Is mostly white pistils with couldy trichs unusual in flowering ?


Active Member
Reason I ask is that my WW @ day 83 since 12/12 has started ......checked trichs on many small segments of sugar leaves and most are cloudy. The pistils are still mostly white. Though some swelling in the underlying calyx is evident. Just by looking at the overall bud structure it appears to be a week or so away from harvest. No real pattern of calyx swelling through most of the plant.

Does white widow generally leave her calyxes in this state with a trichome development that indicates maturity. In the interests of gaining a bit more yield and to attain that typical swollen bud appearance, I would leave them another week to two weeks. But, then I do not want an out and out WW couchlock type of high.
Qst is , when trichomes show a cloudy appearance, would the potential loss in yield be so miniscule from harvesting at that point , then say waiting later when trichomes show more amber but look ready from overall appearance.


Well-Known Member
Reason I ask is that my WW @ day 83 since 12/12 has started ......checked trichs on many small segments of sugar leaves and most are cloudy. The pistils are still mostly white. Though some swelling in the underlying calyx is evident. Just by looking at the overall bud structure it appears to be a week or so away from harvest. No real pattern of calyx swelling through most of the plant.

Does white widow generally leave her calyxes in this state with a trichome development that indicates maturity. In the interests of gaining a bit more yield and to attain that typical swollen bud appearance, I would leave them another week to two weeks. But, then I do not want an out and out WW couchlock type of high.
Qst is , when trichomes show a cloudy appearance, would the potential loss in yield be so miniscule from harvesting at that point , then say waiting later when trichomes show more amber but look ready from overall appearance.
Can't say much about your WW specifically as I haven't grown that strain. But from experience I'd go by the colour of the trichs. I've grown many unknown strains of outdoor over the years, no matter what the strain, I always go by the colour of the trichs and it's never failed me. Sounds like you prefer cloudy/head stone vs. amber/heavy stone. My preference also, I let them go until I see about 5% amber scattered throughout the buds then pull them, sounds like you could go another week and stay within primarily cloudy trichs. The reason I let them get a small percentage of amber is early on I'd pulled too early thinking they were all "cloudy" and it wasn't quite there/mature, there are various shades of "cloudy" if you will, by letting them get a few amber trichs you know you're not pulling early. This has worked very well for me and maintains that max THC content/head stone.... Cheers...


Well-Known Member
this is exactly what you're supposed to see for 'white strains', white pistils with mature trichomes
that is what is often posted about the whites, and WW in particular
i don't have experience with such a strain yet, though i am suspecting my current grow may be doing just that, and it did have a white strain the genetics


Active Member
Even white pistils on swollen calyxes?. I always had the belief that once the calyx swells, then the pistil will recede or wither. Is it different for white strains?.

Guys, this WW of mine is something else. I have never seen so such a high calyx to leaf ratio in any plant before. There are practically no sugar leaves . What leaves there are on this WW are mainly fan leaves. The top cola is the same deal. As of now , any sample buds taken are showing some signs of the famous WW potency. In 2 or 3 weeks, I will be able to give my overall impressions


Well-Known Member
Even white pistils on swollen calyxes?. I always had the belief that once the calyx swells, then the pistil will recede or wither. Is it different for white strains?. ...
from what i've read, that is what white strains are like, at least i've seen it posted here and there
but this is just hearsay from a mishmash of posts over the years
what version of white widow are you running?


Well-Known Member
I'm growing WW for the second time from reveg. This second time around has chunky buds with swollen , fat , calyxes and white hairs. I really don't see too much red/ orange pistils this time around .

