Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Well-Known Member
To be honest your writing sometimes gets me...you actually say that you stayed and they killed you. Now I'm assuming that you meant IF I stay they would have killed me..
I actually had some tension with some Samoans when partying in Oahu when I was station at Hickam AFB...once it was established that we did not want to fuck their women it was all good. You should have stayed.

Tell me have you ever been denied something based on the color of your skin ( excluding your right to party in a particular club )
So you are just kidding. I told you, you want more.

I said I was killed 3 times and you took that seriously.

Queue Twilight Zone theme.

Went to buy bait at a local fresh catch in Poipu.

Guy in the back did not even look up. I shuffled around, trying to get his attention and another of those Island giants, I ran into the last time, poked his head around the corner.

I did not like his look, at all. And my look must have shown it, so he motioned me away, very unkindly, with his gutting knife. Oh, I know..you would have stayed....right? Give it up. You don't know my should, from your Shinola Samoans adventure.

Also, I have been very welcome at most places. But, you asked and cannot accept the answer, it seems.

You know what I think? You don't get out much. You have to know when to fold at the door.


Well-Known Member
Didnt realize we where back on topic.
Ive lost several jobs being married to a black woman years ago, Social racism is alive and well, surprisingly what i learned is that there is only one thing more racist than a white person in America and thats a black person,.
Both sides a racist and both sides are wrong
You lost a job because your wife is black. Were the people who fired you black as well. How do you know that you lost the job do to your wife being black ???


Well-Known Member
So you are just kidding.
actually when white people say that the were discriminated against I'm very much interested to see how and what did they do to fight it. I'm curious to see how many were denied something based on the color of the skin.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Completely avoid what I said because it's completely true.

You're a bigoted racist, that stereotypes entire groups of people based on your prejudices.

Minorities are responsible for what they do now. There just has to be some understanding as to 'why' it's happening. It goes back generations, something you obviously can't see. What needs to happen is the behavioral patterns of minority parents needs to change, and an emphasis needs to be put on education. Since minorities, for the most part, can't afford higher education the concept isn't a reality for them. Setting up programs to help them achieve an education will only help more black people get an education. It creates a cycle of valuing education.

It's what white people have been doing for thousands of years.

i "stereotype" groups based on STATISTICS

blacks commit more crimes per capita than any other group. this does not mean all blacks are criminals, but it does indicate a problem in that group.
most rapes are committed by men, this does not mean all men are rapists, but it does indicate a problem in that group.
most white people are not members of the Klan, but when the Klan is accepted by a group, that indicates there is a problem in that group. NOBODY accepts the Klan these days, no matter how much you wish they did.
most chicanos are not members of La Raza, but acceptance of La Raza indicates a problem in that group, and the chicano community is very accepting of La Raza's racism
most canadians are NOT leftist mealy mouthed whiners who lash themselves with barbed wire because they are white, and thus guilty for past crimes, even when the crimes are imaginary, but YOU are.

if you really want to make reparations for whatever misplaced White Guilt you are feeling, give away your own shit, dont demand i give up mine.

and yes, you DO have a messiah complex. this is NOT related to religion you dumbass.

you feel an inescapable need to atone for sins which are not your own, like you are the Post-Modern Socialist Jesus hanging on the cross for the sins of all white people past present and future. your crown of thorns is clearly cutting off blood to your brain.



