DR. VonDankenstine
Well-Known Member
Post the reasons you love growing your own...
hell yaaaaaaaaaaaa-nothing like waking up to a garden full of stank every morning!!!because you just cant trust these kids street bud. and the club is a lil expensive. and my bud is the best!
Whatcha got on that tile????I've spent good money on shit pot because it was the only available. NEVER AGAIN!
Medicine from the gods-----------I mean---------GODDESSMy answer:
Because it helps people.
yeah yeah, i was talkin about soap weed and how its here in texas, thats why i grow, so i don't have to smoke on garbage that people dont want to take the time and grow properly, because there wanting to get rich quick...cuz it saves me a shed load of money each month lol
it gives me a buzz getting my mates wrecked for free
helps my chest cuz soap makes me cough like a muthafuka