Obamacare explained in one sentence...

I agree, too many students are ignorant of the history of our 2 major political parties, and that is why new Republicans keep popping up, like herpes.



why not read the party platforms yourself?

but i know you wont bother, which is why your idiotic statement is so hilarious.

why not read the party platforms yourself?

but i know you wont bother, which is why your idiotic statement is so hilarious.

The truly ironic part about his retarded post is that ANY kid with more than two brain cells who has been subjected to the shitty public and college school systems that have been systematically taken over by libturds over the past four decades is easily able to notice just how libturdedly biased their teachers and professors are.

This really happened:

When the kids go into a classroom that is literally filled wall-to-wall with "GO BLOWBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "YAY LIBTURDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "HATE REPUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" stickers with the bleeding heart hippy as a teacher that tries to teach it's shitty political views rather than anything that matters and that is "okay".

Yet a guy who never brought up politics once and is a retired Navy seal has a "GO NAVY" sticker on his desk and gets fired for it.

Kids start to notice that double standard bullshit that libturds literally live for.
The truly ironic part about his retarded post is that ANY kid with more than two brain cells who has been subjected to the shitty public and college school systems that have been systematically taken over by libturds over the past four decades is easily able to notice just how libturdedly biased their teachers and professors are.

This really happened:

When the kids go into a classroom that is literally filled wall-to-wall with "GO BLOWBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "YAY LIBTURDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "HATE REPUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" stickers with the bleeding heart hippy as a teacher that tries to teach it's shitty political views rather than anything that matters and that is "okay".

Yet a guy who never brought up politics once and is a retired Navy seal has a "GO NAVY" sticker on his desk and gets fired for it.

Kids start to notice that double standard bullshit that libturds literally live for.

Yep! and we wonder why our country is such a mess. If they really wanted to know what caused the housing crisis, they just need to read the "community revestment act" started by President Carter. It did not come to full fruition until the bush years. Barney Frank and other dems kept pushing "everyone deserves to own a home" until the gov loosened up. Obamacare will hit the wall in about 10-15 years and it will make the last recession look small. Wake up people.
Barney Frank and other dems kept pushing "everyone deserves to own a home"

fun fact: republicans had the presidency, house, and senate from 2000-2006, but secretly, barnet frank was still in control of both chambers of congress and the presidency, thereby making your statement correct instead of retarded.


just kidding, you are retarded.

Wake up people.

the irony, it burns.
substantive policy differences between them: "Obamacare". everything else is just like BOOooOOOOoooooSH's 4th term

about the worst policy analysis i have ever seen, besides the guy who just said that barney frank was secretly controlling congress for more than half a decade.
about the worst policy analysis i have ever seen, besides the guy who just said that barney frank was secretly controlling congress for more than half a decade.


I could post a link about what Barney was in control of , but i am sure you remember.. Barney was secretly fooling the people of america for years..including congress ...I am glad he quit...

I could post a link about what Barney was in control of

well, it wasn't either chamber of congress or the presidency.

the GOP had full control of the house, senate, and presidency from 2000-2006, and they pushed bush's "ownership society" the whole time.

but of course it's all barney frank's fault. naturally.

barney frank secretly controlled both chambers of congress and the presidency, sent us to iraq, and also killed adorable puppies for sport.
well, it wasn't either chamber of congress or the presidency.

the GOP had full control of the house, senate, and presidency from 2000-2006, and they pushed bush's "ownership society" the whole time.

but of course it's all barney frank's fault. naturally.

barney frank secretly controlled both chambers of congress and the presidency, sent us to iraq, and also killed adorable puppies for sport.