Well-Known Member
i "stereotype" groups based on STATISTICS

blacks commit more crimes per capita than any other group. this does not mean all blacks are criminals, but it does indicate a problem in that group.
most rapes are committed by men, this does not mean all men are rapists, but it does indicate a problem in that group.
most white people are not members of the Klan, but when the Klan is accepted by a group, that indicates there is a problem in that group. NOBODY accepts the Klan these days, no matter how much you wish they did.
most chicanos are not members of La Raza, but acceptance of La Raza indicates a problem in that group, and the chicano community is very accepting of La Raza's racism
most canadians are NOT leftist mealy mouthed whiners who lash themselves with barbed wire because they are white, and thus guilty for past crimes, even when the crimes are imaginary, but YOU are.

if you really want to make reparations for whatever misplaced White Guilt you are feeling, give away your own shit, dont demand i give up mine.

and yes, you DO have a messiah complex. this is NOT related to religion you dumbass.

you feel an inescapable need to atone for sins which are not your own, like you are the Post-Modern Socialist Jesus hanging on the cross for the sins of all white people past present and future. your crown of thorns is clearly cutting off blood to your brain.

You do more than stereotype based on stats. You openly put down entire cultures and groups of people, stop backpedaling you fucking coward.


Well-Known Member
So you are just kidding. I told you, you want more.

I said I was killed 3 times and you took that seriously.

Queue Twilight Zone theme.

Went to buy bait at a local fresh catch in Poipu.

Guy in the back did not even look up. I shuffled around, trying to get his attention and another of those Island giants, I ran into the last time, poked his head around the corner.

I did not like his look, at all. And my look must have shown it, so he motioned me away, very unkindly, with his gutting knife. Oh, I know..you would have stayed....right? Give it up. You don't know my should, from your Shinola Samoans adventure.

Also, I have been very welcome at most places. But, you asked and cannot accept the answer, it seems.

You know what I think? You don't get out much. You have to know when to fold at the door.
So you were just kidding and have never experienced social racism.

As far as me getting out much...I have more likely traveled more then you my friend. 22 years in the USAF can almost guarantee it. I asked a question and was hoping for honest insight...instead I get your poor writing skills mixed with bad humor.

Lets try this again..If any white person has experience social racism please tell about it.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So you were just kidding and have never experienced social racism.

As far as me getting out much...I have more likely traveled more then you my friend. 22 years in the USAF can almost guarantee it. I asked a question and was hoping for honest insight...instead I get your poor writing skills mixed with bad humor.

Lets try this again..If any white person has experience social racism please tell about it.
Would a short stay at New Orleans parish lock up count?


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I fail to see how that is social racism against whites...were the whites forced to leave the city ??? Were they denied jobs ??? Wheres the racism part ???

on a side note
Detroit did run well under Coleman,but their problems began in about 1985 with all the borrowing. Bonds for Chrysler Jefferson North assembly plant, improvement to the Cobo center. water and sewage infrastructure and downtown improvements had debt exceeding revenue.
Being told it's no longer your city and you need leave strictly because of skin color is racism, the fact that you fail to see that is on you brother. You asked for an example and moved the goal posts when you realized it happens. No force was involved making people leave unless you consider white businesses and homes targeted with robberies and beatings as force.

The city saw a small rebound boom under Young during the Reagan years but his corruption was the foundation for what Detroit later became. Also, being told we were no longer welcome in our city kinda left a mark. He was a true pimp and not a good man at all. I cringe when I see the liberal hero worship when it comes to him.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
It would if you were locked up due to your race. Do tell...
It was over some weed..And it was educational...That was back in 1974 when I decided to hitch hike from the pacific to the atlantic and I ended up in New Orleans...The first man I met on the street was a black man and he took me under his wing, he showed me where the mission was so you had a place to stay for the night. Then the next day he showed me where to give plasma, I remember we got 9.00 for the plasma..Then for lunch he showed me where to get the best red beans and rice I have ever had for .35 cents at a place called "Busters USA"....the good old days..

I did experience some racism at the lock up , but it all ended well....I got locked up over a bag of weed..


Well-Known Member
Being told it's no longer your city and you need leave strictly because of skin color is racism, the fact that you fail to see that is on you brother. You asked for an example and moved the goal posts when you realized it happens. No force was involved making people leave unless you consider white businesses and homes targeted with robberies and beatings as force.

