

New Member
So I will soon be starting college. How possible would it be to buy some land/space off campus to grow and then supply to the campus? Assume I have resources to afford all expenses.


Well-Known Member
This should have started " So I will soon be going to jail."
So I will soon be starting college. How possible would it be to buy some land/space off campus to grow and then supply to the campus? Assume I have resources to afford all expenses.


Well-Known Member
Be careful with college my man those people going there will have a lot to lose and could give 2 fucks about snitching on you. unless you impose some type of fear in them you will be told on when one of them gets caught with the smallest amount...


Active Member
fuksake, make it easy and sell crack! easier and faster to make and theyl keep coming bak! tell em its sum new fangled weed shit or watever, get em hooked then your loaded