Any one ever go and lurk the cop forums?

I made a giant list of forums to join after I move, and there were a few cop forums. I'm excited to join in the discussions there now :)
To share his story of living on the run? I'm sure they'll be simply fascinated.

lol, i could see going over there to read some threads from the side lines for shits and giggles, but no way in hell i'd ever register to be a member on a cop site, eff that noise..
you know if fin joined, all they'd do is sit and talk shit to him the entire time he was there, kind of like they did with kaendar, but only 100x's harder.. i'd never give a cop that sort of satisfaction..
I read a few posts from that forum and they seem to think like robots.
Some funny shit in a way.

Shit like "This thread is someone playing a joke, right??"
or "Holy hell, what a THC-soaked moron."
I read a few posts from that forum and they seem to think like robots.
Some funny shit in a way.

Shit like "This thread is someone playing a joke, right??"
or "Holy hell, what a THC-soaked moron."

exactly, except they mean every word of it.. like the cops saying that they'd never issue a gun to someone who smokes pot.. wtf do they think a pot head is going to do with a gun??
idk, to me, it's so frustrating to see how they think, it so gets under my skin in a huge way.. it's a big reason why i find myself yelling at my tv if i happen to channel surf and stop on cops for more than 2 seconds at a time..
That one cop was pretty funny.
"Dispatch, disregard K-9 unit, send Kaender."
Then Uncle Buck just hits a home run. That's some seriously entertaining stuff.
Thanks UB for the laughs!
Rad thread! I soooooo wanted to grammar nazi "little paws", she said she likes to do it to people, but prior to she misspells the word "because" I'm not signing up to any cop forum to correct though... Grrrrrrr I do like the content.

im no grammar nazi..... I abuse ellipsis,,,,, commas and disregard capitalization....
Kurio (little paws) had 12 posts over there, I only see 2. I'm not signing up to see her other posts but now I'm curious.
lol, i could see going over there to read some threads from the side lines for shits and giggles, but no way in hell i'd ever register to be a member on a cop site, eff that noise..
you know if fin joined, all they'd do is sit and talk shit to him the entire time he was there, kind of like they did with kaendar, but only 100x's harder.. i'd never give a cop that sort of satisfaction..
I dunno, I kinda think they deserve Fin...

I'm curious to see Kurio's other posts there. Anyone feel like quoting them? I feel kinda dirty going there. And now I think I'm going to pull a pork tenderloin out of the freezer and wrap it in bacon and roast it this weekend.
Rad thread! I soooooo wanted to grammar nazi "little paws", she said she likes to do it to people, but prior to she misspells the word "because" I'm not signing up to any cop forum to correct though... Grrrrrrr I do like the content.

im no grammar nazi..... I abuse ellipsis,,,,, commas and disregard capitalization....

I'm with you. I haven't been able to see anything other than the public. I saw where they were able to tell UB where he went and what photos he posted. Even with TOR I aint comfy signing up on my personal comp. Might be fun from the library or something tho...........Hmmmm.