Growing from seed

but whatever i thought this was suppose to help you not make yourself look better than others. all you had to do was suggest that i can look at other postings instead of make yourself look big and mighty. i look at postings but there are thousands and its not that easy to find things on here when u r new.


Well-Known Member
but whatever i thought this was suppose to help you not make yourself look better than others. all you had to do was suggest that i can look at other postings instead of make yourself look big and mighty. i look at postings but there are thousands and its not that easy to find things on here when u r new.
People are getting annoyed with you because you're asking very basic questions that should be answered in most any grow guide...

Try using a search engine or look at the newbie section of this site. Expecting to be spoon fed answers without doing any research is just being lazy.
all i asked was if this thing looked good for its age. Then Ringsixty asked me a few questions then i asked him a few back. So how am i being lazy. But like i said whatever I'll use the search engine in a different forum. Nobody asked you guys to put your two cents in when i was having a conversation with someone asking me questions and i answered him and had a few of my own. What kind of shit is this. You get ragged on for talking to someone.

Look at the first posting in this thread. Thast's all i posted for not all this bullshit. You guys brought all the other crap.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors. 1) days are getting shorter....everything I had outdoors has flowered and been harvested. Sativas will take longer to finish, true but then its nursing them to get them to finish with fewer problems (mold, bud rot, etc).
2) Its going to get very cold soon...I've already had 34 F 3 times in the last 2 weeks.

Your best bet this time of year and with the age of your current crop is to do an indoor grow. You can't start tomatoes and peppers from seed and expect them to do well outdoors this time of year
This is what i do i put them in the sun for about 9hrs a day then i put them on my patio that is outside for another 7 to 9 hrs under cfl lights. it doesn't get that cold where i live and if it does i turn on my propane heater to keep the temp from going down. i don't know if it will work but i thought i would give it a try since i bought these clones to try something different.

Hopefully i don't get shit about answering your post cause people seem to get offend on here real quick when people ask questions instead of looking thru thousands of threads. the way i see it if they don't like it don't read it go about your merry way.


Active Member
While I see what you're trying to do its not typically done even if it doesn't get that cold. I'm in the 805 as well and while we get a lot of sun during the winter the days a too short for meaningful growth. Normally what you're trying to do can be done successfully in a green house but moving your plants every day would get old fast. Anyway if you do chose to continue I wish you the best. Just make sure when it is a rainy or cloudy day you keep your plants under your lights and out of the rain.

I don't know what your goal is but trying to flower once you get some decently sized plants with CLI/Flo/winter sun won't produce the best results. If you're trying to just keep vegging through the whole winter you're a little too early for that was well unless you plan on having some monsters and you're constantly training them. You'd end up with plants that are too big to deal with starting this early. Though maybe with the reduced light and colder weather your growth would be slowed enough so that by the time spring and summer come you've got a huge jump on everyone else. But then you'll have some monster plants by the end of the year next summer.

Normally more thought needs to be put into growing before you even start. Need to get a real plan together and know what you're going to be doing before you do it. Just like being successful in anything else in life planning is the key to that success.

I'd look into getting a greenhouse. They can be built fairly cheaply if you're a do it yourself type of person. You can then hang your lights in there to give you the extra hours of light you'll need. This will also help keep the weather off your plants and be easier to manage the ambient temperatures around your plants. you'll have a problem with humidity most likely so you'll need to ether solve that with exchanging air with the outside (Won't work good when its raining) or a dehumidifier.
i thought light was light. so I'm doing all this for nothing i guess if i continue to do it this way? it does get to be a hassle moving them everyday. but i guess since I've come this far i might as well go all the way and see what happens. but from the sound of it it doesn't look like ill be getting any buds from it. or maybe ill try and make some huge plants if I'm lucky


Active Member
There is more to light than just light. The amount of Energy actually being out put from a light source is what is important. The amount of photons actually hitting your plant per second. Check this out. Read page two as it shows a map of the power of the sunlight throughout the year.

I'm not saying what you're doing can't be done just that you'll be fighting a lot of things along the way. Wet days being one of them. During flower wet days are like the plague, your buds need to stay dry inside or they will start to rot and mold will likely set in as well. It sounds like you're a first time grower. Trying to do what you're doing will be hard to pull off for people that have experience let alone someone trying to figure everything out all at once and have to battle the elements.

I saw your other thread with your CFL light array you made. That could probably produce a decent indoor grow if you switch to also using some Warm White CFLs. Also what wattage of lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
Joe. You are an idiot. This thread and helping you is a waste of time. From your questions, everyone can tell you've looked absolutely nothing up. You need to dig and read and answer your own stupid questions. Or sober it up.


Well-Known Member
Lol..yeah you can ask all you want.. because you're too stupid and lazy to figure it out for yourself. I'm not the only person whos pointed this out... Darwinism at It's best...
i just asked how my plant looked for its age and your dumb ass doesn't read everything and i was just talking to someone about other things it got off subject but people asked me a question then i asked them a question back . you need to get a life along with all the others that think like you.