Any one ever go and lurk the cop forums?


Well-Known Member
My god I'm actually agreeing with Fin right now. I've taken a lot of drugs but this feels weird!


Well-Known Member
When I get to that thread-site they are going to hate me. I'm going to talk about everything from Tupac getting away with shooting 2 cops in the ass, to the creation of a modern international Polis force (Force that stands up for the Independence of the people and their right to control their city, county, state etc).

I've been writing papers about how my home town in Texas should be run (as it is the richest town, in the richest county in Texas, yet, nothing gets done there except police and judicial expansion) and I'll bring those philosophies to a more global audience by generalizing them, and talking to cops about it.

And the police can hardly argue. The "Police" are SUPPOSED TO BE the "Polis Force" in some countries it still says "Polis" right on their uniforms. So they can try all they want, but the more they argue, the more they will prove that they have strayed from their purpose.


Well-Known Member
idk if he was banned, or just too embarrassed to ever come back here, he got pounded pretty hard.
I clicked the RIU link on. The cop site and it went to his profile. He posted something yesterday.

I've found my way onto a few cop forums while trying to find out what kind of gun I want and yes they are crazy, look down on the us and scare the shit out of me.


Well-Known Member
Man some of the cops' replies get under my skin. It's those type that I always square up on. I tell them "come by the gym off duty and let's spar" Bitch made cops like that. They think jail scares me!? I've met cool cops too, but those that hide behind the badge. I ERK THEM.

Hahhaa damn.... It runs deep. Woosah

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Well-Known Member
~serving suggestion~

Nothing but hits, right to the head! Boom!

Police sites are interesting, I've thought about posing on one, see how long I could lie incognito, posting just enough to actually garner their interest, but not enough to trigger any "lets look into this guy" curiosity. Play a local podunk cop from one of the little rural pass-through towns I've seen. Or, a nice big suburb, where I couldn't really be researched.

They have a lot of hate. And, some of them have a lot of fear.


Ursus marijanus
Nothing but hits, right to the head! Boom!

Police sites are interesting, I've thought about posing on one, see how long I could lie incognito, posting just enough to actually garner their interest, but not enough to trigger any "lets look into this guy" curiosity. Play a local podunk cop from one of the little rural pass-through towns I've seen. Or, a nice big suburb, where I couldn't really be researched.

They have a lot of hate. And, some of them have a lot of fear.
400 quatloos that you could pull it off like a boss.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Say hello Tip Top if you still see her.
I'm just texting her now to let her know everyone is reminiscing about her :D About a cop forum, of all things, lol. From my experience, it's almot the first place i'd expect her to be. We went to hyde park 420 this year, and upon leaving, she interuppted a honcho policeman and one of his little friends, and gave them a handmade thankyou card for being such lovely people and making sure the day went off without any issues, the nobody cop then asked her if she had any cookies in her bag to which she said yes, would you like one and went for her bag, he did a quick double take and laughed no no no, just joking miss. She also takes near every opportunity she can it seems, not to go in the opposite direction to sniffer dogs, but rather thorw her and her handbag full of weed straight at them and roll around on the ground with them. grade A nutter. Bloody love her!