The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fucking cunting EU are gonna ban 10 packs of cigarettes by 2016, also for any of you lot that smoke baccy the small 12.5g packs are disappearing as well, oh and menthol fags as well, wish the cunts would just fuck off n stop getting involved in shit


Active Member
fucking cunting eu are gonna ban 10 packs of cigarettes by 2016, also for any of you lot that smoke baccy the small 12.5g packs are disappearing as well, oh and menthol fags as well, wish the cunts would just fuck off n stop getting involved in shit


Well-Known Member
yup indeed

The sale of cigarettes in packets of 10 is expected to be banned by 2016 after MEPs voted for tighter restrictions on tobacco use across Europe.

Electronic cigarette substitutes, which are increasingly popular as a less harmful alternative to smoking, will be subjected to the same strict limitations on advertising as ordinary tobacco products under the plan aimed at reducing smoking among women and young people.

Linda McAvan, the Labour MEP who drafted the legislation, said the new rules would protect “children from being targeted by tobacco companies” via the lure of attractive branding, small female-friendly packs and flavoured cigarettes.

“Four thousand British children start smoking each week - that’s a staggering 200,000 new childhood smokers a year,” she said.

The new rules must be agreed by ministers and voted on again by the European Parliament before they become law throughout the European Union, but with most governments in favour this is not expected to pose an obstacle.

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The ban on packets of 10, supported by the Government, would hit two million British smokers because the small packs - targeted by the EU because they are thought to be favoured by the young - account for 38 per cent of cigarettes sold in the UK.
It came under immediate fire from the smokers’ group Forest, whose campaigns manager, Angela Harbutt, said that buying smaller packets was “an economic necessity” for some. “It is a mean-spirited measure that punishes those on low incomes,” she said.
Apart from Britain Italy is the only other EU country that does not already require cigarettes to be sold in packets of 19 or 20.
The ban will also have an impact on British smokers of hand-rolling tobacco. Many British roll-up smokers buy their leaf tobacco in 12.5 gram packets which will be banned by the EU, with a new minimum sales weight of 20g.
MEPs also voted to ban menthol cigarettes by 2022, a decision that delayed by five years a European Commission proposal that would have prohibited mint, fruit or sweet flavoured tobacco by the end of 2016.
The menthol ban will eventually wipe out annual British cigarette sales worth up to £650 million, imposing losses of over £6 billion a year on the tobacco industry, which has warned that the measure will lead to increased smuggling.
Drago Azinovic, the EU region head of Philip Morris International, warned: “MEPs have voted to ban an entire segment of the legal market, despite the inevitable increase in illegal trade that this will fuel.”
Under the new EU rules, graphic health warnings, including colour photographs of tumours, must cover 65 per cent of tobacco packaging relegating the names of famous brands such as Benson and Hedges, Marlboro or Gauloises to the bottom edge of cigarette packets.
As well as taking a significant towards plain packaging, the use of words such as “light”, “mild” and “low tar” to describe cigarettes and other tobacco products will be prohibited completely.
In a setback for public health campaigners, the commission, most national governments, including Britain and the pharmaceutical industry, most MEPs rejected a ban on longer, narrower “slim” cigarettes, or for the sale of electronic cigarettes to be restricted by classing them as medicines.
“It is bitterly disappointing that MEPs chose to protect the interests of the tobacco lobby today, rather than protect the health of our young people,” said Keith Taylor, a Green MEP.
As cigarette smoking has been increasingly stigmatised and prohibited, the sale of e-cigarettes has risen dramatically from £2.5 million in 2011 to £23.9m last year.
E-cigarettes consist of a battery, a cartridge containing nicotine, a solution of propylene glycol or glycerine mixed with water, and an atomiser to turn the solution into a vapour.
Their growing popularity led the commission to propose classing them as a medicine alongside nicotine patches and other “smoking cessation” products.
Current plans by Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to class e-cigarettes as medicinal products could now be overturned by the EU decision.
A Department of Health spokesman said: “We are disappointed with the decision to reject the proposal to regulate nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes, as medicines,” said a department of health spokesman.
“We believe these products need to be regulated as medicines and will continue to make this point during further negotiations.”


Well-Known Member
Gees...fucking with your smokes over there...that is just wrong. Maybe you Brits should round up the royalty and chop their heads off....if nothing else it might release some tension. I have always wanted to ask this of a Brit but always have someone like Winston Churchhill but all you have on EVERY single piece of currency or stamp is the picture of Queen Elizabeth.


Well-Known Member
Gees...fucking with your smokes over there...that is just wrong. Maybe you Brits should round up the royalty and chop their heads off....if nothing else it might release some tension. I have always wanted to ask this of a Brit but always have someone like Winston Churchhill but all you have on EVERY single piece of currency or stamp is the picture of Queen Elizabeth.
Its not royalty doing this its the EU.

Also all currency carries the image of the reigning monarch as it is issued by the Royal mint or some bollocks like that


Active Member
you have someone like Winston Churchhill but all you have on EVERY single piece of currency or stamp is the picture of Queen Elizabeth.

lol winstonb was just a prime minister,, the queen is,well the queen

dik now fuk of you yank meth head cunt!

anyone wants the new forum link message me via email or watever


Well-Known Member
lol winstonb was just a prime minister,, the queen is,well the queen
The Royal Family are German are they not?:)

it's bad enough that you are all in each others pockets as it is, and there you go getting even more into each others pockets. All it takes is one of you to get "got" (which has already happened), and then there's straight links to everyone. I am guessing you won't be talking about tomatoes on there:) You are almost better being on a large website that is hosted in Canada than some chat bollox that's been put together in 10 minutes. Of course Turban man will simply call me a cunt or whatever boring tirade he normally throws in my direction, but if you all sat back for a minute and thought about it, you'd stay well clear of each other outside of RIU (it's not like it's RIU that is causing you to get busted).:wall:


Active Member
The Royal Family are German are they not?:)

it's bad enough that you are all in each others pockets as it is, and there you go getting even more into each others pockets. All it takes is one of you to get "got" (which has already happened), and then there's straight links to everyone. I am guessing you won't be talking about tomatoes on there:) You are almost better being on a large website that is hosted in Canada than some chat bollox that's been put together in 10 minutes. Of course Turban man will simply call me a cunt or whatever boring tirade he normally throws in my direction, but if you all sat back for a minute and thought about it, you'd stay well clear of each other outside of RIU (it's not like it's RIU that is causing you to get busted).:wall:
not going to call u anything,, and the websites been made totally anonymously on proxy and eveerything plus nobody from outside can see shit or will get the link,
not about the site its about sumwer for us to fuk about and have a chat withut big bro watching,

i dont care eitherway, its ther its ther, use it,if not then fuk it, dontcall me kevin murphy

and this site IS NOT hosted in canada u fool,,, least u got th egerman part correct, makes a change yano!Lol

and not many of us meat up outside,,, shit happens man, we choose this life we live with the consequences,

hows ur hemrying tackle anwyays doing good? LOL,, fuking with ya


Well-Known Member
I guess my point was, that it's not hosted in the UK, and there are even more people from India that visit RIU than in the UK. You have a mighty high opinion of yourself if you think Big Brother is watching you (who incidently are claiming today after being interviewed by the bbc, that they are not Big Brother, haha). I mean lets face it Whateverthefukyernameistoday420, nobody that works for the Government would ever be able to understand anything you write anyway, it's like you have your own encryption language at your finger tips!

And yawn yawn yawn, get some new patter ffs, the old Hermy (or hemry as you call it) is just plain old boring, at least make me laugh when yer taking (or trying to extract) the michael. Now toddle off to your Lego chatroom.