** Why We Love Growing Our Own !!! **


Well-Known Member
because you just cant trust these kids street bud. and the club is a lil expensive. and my bud is the best!

mr west

Well-Known Member
cuz it saves me a shed load of money each month lol
it gives me a buzz getting my mates wrecked for free
helps my chest cuz soap makes me cough like a muthafuka


Well-Known Member
If we have to wait for a dealer we may as well be waiting for our own shit to finish up...hoo hoo :blsmoke:plus...isn't it pretty :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Seeing you girls go from seeds to smokable bud is just such a magical journey.

Peace out x

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
because i smoke too much and couldnt afford to continue buying it, plus f*ck waiting on your dealer. and i never know what i will get. oh and also its FUN!:mrgreen::weed:

Black Light

Well-Known Member
I'm tired of the bullshit. This is some fire. and it looks like shit weed. and it's like ten dollars a blunt. Fuck that now.

I've got my own shit on the way. Homegrown lol.

And i'm looking out to hook my friends up with some of my southern carolina tasty green.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I started growing cause I couldn't get meds that would take care of my needs. I decided to give half of each harvest to help those that were in the same boat as me. Then, I become "addicted" to the challenge of growing the ultimate plant. I believe the quest is as fun as the harvest.


Well-Known Member
cuz it saves me a shed load of money each month lol
it gives me a buzz getting my mates wrecked for free
helps my chest cuz soap makes me cough like a muthafuka
yeah yeah, i was talkin about soap weed and how its here in texas, thats why i grow, so i don't have to smoke on garbage that people dont want to take the time and grow properly, because there wanting to get rich quick...
who doesn't take the time to seperate the males from the females...there plain stupid, not real sensimilla smokers. i dont care if i was growin 100 plants i would still separate the males...

for love of good sensimilla, thats why i grow,no thing beats home grow done right.