I never heard about the puppies..What POS killed the puppies?... Hopefully it wasn't another football player dude..
What POS killed the puppies?

i think it was some uncivilized, barbarian moslem.


woops, nevermind.

white american soldier.

kkkynes will be around shortly to excuse the soldier of his misdeed and repeat his assertion that "anti racist is just code for anti white".
UB, The fact is from 2006-08 the dems controlled congress. You may remember how quick things went down hill. You may also remember that the repubs controlled congress during the Clinton years. You may also know that O has spent more money than the entire Iraq war and poverty has grown under his leadership. Yes the "community reinvestment act" was authored under Jimmy Carter. I do not listen to Fox or MSNBC so do even try. Here is another fact the lib propaganda news media will not say......Obama put Obamacare over his country. It was a choice of the least destructive. Either we shut down government jobs, services, parks or delay a funding for a new program. O chose to through the country under the bus unless the manchild got his way. You guys are killing this country.
UB, The fact is from 2006-08 the dems controlled congress. You may remember how quick things went down hill. You may also remember that the repubs controlled congress during the Clinton years. You may also know that O has spent more money than the entire Iraq war and poverty has grown under his leadership. Yes the "community reinvestment act" was authored under Jimmy Carter. I do not listen to Fox or MSNBC so do even try. Here is another fact the lib propaganda news media will not say......Obama put Obamacare over his country. It was a choice of the least destructive. Either we shut down government jobs, services, parks or delay a funding for a new program. O chose to through the country under the bus unless the manchild got his way. You guys are killing this country.

Hello ScottNM...

I agree with everything you just mentioned.. Welcome to RIU politics, I look forward to hearing more of your input..
UB, The fact is from 2006-08 the dems controlled congress. You may remember how quick things went down hill. You may also remember that the repubs controlled congress during the Clinton years. You may also know that O has spent more money than the entire Iraq war and poverty has grown under his leadership. Yes the "community reinvestment act" was authored under Jimmy Carter. I do not listen to Fox or MSNBC so do even try. Here is another fact the lib propaganda news media will not say......Obama put Obamacare over his country. It was a choice of the least destructive. Either we shut down government jobs, services, parks or delay a funding for a new program. O chose to through the country under the bus unless the manchild got his way. You guys are killing this country.
It's a law........the "manchild" didn't get his way....the law prevailed, in the face of republican subversion....they should be held accountable.....oh yeah, 2016 presidential election...........good luck with that! lol.....
It's a law........the "manchild" didn't get his way....the law prevailed, in the face of republican subversion....they should be held accountable.....oh yeah, 2016 presidential election...........good luck with that! lol.....

We have a history of idiotic laws, I'm glad we had the fortitude to stick to our guns to get some of those overturned in the face of resistance from "it's the law" people.

Sad part is, I don't even have to explain the bad laws that have been repealed as I'm sure you can name a few right off the top of your head. That's why I have such distaste for that argument, it's disingenuous.
I love the tea party btw.....the best thing to happen to dem politics in a long time. They keep the pubs divided & bickering.......they can never form a united front, they can only disrupt things from this position, never get anything accomplished.........the tea party only helps the dems......
We have a history of idiotic laws, I'm glad we had the fortitude to stick to our guns to get some of those overturned in the face of resistance from "it's the law" people.

Sad part is, I don't even have to explain the bad laws that have been repealed as I'm sure you can name a few right off the top of your head. That's why I have such distaste for that argument, it's disingenuous.

The repub's had every chance to get rid of obamacare and they've failed numerous times. Hell, they ran a presidential election based on repealing it, and failed. There is a right way to do things & had they won, obamacare wouldn't be a law.......but it is......holding the Gov hostage with a gun to their head is not the right way to get things done. The pubs have just handed the next presidency to the dems.........
It's a law........the "manchild" didn't get his way....the law prevailed, in the face of republican subversion....they should be held accountable.....oh yeah, 2016 presidential election...........good luck with that! lol.....

Hey doublejj..

It's the law and I am not against health care being available for everyone..All BarryO had to do was let the people that didn't want to sign up have a pass for one year. And the people that wanted to sign up could..The funny part is I don't think most young healthy people are going to sign up anyway, so really what would it of mattered.
I can sum up Obamacare in one word.....Bullshit...One of the worse created pieces of garbage to ever be done. Tehn a agin with the king moron doing it just like everything else he does you knew it would be half assed, over spent, and hurt the working middle class... Did even more damage then projected so far. Costs have gone sky high.