Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
What a grind 7 hrs of very few hands and couldn't really put a run together. I Did get outplayed in a few hands but played very well in others. Most of the time fold fold fold. Made a couple of really good folds too. Lost 100 buks. The streak is over.

The first table I was at was like the golden sixties club or something. Nice folks and all but I didn't drive an hour to watch seven people agonize over whether to call a 7 dollar bet. Everyone there was playing like it was their last 200 buks. I wasted pocket aces on that table. I got up and waited for a seat at another table to open up after half hour or so.


Undercover Mod
What a grind 7 hrs of very few hands and couldn't really put a run together. I Did get outplayed in a few hands but played very well in others. Most of the time fold fold fold. Made a couple of really good folds too. Lost 100 buks. The streak is over.

The first table I was at was like the golden sixties club or something. Nice folks and all but I didn't drive an hour to watch seven people agonize over whether to call a 7 dollar bet. Everyone there was playing like it was their last 200 buks. I wasted pocket aces on that table. I got up and waited for a seat at another table to open up after half hour or so.
Glad I didn't come with you now.

match box

Well-Known Member
I'm as nerves as a dog shitting walnuts. Mediation Monday my attorney sent 7 Paige's about the separation of property and her attorney had 58 pages most of them showed I took money from my savings and put it in our joint account.
i guess it's baffle them with bull shit if ya don't have the truth. The judge over looked all the BS before I think the mediators will do the same. I can't help worrying. I'm trying to relax and just trust my attorney.


Well-Known Member
I was just reading a thread on grasscity (don't ask why) and saw a user who had 28 THOUSAND posts... holy shit, he was banned. Now he may have been banned for a good reason, but I was banned on that sight my first time (about three years ago, the other three bans were just for fun lol), for just mentioning the word "lsd".. Those mods have no respect! fuck GC! :lol:

Oh.. and I should add his username started with "mushroom".. so it gives me reason to believe he mentioned psychadelics but HAD to be at least a decent member to the site to contribute 28k posts just to be banned.


Staff member
worst fucking order. nothingwent right the only thing that did was the cake, 2 dozen cupcakes and the friggin diabetic cupcakes. go figure.

i tried 15 fucking gluten free recipies.....FIFTEEN.

none worked. ARGH