Obamacare explained in one sentence...

I can't believe the insults being tossed around here in the name of the two-party system that is ruining our nation. This country was founded on the principles of limited government, fiscal restraint and personal responsibility. Those things aren't very prevalent today and we are the worse for it. You far righters and you über left tree huggers go right on bickering and throwing out insults, just because someone's political ideology differs from yours in AMERICA. SMDH, it's third party time.

Almost. Please describe how a third party that uses the exact same coercive tactics to ensure their "edicts" will be followed differs from the shit sandwich / turd salad model presently foisted on the serfs.
I can't believe the insults being tossed around here in the name of the two-party system that is ruining our nation. This country was founded on the principles of limited government, fiscal restraint and personal responsibility. Those things aren't very prevalent today and we are the worse for it. You far righters and you über left tree huggers go right on bickering and throwing out insults, just because someone's political ideology differs from yours in AMERICA. SMDH, it's third party time.

There could be some good discussions on this site , I think if Buck and Cheezy could clean up there potty mouths and racist attitudes we could have a higher quality of political debates..The people that I know that are Democratic liberals would run away from this situation here at RIU. So what we have left is Cheezy and Buck which I consider the bottom of the democratic barrel. I can't take them serious. If there is a third party it could end up very popular, I have a Liberal friend that thinks there should be a "party of common sense" and I would join and we would stand together. Third party time is a good idea..
Almost. Please describe how a third party that uses the exact same coercive tactics to ensure their "edicts" will be followed differs from the shit sandwich / turd salad model presently foisted on the serfs.

Man, perfect example of what I'm talking about.
You can't force shit on the "serfs", like programs they don't want and then force them to pay for it. Funny "serf" was used, caused the definition of "serf" is "laborer who works for a Lord". WORKS!!!!! That is the key word. The serf is the working taxpayer in our country and the Lords are the US Treasury and the IRS. So, with that established, I ask you sir, who the fuck is pissed in this country right now? The serfs man (i.e. - the workers who pay taxes to pay for shit we don't want). Yeah, the serfs are pissed and it's the far right, moral majority and the nutjob, über left wackos that are pushing those who actually keep the nation going away from this two-party joke, that has us at each others throats.

It's real fucking simple if you are paying attention. Follow the fucking Constitution to the fucking letter, cause to do anything less is treasonous and deserving of death. If you don't like the fucking Constitution, there is a built in mechanism to change ANY and EVERY fucking portion, though it is hard to do and rightly fucking so. So yes, it IS in fact a living document. It's just that it can't be ignored or changed, simply because the President, Congress or the Supreme Court issues an "edict". No, there is a system in place and to violate it without following that method is inexcusable and is exactly wtf is happening. There is a Revolution coming man.
You can't force shit on the "serfs", like programs they don't want and then force them to pay for it. Funny "serf" was used, caused the definition of "serf" is "laborer who works for a Lord". WORKS!!!!! That is the key word. The serf is the working taxpayer in our country and the Lords are the US Treasury and the IRS. So, with that established, I ask you sir, who the fuck is pissed in this country right now? The serfs man (i.e. - the workers who pay taxes to pay for shit we don't want). Yeah, the serfs are pissed and it's the far right, moral majority and the nutjob, über left wackos that are pushing those who actually keep the nation going away from this two-party joke, that has us at each others throats.

It's real fucking simple if you are paying attention. Follow the fucking Constitution to the fucking letter, cause to do anything less is treasonous and deserving of death. If you don't like the fucking Constitution, there is a built in mechanism to change ANY and EVERY fucking portion, though it is hard to do and rightly fucking so. So yes, it IS in fact a living document. It's just that it can't be ignored or changed, simply because the President, Congress or the Supreme Court issues an "edict". No, there is a system in place and to violate it without following that method is inexcusable and is exactly wtf is happening. There is a Revolution coming man.

You may want to take a hit off the pipe and consider that the Constitution has no authority over those individuals that did not consent to it. IF it does, please describe how it does?
You are absolutely right man. I'm going to take another hit and go back to the outdoor grow section. Have a nice day.
You may want to take a hit off the pipe and consider that the Constitution has no authority over those individuals that did not consent to it. IF it does, please describe how it does?

When people get arrested they tend to believe in the constitution...That is one description to consider..
You are absolutely right man. I'm going to take another hit and go back to the outdoor grow section. Have a nice day.

Absolutely and you have a nice day as well. I'm going to read some essays by Lysander Spooner and watch history unfold.
When people get arrested they tend to believe in the constitution...That is one description to consider..

