Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It's exceedingly annoying too. Pretty much every gay man adds 1-2 inches to his penis size in advertising how big it is. Since most of them--shockingly enough--have average penises, I guess there's usually no problem, either because no one is going to call the other person out or because they've both deluded themselves into actually believing they're x inches. But when you know how big your penis really is, there is no fooling anyone. The first thought in my mind is "That is so much smaller than you said it was...," and there's nothing more off-putting than being petty enough to lie about it.

I'm not sure if women have this problem since they lack a built in benchmark...

boob enlargement is the female penis size lie.

before cosmetic surgery became a cheap and easy solution to your body dysmorphism, bitches used to stuff their brassieres with all manner of crap, there were even "falsies", fake boobs which could even fool an experienced player untill he lifted the hood and found rubber and plastic junk instead of the stock configuration.

even "Makeup" is just another attempt to conceal the truth and gild the lilly.

dudes dont put on the war paint before they leave the house, but you cant drag the average woman out the the bathroom until she has laid down at least 3 coats of varnish on her "natural look"

women are MORE vulnerable to the social pressure to conform to expectation than men.

a dude has a boog hangin, and his bro says "Yo Bro", *eyebrow raised, pointed look, wipes nose* and a dude either blows his nose or picks and flick, no big deal.

the same scenario with a woman? ten minutes of sobbing on the floor of the ladies room, weeks of shame induced compulsive nasal self-exams and a lifelong fear of the event being mentioned.

sometimes i think it would be easier to be gay, bitches are CRAZY bro.


Well-Known Member
My congratulations and condolences to your significant other...
If it's a woman she would be horrified. Their ideal length is only 7 inches; more than that and it's smashing into stuff inside them, which apparently really hurts. At least the data I looked at said that...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well let's see..
For years blacks weren't allowed to vote..
For years they couldn't go to any other school but a school for Blacks..
For years they couldn't get business loans..
For years the only place they were allowed to live was on the wrong side of the tracks..
Let's see, I'm sure I'm leaving many things out, but it's a start ..
By years you mean centuries of course.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Slavery is not just an issue for black people.

It has happened to every race, on all but one continent, for millennia.

It continues today on multiple continents including North America. To every race. Today. In 2013.

I feel people should get over the past and focus on the people who are enslaved right this very minute. Including my own country.

what a weak attempt at trying to form some false equivalence between what blacks in america have had to endure and, well, nothing really even comes close to equivalency.
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