Normal for 4 weeks and 23 Days? - Special Kush #1 Plant

Is this normal for my plant to be this small on week 4 Day 23?? Its a special Kush #1 Strain by royal queen and the plant does have a smell a little.



Well-Known Member
No... definitely not normal. An extremely stunted plant. We need more info to help tho. Soil? Water? Lighting? For a plant THAT stunted... it's gotta be one of the 3.


Well-Known Member
looks very small from its age, could be a PH problem or the soil is to dense for it to grow roots through. I had a stunted plant like that once, it was a ph problem onc ei got it fixes the plant exploded
also how did u arrange that bulp? do its sides light the plant or its top?

I place the light above my plant and If its still growing leaves and the smell of it is getting louder does that mean its fine? I just need to add more light so the stem can get thick?


Well-Known Member
the soil maybe a bit to hot, mj is timed release nutes and that isn't too good for the girls...gotta know what they're getting. they are good looking little girls, good color nice stem, keep the fan going, all is good
the soil maybe a bit to hot, mj is timed release nutes and that isn't too good for the girls...gotta know what they're getting. they are good looking little girls, good color nice stem, keep the fan going, all is good
alright and it says the nutes on the bag and thanks and I also brought another extra light for her


Well-Known Member
the stem will get thick if you stress it with wind or by bending it and such much quicker than letting it grow naturally. but your plant hasnt really grown at all. by 4 weeks you should have a small bush.
the stem will get thick if you stress it with wind or by bending it and such much quicker than letting it grow naturally. but your plant hasnt really grown at all. by 4 weeks you should have a small bush.
I have a fan on it 24/7 even when the lights are off and I just got another CFL im going to put both of them on the plant and if it doesnt improve i know its the soil.