When people are in foxholes about to die they start believing in god too.

I have much respect for the liberty concepts that the constitution (bill of rights) alleges. However, most miss my point that the constitution has failed to protect anybody and it cannot protect freedom, if it INSISTS that everybody is enveloped in a given government even if they didn't consent to being part of that government.

In other words, any government, even a "small government" that insists people are owned by it cannot provide a haven for freedom.
and consider that the Constitution has no authority over those individuals that did not consent to it.

Im starting to feel this way about every piece of paper with rules written on it. I can adhere to a common law, but the rest has become a bunch of bullshit that I really don't care to play along with anymore.
Im starting to feel this way about every piece of paper with rules written on it. I can adhere to a common law, but the rest has become a bunch of bullshit that I really don't care to play along with anymore.

Then change your sig! ;)
When people are in foxholes about to die they start believing in god too.

I have much respect for the liberty concepts that the constitution (bill of rights) alleges. However, most miss my point that the constitution has failed to protect anybody and it cannot protect freedom, if it INSISTS that everybody is enveloped in a given government even if they didn't consent to being part of that government.

In other words, any government, even a "small government" that insists people are owned by it cannot provide a haven for freedom.

I love this! I must take issue with hour premise that the Constitution insists you are enveloped in anything, other that the God given rights outlined in it, however. On the contrary, the entire Constitution is based upon the premise that government is inherently evil, to not be trusted with our individual liberty and must be organized in the most limited way possible, else we risk losing our freedom.

I'm a free man and can't subscribe to this right/left bullshit. I want to be left the fuck alone. I don't want far right, moral majority, hypocritical religious beliefs pushed on me. I don't want Hollyweird, tree-hugging liberal shit slung my way. The world isn't just for right/left extremists. There is plenty of room over here for those of us who hate all this bullshit and want to be left the fuck alone.

Time for another hit and back to the outdoor grow room. Peace guys!
I think if Buck and Cheezy could clean up there...racist attitudes we could have a higher quality of political debates..

the fuck is this?

do we really have to review the bigotry you displayed just the other day? i suppose we do.

peaceful american muslims wish to exercise their first amendment rights to protest the stereotypes that people like nitro give them: :cuss: do it some other day! :cuss:

not so peaceful biker gang wishes to intimidate, harass, and threaten said group for having the audacity to exercise their first amendment rights as such: YAY! you go girls! YAY for harassment!

and i'm gonna need a citation of my "racist attitudes", nitro.

you fucking idiot.
the fuck is this?

do we really have to review the bigotry you displayed just the other day? i suppose we do.

peaceful american muslims wish to exercise their first amendment rights to protest the stereotypes that people like nitro give them: :cuss: do it some other day! :cuss:

not so peaceful biker gang wishes to intimidate, harass, and threaten said group for having the audacity to exercise their first amendment rights as such: YAY! you go girls! YAY for harassment!

and i'm gonna need a citation of my "racist attitudes", nitro.

you fucking idiot.

If the truth hurts!...The first thing you do is turn something into a racist response like in the above post for an example. You got problems Buck that more than likely can't be fixed....I will remind you that I have family members that are black and they would think you are a racist...
If the truth hurts!...The first thing you do is turn something into a racist response like in the above post for an example.

no, pointing out what YOU said is not racist. not in any way. it is simply a summary of beliefs you expressed.

You got problems Buck that more than likely can't be fixed....I will remind you that I have family members that are black and they would think you are a racist...

yes, you have a black friend. that absolves any statements you have made siding with those who wish to intimidate and harass peaceful americans for the crime of exercising their first amendment rights.


so proud of you.
no, pointing out what YOU said is not racist. not in any way. it is simply a summary of beliefs you expressed.

yes, you have a black friend. that absolves any statements you have made siding with those who wish to intimidate and harass peaceful americans for the crime of exercising their first amendment rights.


so proud of you.

Maybe you should post exactly what i said without changing anything, and throw it out there word for word the way I said it..I am still waiting for you to post it up..
Maybe you should post exactly what is said without changing anything, and throw it out there word for word the way I said it..I am still waiting for you to post it up..

you deplored that peaceful american muslims chose to exercise their first amendment rights and called the bikers whose point was to intimidate and harass them "patriots" repeatedly.

any disagreement with that?
Maybe you should post exactly what is said without changing anything, and throw it out there word for word the way I said it..I am still waiting for you to post it up..

Bucky would never quote a person with out an attempt to alter it, change the context,
or deceive in some other manner. He usually has no valid argument and because he is a racist low life piece of shit he will continue this repulsive