HELP! New Grower $2500 Budget 4x4x6 tent LED lighting Coco Coir/Perlite Medium HELP!


New Member
Hello all and thank you for reading my thread!!!

OK, so I have not purchased anything just yet. I would like to get as much help from experienced growers as possible before spending a dime because I do not want to waste any money on anything that i do not need. Now as you probably read in the title I am looking to a 4x4 tent and led lighting. I also decided on using coco/perlite for my medium. Now I know that there is a lot of debate about led lighting so if any of you guys have had successful grows using LEDs I'd love to see some grow journals, pictures, or videos to help me decide. I would like to scrog as well so any helpful information about that topic would be awesome as well. Any info on best nutes for beginners, how to filter or deal with hard water cheaply (which I have really hard water), how to prevent bugs, just ANY and EVERYTHING that you deem helpful as experienced growers. I got a tip that it might be best to start from seeds if I can not be 100% sure if the mother of the clone had any problems such as mold etc. So a question i got from that was how much longer does starting from seed take. How will I know if the plant need different nutes and if it does how will i know which brand etc to try? Afraid to kill my unborn babies lol. I wouldnt even bother with bag seed id rather pay a little extra and get feminized seeds b/c i may not be too good a sexing if i dont really know too much about growing yet. i know that i need fans and everything for air flow but how do i know and measure how much air flow i am getting? I just feel overwhelmed with the abundance of information that i do not know where to start.

Sorry for the rant
Happy Toking:blsmoke: and thanks in advance for any info


New Member
Great Start!! I wish i had that kind of a budget, but me i'm starting small with a 3x3x5.5 tent. Anyways I can't really comment on LED as I will be using a 600 watt HID but i heard good and bad things on them. Try searching on this forum lots of good info out there


Well-Known Member
I use LEDs, if your in the US look for Area 51 they make great lights if your in EU like me look for LED light zone or Fero

if you want to cover a 4x4 tent properly, you will need two of them Area 51 lights or two 8 spots Fero lights or maybe 4 smller UFO`s

and I would advice you to go for some Femi seed`s to start with and take it from there, get some experience with some good genetic and female seed`s then you can think about a small tent for a mother to take clones from later on

about how you will know when your plants will need different nutrients, well go read a book, or maybe try google, youtube also have a lot of nice videos

here is a nice link I used a lot in the start to look up stuff I had no idea about

and this guy on youtube is also a nice inspiration


hope some of this help



Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the experience gained by starting from seed on the first grow is invaluable. It will take a couple of weeks longer to get going, but that's essentially it. Also, you'll be able to say that you did it all yourself, right from scratch.

Clones/cloning can come as your plants mature a bit. You can save some of that budget and build yourself a tiny veg area somewhere in your house with CFLs. I have one under my bar, it's a space with stapled/velcro'd mylar about 3.5x1.5x3', and in it, I have my 25 site cloner, four smaller-sized Moms, and usually another couple plants in veg that are Mom candidates for each strain I grow (I have extra Mom candidates in case my production Moms get sick).

Just my $0.02.



Well-Known Member
Hello all and thank you for reading my thread!!!

OK, so I have not purchased anything just yet. I would like to get as much help from experienced growers as possible before spending a dime because I do not want to waste any money on anything that i do not need. Now as you probably read in the title I am looking to a 4x4 tent and led lighting. I also decided on using coco/perlite for my medium. Now I know that there is a lot of debate about led lighting so if any of you guys have had successful grows using LEDs I'd love to see some grow journals, pictures, or videos to help me decide. I would like to scrog as well so any helpful information about that topic would be awesome as well. Any info on best nutes for beginners, how to filter or deal with hard water cheaply (which I have really hard water), how to prevent bugs, just ANY and EVERYTHING that you deem helpful as experienced growers. I got a tip that it might be best to start from seeds if I can not be 100% sure if the mother of the clone had any problems such as mold etc. So a question i got from that was how much longer does starting from seed take. How will I know if the plant need different nutes and if it does how will i know which brand etc to try? Afraid to kill my unborn babies lol. I wouldnt even bother with bag seed id rather pay a little extra and get feminized seeds b/c i may not be too good a sexing if i dont really know too much about growing yet. i know that i need fans and everything for air flow but how do i know and measure how much air flow i am getting? I just feel overwhelmed with the abundance of information that i do not know where to start.

