Obamacare explained in one sentence...

Obamacare is the first real step to universal healthcare......this is just to get everyone used to it.......it will eventually morph into UH........
Obamacare is the first real step to universal healthcare......this is just to get everyone used to it.......it will eventually morph into UH........

What I think it will morph into is higher tax's for everybody, that way it comes out of everybody's weekly pay checks and everybody pays. I could be wrong about enough young healthy people signing up, we will find out before march 15th if there is enough cash coming in. That is if the Dems tell us, they might take the fifth..
UB, The fact is from 2006-08 the dems controlled congress. You may remember how quick things went down hill. You may also remember that the repubs controlled congress during the Clinton years. You may also know that O has spent more money than the entire Iraq war and poverty has grown under his leadership. Yes the "community reinvestment act" was authored under Jimmy Carter. I do not listen to Fox or MSNBC so do even try. Here is another fact the lib propaganda news media will not say......Obama put Obamacare over his country. It was a choice of the least destructive. Either we shut down government jobs, services, parks or delay a funding for a new program. O chose to through the country under the bus unless the manchild got his way. You guys are killing this country.

why do conservative morons so often have such a tenuous grasp of the english language?

i mean, they can't handle second grader words, but they think their high level political analysis is any better?
I can sum up Obamacare in one word.....Bullshit...One of the worse created pieces of garbage to ever be done. Tehn a agin with the king moron doing it just like everything else he does you knew it would be half assed, over spent, and hurt the working middle class... Did even more damage then projected so far. Costs have gone sky high.

really, i'm curious now.

is there some kind of requirement that you must be somewhat illiterate to post right wing nonsense on the internet?

by the way, health care costs are down, dumbass.

if you can't manage to spell words correctly, you can at least have the decency to use facts rather than lies.

Too many puppies with guns in their hands.

Too many puppies on foreign lands.
What I find wrong with her facts are that there are not enough MD's to deal with the influx of NEW patients, like the ones that could never afford to see a MD before. New IRS agents hired to oversee the implementation of the law is crap, SS and Medicare are not broke yet, with no thanks to the Republicans. If it matters, the Surgeon General is not obese, as the word is defined. and Obama quit smoking years ago. In essence, most of the blather that spewed forth from her puckered lips is Republican propaganda that she got apparently from Fox news.
Obama has been caught smoking just a few months ago. Wonder how much else you believed that wasn't true?
The repub's had every chance to get rid of obamacare and they've failed numerous times. Hell, they ran a presidential election based on repealing it, and failed. There is a right way to do things & had they won, obamacare wouldn't be a law.......but it is......holding the Gov hostage with a gun to their head is not the right way to get things done. The pubs have just handed the next presidency to the dems.........
" hostage with a gun to their head " .......yawn.
I can't believe the insults being tossed around here in the name of the two-party system that is ruining our nation. This country was founded on the principles of limited government, fiscal restraint and personal responsibility. Those things aren't very prevalent today and we are the worse for it. You far righters and you über left tree huggers go right on bickering and throwing out insults, just because someone's political ideology differs from yours in AMERICA. SMDH, it's third party time.
The repub's had every chance to get rid of obamacare and they've failed numerous times. Hell, they ran a presidential election based on repealing it, and failed. There is a right way to do things & had they won, obamacare wouldn't be a law.......but it is......holding the Gov hostage with a gun to their head is not the right way to get things done. The pubs have just handed the next presidency to the dems.........

The "gun" to the head? You just described the underpinning business model of a coercive government. Using violent threats is exactly how Obamacare will be implemented and enforced. Why do you like the "gun to the head" model versus letting people make their own choices?