The city saw a small rebound boom under Young during the Reagan years but his corruption was the foundation for what Detroit later became. Also, being told we were no longer welcome in our city kinda left a mark. He was a true pimp and not a good man at all. I cringe when I see the liberal hero worship when it comes to him.
no goal post movement..just having conversation. When I ask more question you seem to get all touchy and shit. I'm actually now able to compare your example of social racism. My problem is Detroit's "white flight" ( 1950's) took before Coleman was mayor ( and please don't take me for a fan of Young ). I also remember it to already having bad race relations with blacks and police. Hell was it not a race riot in 67 or around that. To be more exact I guess the term I should have used was "institutional racism". Your example of social racism is noted and acknowledge...but having to leave a grimy dirty city to the suburbs actually was a better deal...and not losing a job to boot. I think the same think happened to Atlanta at that time. Blacks move to the city ...whites to the suburbs . I myself prefer living away from a city.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You do more than stereotype based on stats. You openly put down entire cultures and groups of people, stop backpedaling you fucking coward.
who's backpedaling?

i said "The Black Community" has a problem in their social structure, as evidenced by the monstrously high crime rate for their representation in the population. then proved it was true
i said blacks need to get their social house in order rather than relying on washington, and then proved it was true
i said they have embraced the lowest common denominator of Lil Wayne 2 Chainz and other minstrel show stereotypes, and proved it was true
i said that the "SES" defense was bullshit, and excuse making. and proved it was true

you have waffled, changed the subject lied your ass off, invented a plague of church bombings, invented an epidemic of flaming crucifixions, invented a tall tale about how racism in the 60's has such currency today, and done it all with only appeals to emotion, ad hominems and strawman arguments to "support" your bullshit.

you even posted a "report" full of counter-racism and petty racist payback as proof of... something. the rationale behind that citation remains a mystery, as it supported NONE of your claims, and in fact demonstrated that the entire "SES" defense is nothing but a dodge and hustle to conceal racially motivated setasides. That you failed to even read what you cited (without comment in fact) merely compounds your failure, since it clearly makes the case for programs designed to benefit one racial group to the exclusion of others.

even when presented with their own bullet point list of racist goals and plans you denied the words were real, and then attempted to imply that i took it out of context, which is easily disproved by the continued posting of your own ridiculous citation including page numbers, screen shots and the authors own words.

and now it's all just name calling and weak "I'm Rubber You're Glue" retorts

you cannot have it both ways, if racial preferences are bad, they are ALWAYS bad.

if the continued failure of The Black Community" even in contrast to other minorities in the same "SES" bracket is not caused by a failing in Black Social Structure, then it must be a mental or genetic deficiency.

pick your horse and ride.

are blacks failing because they are trapped in a flawed social structure within their own community, or are they just simply incapable of succeeding based on their race?

those blacks who leave the government run "ghetto" plantation do far better than their counterparts in "Tha Hood" even when they came from that selfsame "Hood" growing up.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
no goal post movement..just having conversation. When I ask more question you seem to get all touchy and shit. I'm actually now able to compare your example of social racism. My problem is Detroit's "white flight" ( 1950's) took before Coleman was mayor ( and please don't take me for a fan of Young ). I also remember it to already having bad race relations with blacks and police. Hell was it not a race riot in 67 or around that. To be more exact I guess the term I should have used was "institutional racism". Your example of social racism is noted and acknowledge...but having to leave a grimy dirty city to the suburbs actually was a better deal...and not losing a job to boot. I think the same think happened to Atlanta at that time. Blacks move to the city ...whites to the suburbs . I myself prefer living away from a city.
if you really want to see proof of institutionalized racism against whites, look at university admissions.

the leftists didnt like that so few blacks were graduating from college, so they decided to rig the game.
they moved the bar down lower than shit for blacks and jacked the requirements to the roof for "Whitey" and even asians.
and as a result (to no-one's surprise) MANY more blacks got into colleges and universities, and only a very few more graduated than had before.
despite undergraduate classes being artificially packed with minorities (except asians) the graduating classes and post grad courses remain the province of the very few blacks who would have succeeded without the set-asides, and of course, asians and whitey.

when you hand an immature teen something for nothing, he will trash it quicker than shit. if you make him earn it he will value it.
the same goes for education.


