Member
Ppm's are the nutrient mix strength.

More nutrients added to water = higher ppm's.

You measure ppm with a ppm meter.

You add nutes to water until you get to the required ppm by testing with the meter.



New Member
hmm, not good to hear this , so , without the ppm meter its imposible for me to measure the ppm ?for example i read on nutrients bootle , and say for example 5/ml on 10 l of fresh water once at hidro sistem is about 100 l for 16 ?

Mr John

Active Member

You do not have to have a PPM meter. Though it would be very wise to get one as you stated you would have no idea on your PPM's.

What is your water source? City/well water? If so you need to add those PPM's in also to the nute PPM's.

If you RO your water or buy distilled water then you can get by using the manf recommedations on the nute containers.

And may I kindly suggest you lurk here and google to read up on Hydro, there is allot too it!


Well-Known Member
If you go by the directions on the bottle your shit will die. If you cant afford a pen just wait til you get one to start hydro.


New Member
my source of water is city water and yes Ro , i allready mesure the Ph several days , and its arround 5.5 ,5.4 , 5.7 , so its good , and i saw many hydro movies , but i have not seen in anyone exactly how to make ppm,i know that when the plants grow , you need to high the ppm , its not save for me to buy ppm s meter,the sistem was buy directly from holand(nutriculture aeroponic amazon 16 plants),here the c0psz are straight i want to find another solution for this measures and start to grow , i know hydro is need a lot of atention,and i will pay attention, anyway i saw different thinks in different hydro movie , and another aspect that im missing , is how much water is necesary for example 100 liters or 27 gallon , cause nobody says if the water tank will empty half or will empty just a little,i think the bigger plants the lower water lever from tank,and after full the tank with necesary water shaked with the mix , im wrong? , i saw only when they drop the nutrients solution allready shaked with water carrefull and read on the ppm screen meter. if i start ..just to say (and what i think) first day when i put the plants in sistem and start the proces with one coup of nutrients , and in time when the plants grow after a week i will put 2 coups , in week 3 will be 3 coups of nutrients. this will not work ?


Well-Known Member
You will want to do water changes at least every week or 2 weeks but not longer. Empty all the water, clean/wipe down your buckets or reservoir and replenish with a fresh mixture of water/nutrients. Whatever nutes you use should have a feeding schedule so you know how much your PPM should be every week. What type of hydro setup do you plan on using? That will help us alot in determining how to help you more. You typically don't want to keep replenishing with more nutrients every week, then you could potentially over fertilize.


New Member

this is the system that i will use , but with 16 plants , the thank is max 99 liter , and i want to use rockwool for roots.but with germinated seeds not with clones.i;ve never use before nutrients , i growed outdoor for 3 years near the forest from where i leaved,for start i want to use 16 autoflowering plants,or 16 feminized seeds, with 400w hps,or 250 w cfl in vegetative,i think is ok for this little bushes in 120x120x200cm grow room.there are a lot of nutrients brands so im confused , i dont think is everything necesary , cauze i saw a boy who realy use a lots of nutrients and fertilizer , i wanna grow a little organics if s posible.less chimicals. cause i grow for me :D , if i use rain water , or water from river/lake , switching with nutrients , and no problem with ppm counter ?i realy need this information.i realy dont want to lose my plants if i start,this is the last step for me to start.thanks a lot !


New Member
Go by a old fashioned book if you want to learn.
The marijuana hydroponic industry has become a complete scam
and people think they need a bunch of different kinds of bottled crap.


New Member
Empty all the water, clean/wipe down your buckets or reservoir and replenish with a fresh mixture of water/nutrients.
Why would any one want to clean a resevoir or bucket every couple weeks. Complete bull shit!


New Member
Why would any one want to clean a resevoir or bucket every couple weeks. Complete bull shit!
Lol, lots of people do res cleanings every two weeks, some people do them every week. It all depends on what system you're running, how many plants, and how controlled of a grow you're trying to run.


Well-Known Member
Why would any one want to clean a resevoir or bucket every couple weeks. Complete bull shit!
hmmm, I don't know why would anyone want to ever clean out a bucket where water and nutrients (especially organic nutes as the OP mentioned he may want to use) sit in it for weeks at a time? Not like bacteria can start growing or anything. IN fact the longer you leave it to build up a bunch of shit the less likely you are to have a problem. Hell, hopefully some roots die off and get stuck in there that way it would be like adding supplements to the water. Complete bull shit!

Why does this website attract all the mental retards that never have anything informative to say but feel the need to show everyone how much they are lacking in intelligence?


Well-Known Member
since I lost a entire crop from a pythium attack, i clean res every week. I was cleaning every 2 week before. temp of water is very important. keep it between 18-20C with a air pump should prevent a lot of problem and keep your res clean for at least one week even with organic. dont forget to cover your res and your pot