Breeders Boutique Grow


Well-Known Member
Everyone has always told me not to put meat into compost...I take it the fish are sorta like adding fish meal? I would think they would take a long ass time to break them down espcially whole, but obviously its working for you. How long do you like to cook your soil before using?


Well-Known Member
Everyone has always told me not to put meat into compost...I take it the fish are sorta like adding fish meal? I would think they would take a long ass time to break them down espcially whole, but obviously its working for you. How long do you like to cook your soil before using?
Hey PP how are ya mate. Yeah they all say a lot of shite but whatever I just keep going and make it work, I cook my shit about 6 months turning and alt between covering it and leaving it open. Just kinda depends what I got in the mix last year I put some large OAK chips in the pile big mistake it does take them awhile to break down but not the fish.


Well-Known Member
doing well man. Made my first batch of tea the other night, interested to see how the plants respond to it. I been buying tea from the hydro store, but one bag there is 14 bucks an is only a gallon. After seeing how dark my water came out, it occurs to me that the hydro stores tea must have been very low strength, as it was nearly clear. Figured enough was enough and wanted a nice strong batch that wouldn't have to be fed sparingly and diluted. How often do you like to fed tea? I was also wondering, what do you do with your solids outta the tea? I just put the castings and guano and all that directly in the water so had a few cups worth of sludge at the bottom. I would imagine that's great for top dressing or compost?

Yea I made the mistake of putting pine shavings in my compost for last outdoor season. Was from goat and rabbit pens, so had a lot of poop and I was just to lazy to try screening the pine out. Wood doesn't really seem to break down well, and changes the soil ph to. Yea I haven't really bought the whole no meat thing. I assume you want it buried deep enough that its not gonna attract pests?


Well-Known Member
doing well man. Made my first batch of tea the other night, interested to see how the plants respond to it. I been buying tea from the hydro store, but one bag there is 14 bucks an is only a gallon. After seeing how dark my water came out, it occurs to me that the hydro stores tea must have been very low strength, as it was nearly clear. Figured enough was enough and wanted a nice strong batch that wouldn't have to be fed sparingly and diluted. How often do you like to fed tea? I was also wondering, what do you do with your solids outta the tea? I just put the castings and guano and all that directly in the water so had a few cups worth of sludge at the bottom. I would imagine that's great for top dressing or compost?

Yea I made the mistake of putting pine shavings in my compost for last outdoor season. Was from goat and rabbit pens, so had a lot of poop and I was just to lazy to try screening the pine out. Wood doesn't really seem to break down well, and changes the soil ph to. Yea I haven't really bought the whole no meat thing. I assume you want it buried deep enough that its not gonna attract pests?
Hey PP, heres how I do it. My philosophy on this is set the condition so that you can use different organic nutes to really push them at the end or last 30 days of the cycle. Setting the condition to me mean lots of soil feeding/inoculation. Here how my teas break down simple but effective. I still use the KISS method in all things since I learned it in the USMC. Veg Teas 1 handful of ancient forest, 2 large table spoons of MyKos, 2 ozs of molasses, one handful of alphala pellets. I feed these teas on Monday and water them on with just water till Friday then I feed them, a Friday teas would be 2 large table spoons of bat guano for Veg I use Mexican 10-1-1, 2 ozs of molasses, 1 handful of hen doo or chicken shit. Water for the rest of the weekend. Then the next week I use the first teas but I use ZHO instead of MyKos. In bloom I use a nice earthworm castings teas to begin with. Oh and I never feed any kind of bloom organic fert/tea till after the first 3 weeks. then I start to add it slowly. I also use ocean forest for teas and mushroom compost for teas, as you can see the plants love it. some people don't PH but I do. I also just started using SM-90 wetting agent and fukin love it!!!!! My bloom teas on Friday will be say 8-4-4 sea bird guano, then as we get to say 20 days to go I go to indo bat shit 0 15 0. And yes I do top dress with what I make the teas out of. I also top dress with bat shit when needed.


Well-Known Member
Yea I really need to get a ph meter. To be honest I haven't taken any ph readings at all this whole grow.

I will need to go get some stuff to make some vegger tea, this last shopping trip I just got bloom ingredients. Sounds like you have a pretty simple tea formula, the dude at the hydro store was trying to get me to buy like 18 damn things to put in the tea lol. I will definitely have to look into the sm-90. I might be getting another patient that wants to join the co op, so maybe his contribution can be some sm-90. I think i remember seeing that at the hydro store. How late into flower do you feed teas IE do you stop feeding tea a few weeks before harvest? And do you ever flush? Thanks for all your advice man!

EDIT oh yea, how many gallons do you make at a time? Like is that 2 tablespoons per gallon or total?


Well-Known Member
I am so lame...I have the classic Blue pen, but rarely use it.

I did test my water and it was neutral, so I just trust Botanicaire.

I also have it stored in the 4.0 pH liquid. I will amend this also.
(it seems that this is not recommended, well it is in the guide,
but not here :0)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Yea I really need to get a ph meter. To be honest I haven't taken any ph readings at all this whole grow.

I will need to go get some stuff to make some vegger tea, this last shopping trip I just got bloom ingredients. Sounds like you have a pretty simple tea formula, the dude at the hydro store was trying to get me to buy like 18 damn things to put in the tea lol. I will definitely have to look into the sm-90. I might be getting another patient that wants to join the co op, so maybe his contribution can be some sm-90. I think i remember seeing that at the hydro store. How late into flower do you feed teas IE do you stop feeding tea a few weeks before harvest? And do you ever flush? Thanks for all your advice man!

EDIT oh yea, how many gallons do you make at a time? Like is that 2 tablespoons per gallon or total?
The last 10 days all I do water only and I reuse my soil so I wanna keep the same thing going every week till the last 10 days.
I make 5 gallons at a time. If the plants are just outta the clone dome I cut the tea to 1/2 strength. I don't do any flushing other than water only the last ten days. and even then no water is running out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's what I was kinda thinking of doing to. Doesn't make sense to flush out all the microbes were are brewing tea to make.


Well-Known Member
Lookin sharp Hemlock,you are the man no doubt,plants look insane,great job bro.


Well-Known Member
Lookin sharp Hemlock,you are the man no doubt,plants look insane,great job bro.
Well thanks Raiderman. I be tryin...Man you know I been rockin the sweet spot for a while now. A few years ago I started with this organic / living soil stuff and it really works. Oh and the dope tastes great.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Hemlock the code name for some Super Spy?

It was the poison that Socrates took.

"Inquiring minds want to know"


P.S. I remembered the Spy. Impossible trivia challenge!


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. Hemlock came from the USMC. During the Persian Gulf War I was a forward Air Controller, so I called a lot of airstrikes in on the 6th Ring motorway just outside Kuwait. It was called the highway of hell and I cause a lot of it. When I was called on the radio for my call sign my fellow Marines said tell them to call you Hemlock since you're reigning down all this death.


Well-Known Member
Amazing indeed.

The movie character was played by Clint Eastwood in the film
"The Eiger Sanction", though the character was more assassin
than agent.

Your story is better.