Sorry for the rant
Happy Toking:blsmoke: and thanks in advance for any info
Why do you insist on using coco as a medium?.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh man the grow room I could build with 2500 dollars lol. You could buy 2 of these packs a 6x6 tent from and 6inch fan and filter combo and still have a few hundred dollars left for grow medium pots nutes etc etc. That's what Id do if someone handed me that stack of cash anyways then id grow 16 plants in 5 gallon pots, train em all or scrog them or something to get a nice bushy flat canopy with a zillion fat colas, 2400w of LED is a lot of power :bigjoint:I used that sellers 6 band units u can see results in my thread


Well-Known Member
Why shouldn't he use it?
B/C it requires more skill than other soil less mediums, such as Promix.

However, the OP is already faced with water issues regardless/needs reverse os perhaps coco is the way to go in his or her case.


New Member
B/C it requires more skill than other soil less mediums, such as Promix.

However, the OP is already faced with water issues regardless/needs reverse os perhaps coco is the way to go in his or her case.
He has stated he has hard water...that's it? How hard? What's the ppm's? If you purchase a couple of meters first and test your water you may save some cash. Tap water under 250-300ppm is generally fine. R/O's IMO are only required if your using well, dugout, or water that is not meant for human consumption. If I was servicing your room I would not recommend coco, something like rock wool or maybe a hempy bucket system. Coco can be a little finicky so before you mix do some reading on the subject. Prep and mix are your main concern with coco...JAS


New Member
Why shouldn't he use it?
LOL exactly what i thought when i read Sinbiz1s reply. BUT @sunbiz the reason that i was going to use coco was b/c most videos and threads that i have read have been growers who use coco. and the fact that it is harder to over water was my main reason. scared to over water and over feed my unborn. how does using coco require more skill? any helpful information on things you think i should know about coco would be awesome to add.

Thanks for your guys reply!

oh and I am a she for all who werent aware :-P lol


New Member
He has stated he has hard water...that's it? How hard? What's the ppm's? If you purchase a couple of meters first and test your water you may save some cash. Tap water under 250-300ppm is generally fine. R/O's IMO are only required if your using well, dugout, or water that is not meant for human consumption. If I was servicing your room I would not recommend coco, something like rock wool or maybe a hempy bucket system. Coco can be a little finicky so before you mix do some reading on the subject. Prep and mix are your main concern with coco...JAS
Yes i know i need to go ahead and test my water first so i cant give you the ppm i just know that it is hard water, i have never had so many hard water spots when i lived up state (i think that means the water is harder than before right lol correct me if im wrong). And there are a few people that think that i should rethink the coco move...hmmm... see this is why i started this thread awesome guys! keep it up!

IDK if this should bother me or not lol but i am a woman lol xD


Active Member
Tent is a tent I use the cheap ebay ones with metal corners they are just as good as the one I paid a lot more for. Spend your money on your light if your going led, you do not want a cheap one. sells great lights and the rate the lights at what they actually use unlike 90% of led sellers.
i used rockwool and hydroton clay works like a charm on clones and no bs involved like coco and 2500 ur either awesome or a cop 2500 to start would lead to me becoming the major weed supplier in this random country im in but everything they all said is right and as far as led goes just do it led is the 2013 sun in a box did more research on led than i have on cfl but im using cfl cuz its cheap led is my next buy in so go for it and let me know how it goes


New Member
i used rockwool and hydroton clay works like a charm on clones and no bs involved like coco and 2500 ur either awesome or a cop 2500 to start would lead to me becoming the major weed supplier in this random country im in but everything they all said is right and as far as led goes just do it led is the 2013 sun in a box did more research on led than i have on cfl but im using cfl cuz its cheap led is my next buy in so go for it and let me know how it goes
HAHA guess im awesome then lol! i dont think cops start threads and ask about grow set ups do they? seems to me time would be better spent on the street looking for people smoking weed vs people posting about weed and on top of that i live in Cali so its legalish lol. but i will be starting a grow journal and showing what i ended up buying and how i set everything up =)


New Member
OK so i have decided on using area 51 lights i want 4 of the 2013 models
How big of a space should i use??