Sooo pissed!!!


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck throws a 40lb package on your doorstep. Fucking UPS!!! I cant wait 2-4 weeks for another pump.


Broke the cap, bent the outlet, punctured the oil container and got it everywhere and that's only the shit I can see..

ARGGGGG /endrant


Well-Known Member
@War, for sure. Reminded me of this shit:

After a few dabs and allot of cussing I made the best of a bad situation. Crafted a plug that will hold seal and am attempting to fix the oil can. fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
@Grojak, got some feedback on the pump? I heard it was a little loud when pulling final pressure but was a good solid one otherwise?


New Member
id be calling and screaming so fucking loud that they would be scared to come and pick it up so it can get returned.


Well-Known Member
You guys are friggin hilarious, but yeah I'm the kind of person who gets free shipping and extra stuff when I call up and bitch lol does get shit done

@blujayz that sucks man, hope ya get it up and running!!


Active Member
Ahhhhhhh sooo pissed has come for me too!
Damit aqualab! I ordered that dam carb catcher than came out at hempfest because only you had it aqualab. Little did I know you didn't have it, you dont have it now and it might be 2 weeks before you get it. Bastards sent me a fudgen nail like I need a dam nail! I got a demo tonight and it was going to be all about this new flavor enhancing carb catcher not seen in canada before.

Let's keep this thread going as a place to vent for friday packages that don't arrive and bullshit in the box damaged goods. Vac did I mention im trying to fix my 2500 dollar vacuum oven with bathtub silicone? Grrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
send it back to the manufactures . they should of packaged it better . its not your fault . just call your credit card cancel payment on it. let them bight the bullet.


Active Member
Ok that's pathetic I bitch and moan about a backorder on a forum then call back aqualabs to bitch some more just cuzz they killed my friday dabs buzz, and low and behold a box of carb caps come through the door that they'll ship to me asap. I hate it when i feel partially better but what I really wanted was them to fly a carb cap to me on a concord tonight.


Well-Known Member
vac oven, you playing with the big boys now!!!

@OP I do not have any knowledge of the pump you purchased, I own a Robinair have never had to use another!!


Active Member
I don't know about playing with the big boys, I was stupid enough to buy a lab resin curing vac oven I dont own an across international from korea so I paid twice what the big boys did for half the size.