Well-Known Member
why does denying the voice of those who dissent make you so happy, why does dissent make you so angry?

you cannot conceive of anyone holding a differing opinion from your own, because your opinion has been sanctified as the only morally acceptable choice.
oh, the irony.


Well-Known Member
if you really want to see proof of institutionalized racism against whites, look at university admissions.

the leftists didnt like that so few blacks were graduating from college, so they decided to rig the game.
they moved the bar down lower than shit for blacks and jacked the requirements to the roof for "Whitey" and even asians.
and as a result (to no-one's surprise) MANY more blacks got into colleges and universities, and only a very few more graduated than had before.
despite undergraduate classes being artificially packed with minorities (except asians) the graduating classes and post grad courses remain the province of the very few blacks who would have succeeded without the set-asides, and of course, asians and whitey.

when you hand an immature teen something for nothing, he will trash it quicker than shit. if you make him earn it he will value it.
the same goes for education.
damn leveling of the playing field...250 year head start going to waste.


Well-Known Member
Stupidity, ignorance, racism, and bigotry all work hand and hand. I suggest you Google Michael Jacques of Springfield, Massachusetts and Jean-Claude Bridges of Danville, Virginia to reveal how incorrect you are with your ONE burning of a church in 1963. Shit still going on today. People like yourself make America difficult.

No reply is needed to my comment...just acknowledge you were wrong about the bombing of churches.
another Kynes Lie (TM) debunked.

and, if you'll notice, they ALWAYS go in one direction: they always act to mitigate white racism, increase black scariness, or increase white victimization. every time and without fail.

of all the lies KKKynes tells, they will never go the opposite direction.

but he will still scratch his head and wonder why people know him to be a racist.


Well-Known Member
i "stereotype" groups based on STATISTICS
don't forget the series of ongoing lies designed to make blacks look scarier and white more victimized.

"crawling in through a window in the dark" ring a bell?

and lest we forget, how about the part where you try to blame black people for circumstances beyond their control, like their smaller number of haylofts in which to get high? i guess it must just be black people's own faults for getting busted at several times the rate for weed, even though their usage is about the exact same.

what you do goes way beyond stereotyping.

hell, most people only ever have to buy one dog whistle in their entire lifetimes, but you wear yours out on a semi-weekly basis.



Well-Known Member
i said "The Black Community" has a problem in their social structure, as evidenced by the monstrously high crime rate for their representation in the population. then proved it was true
but when you look at it based on poverty rates, it makes a lot of sense, since poverty rates are about triple.

if i want to avoid crime, i avoid the poor part of town, no matter what the skin color of its residents.

the stats bear this out far more than anything that you think you proved.

i said blacks need to get their social house in order rather than relying on washington, and then proved it was true
how can you prove a vague, crude stereotype?

do you even know what proof means?

i said they have embraced the lowest common denominator of Lil Wayne 2 Chainz and other minstrel show stereotypes, and proved it was true
how the hell do you prove your own racially resentful stereotype?

you really have no idea what proof is.

i said that the "SES" defense was bullshit, and excuse making. and proved it was true

the only thing you've proven is that you have not a goddamn clue about what proof is.

SES is an explanation, not an excuse.

the "black rage" defense didn't even get used and has never worked and will never work, and that's by the very citation that you posted.

what you think you have proven is meaningless and laughable.

if the continued failure of The Black Community" even in contrast to other minorities in the same "SES" bracket is not caused by a failing in Black Social Structure, then it must be a mental or genetic deficiency.
citation STILL needed, retard.
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