The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning morning

yeah the ripen is good but i dunno bout that good lol a full 7 days on the stuff before you notice anything and even then you would only notice a difference if you had grown that same strain minus the ripen before.

i had used it for years but pretty much always on the same strain exo, and with a full 2wk ripen i.e cut all nutes at day 42 that exo is ready at day 56 so with a short veg and a wks dry u could do some pretty quick grows with a high end product as ya end result.

just smoking a soma's amnesia haze, fuck me its some strong smoke and bag appeal is fucking wicked the bud is a frostfest lol aint blown away by the flavour but its certainly not anything you would call a bad flavour, wasnt flowered for very long either and at this strength with the bag appeal very nice strain.


Well-Known Member
good morning, stopped waking at 4 am, thought I would open the door to the po but now I don't think they are coming, gonna get my numbers down and yield up....psycho needs a bit of veg time and a lot of pinching out but she can be a yielder, 2 weeks veg time only yielded 4 oz on the 8.5 weeker and about 6 on the 10 weeker by the looks....we shall see choppin sunday


Well-Known Member
i have heard people say of the ripen too that yes it makes the buds look ready quicker but if you scope it the trichs aint ready like they should be, i use to always need a quick thing, and it deffo does make shit quicker and imo tastier and is a cheap nute.

but its not everyones cup of tea and like i say have seen it said that if you scope the buds to see if the trichs are cloudy,amber etc then they look early where as the bud is looking ready??? i never scoped anything if it wasnt ready in 8-9wk max it still got pulled regardless.


Well-Known Member
I see you guys going on about "ripen" I'm assuming you man the GHE version?

If so don't you guys think it impacts on flavour?

When I've ran it before (still got a 1litre bottle never used) I've found the taste is very different vs not using it. Don't get me wrong it helps to speed up the finishing of a plant but I think because its so heavy on sulphur its imparting some flavour in the finished product.

I may run it again on a test case with 2 current clones I've got, to make sure that the taste test isn't compromised.

Just curious what you guys think?



Active Member
Morning wankers. Sat on the thunderbox having a bangin shit and tjought of you!!! See thoughfull to the end

Err week 7 today got the 600 in my hood and 400 in a reflector amd temps holdin at 27 so its gravy. Blue pit and physco goin in flower today yes or ima miss xmas bollox fucking xmas...

Wait ropen immidiate results. . See I called it first ninja is a numbnut!!
Hows things rambo m8 hope ya orite...

Sae gettin a grow going?? Fresh paint?? Wowzer thought id never see the day! Fuuuk me

Id like to have atarted ripen at day 42 simce im day 50 now id be done soon boo fookin hoo... never ran livers and bbc but I think thr gunna go the 10 unfortunately or not watever way u wanna look at it how is everyone?? Hapy now its cold as bizzles grow space or what?? LoL takin piss mate hahaha :p we will deal with it on gta bitch!!


Well-Known Member
I see you guys going on about "ripen" I'm assuming you man the GHE version?

If so don't you guys think it impacts on flavour?

When I've ran it before (still got a 1litre bottle never used) I've found the taste is very different vs not using it. Don't get me wrong it helps to speed up the finishing of a plant but I think because its so heavy on sulphur its imparting some flavour in the finished product.

I may run it again on a test case with 2 current clones I've got, to make sure that the taste test isn't compromised.

Just curious what you guys think?

i and some friends used it in a previous life lol for a number of years on the same strains deffo speeds things up and imo improves flavour not impairs it? i have smoked the same strains many times with and without and been a smoker along time.

Morning wankers. Sat on the thunderbox having a bangin shit and tjought of you!!! See thoughfull to the end

Err week 7 today got the 600 in my hood and 400 in a reflector amd temps holdin at 27 so its gravy. Blue pit and physco goin in flower today yes or ima miss xmas bollox fucking xmas...

Wait ropen immidiate results. . See I called it first ninja is a numbnut!!
Hows things rambo m8 hope ya orite...

Sae gettin a grow going?? Fresh paint?? Wowzer thought id never see the day! Fuuuk me

Id like to have atarted ripen at day 42 simce im day 50 now id be done soon boo fookin hoo... never ran livers and bbc but I think thr gunna go the 10 unfortunately or not watever way u wanna look at it how is everyone?? Hapy now its cold as bizzles grow space or what?? LoL takin piss mate hahaha :p we will deal with it on gta bitch!!
howdy turbs

yeah im not bad mate, just been spending lots of time with the kids n ex, yeah the livers is a ten wker imo mate but still a lovely smoke at 9 even 8 with a dose of the go fast lol just very light stone at 8-9wks still amazing smell and flavour tho.


Active Member
Mornng jobby jabbers, just woke up and having my breakfast ( a nice fat J), my new fan for the tent arrived this morning so will be getting that in today and that shud hopefully give me more space and i can get the veggers in beside these flowers that are due down in 2 weeks, would have liked to let the veg a little longer but im running out o height in the loft :(


Well-Known Member
morning morning

yeah the ripen is good but i dunno bout that good lol a full 7 days on the stuff before you notice anything and even then you would only notice a difference if you had grown that same strain minus the ripen before.

i had used it for years but pretty much always on the same strain exo, and with a full 2wk ripen i.e cut all nutes at day 42 that exo is ready at day 56 so with a short veg and a wks dry u could do some pretty quick grows with a high end product as ya end result.

just smoking a soma's amnesia haze, fuck me its some strong smoke and bag appeal is fucking wicked the bud is a frostfest lol aint blown away by the flavour but its certainly not anything you would call a bad flavour, wasnt flowered for very long either and at this strength with the bag appeal very nice strain.
yeah no real flavour but u can taste the bat shit, gonna cure some see if any flav develops, glad u like it


Well-Known Member
yeah no real flavour but u can taste the bat shit, gonna cure some see if any flav develops, glad u like it
i did try and pm ya zed, as i pressed send first it came up with that insert numbers shit to proceed then it went to some ad page??? i reloaded riu and it obviously didnt send.


Active Member
well i just went and changed my fans out and got all the veggies out the loft and into my tent as i only had a few inches left in loft b4 they hit the light, the tent is a little crowded for now and due to heat issues i have only a 600w hps and a 300wcfl in there but in 2 weeks the 4 blue dream will be out and the 6 new girls will have all the space to themselves, when i get a cooltube i will be running a 600 & 400 hps in the flower tent.

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