Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Well-Known Member
Just your treatise on the genetic and physical differences between races was the basis of Josef Mengeles doctorate.

Seemed like you were quoting the work of "The Angel of Death" as fact.
BULLSHIT....I am talking about the human genome project and you seem a bit tipsy. :)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Is Brazil one of the exceptions ?
i am not disagreeing with you that basing race on skin colour is wrong, i have never really thought about that to be honest

i do recall Brazil being highlighted before because of its diversity of skin colour
it is one of those places why you cant say what colour folk are predominantly
turkey is also a bit like this, so many Turkish people are light skinned and many are dark skinned
I think of race like weed. You don't know until you smoke it. GDP looks like it should be a hardcore indica but it has a very euphoric sativa high. Whereas Trainwreck is mostly sativa but knocks you on your ass like a top shelf OG.


Well-Known Member
I think here they use "culture" as the main word now to cover it all , race, ethnicity nationality
think some might want to phase out the word race

i guess the further you go back in time the easier it was to identify a place to a skin colour
but perhaps there were exceptions even then like Brazil
maybe in the future there will be lots of black skinned Russians


Ursus marijanus
No doubt, I love me some free shit too. I don't think loving free stuff is what's wrong though.

I believe that when someone needs help, if we are able, we should help. I also prescribe the teach a man to fish over give the man a fish method. I would much rather see a welfare to work program where we offer technical/clerical/machinist/welding etc training with the caveat that you have a lifetime cap on benefits. I just don't agree with how we do things now. If a man wants to work and goes to the welfare office today, he's not given job prospects, he's advised and assisted b in using the government for sustenance by workers who are explicitly trained in this "solution". I don't believe this is the best method and only leads to even more dependency, the exact opposite of what we want. There really is no longer a stigma in food stamps like there once was and if I'm better off economically not working, it's an easy choice.
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a night.

Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for life.


Well-Known Member
Coloured people! "they use their gardens for toilets"

warning this video is disturbing in many ways

we can all be thankful that people have evolved and are not bigoted anymore
with the exception of Dr Kynes perhaps


Well-Known Member
Just your treatise on the genetic and physical differences between races was the basis of Josef Mengeles doctorate.

Seemed like you were quoting the work of "The Angel of Death" as fact.
I said there are no differences genetically. I said the physical differences are climate adaptions only.

In short, Joseph, (and he was short,) there is no master race. No race, at all. And btw, Aryan is the same as Iranian, and is the same as North Indian (since 2500 bc), genetically. The DNA show the only reason Hitler thought they we blond and not dark like in India is a branch did move north and not east and got cut off in the last Ice Age. They became the Nordics.

So, alcohol can make one gratuitously insultful. But, you must check yourself why that genome study result looked like Nazi horror to you.

It is the opposite.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I said there are no differences genetically. I said the physical differences are climate adaptions only.

In short, Joseph, (and he was short,) there is no master race. No race, at all. And btw, Aryan is the same as Iranian, and is the same as North Indian (since 2500 bc), genetically. The DNA show the only reason Hitler thought they we blond and not dark like in India is a branch did move north and not east and got cut off in the last Ice Age. They became the Nordics.

So, alcohol can make one gratuitously insultful. But, you must check yourself why that genome study result looked like Nazi horror to you.

It is the opposite.
hitler's aryan myth had NOTHING to do with actual Aryans, further, the nords are not aryans in any way, not genetically, not culturally, and not "racially"

hitler's attempt to craft a Wager Based National Mythology was in no way scientific, logical or sensible, it was CRAZY.

nords are predominantly Haplogroup I1, a group which is not common in india, or the orient.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Spokane is about 10 minutes from Idaho dummy.
shh shhh shhh...

dont confuse him with facts.

he wishes to believe that all white people are racist (cept him of course) and "Hate" is a problem found only among "Crackahs".

soon he will discover that no matter how hard he tries to play "The Good White Boy", he will always be just another "White Boy" to the black racists he believes to be imaginary, until he experiences it himself.

honestly i hope he also discovers the joys of La Raza's racism too.

but of course he is actually not In San Jose, he will be in one of the segregated bedroom communities far from the Inner City, which is currently enjoying a massive Chicano vs Negro street gang war.


Well-Known Member
but of course he is actually not In San Jose, he will be in one of the segregated bedroom communities far from the Inner City, which is currently enjoying a massive Chicano vs Negro street gang war.
those mean streets of vallejo, with their six flags amusement parks and whatnot, have nothing on the rough and tumble gang feuding of south san jose.

it really is hell here. my wife and i are both racist like you now.

just kidding, you are still a silly goose.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
those mean streets of vallejo, with their six flags amusement parks and whatnot, have nothing on the rough and tumble gang feuding of south san jose.

it really is hell here. my wife and i are both racist like you now.

just kidding, you are still a silly goose.
if you knew V-town you would realize how stupid your misused sarcasm really is.



a crime safety rating of 8/100.

92% of american cities have lower crime rates (particularly violent crime) than Vallejo Ca.

for a while back in the 90's we were beating Richmond in the murder per-capita count.

2011 murders /100,00 = 15.3 which is nearly 4x the US national average of 3.9, and is even higher than the West African Average of 15.4.



Active Member
I didn't even bother to read any of this BS....like anything artificially segregated, it evolves into its own unique patterns .... yeah, I've seen people of "like" attributes assemble toward familiarity, but no people EVER, including "possibly" Jews have been subjected to more astringent social segregation like Blacks in the last 400yrs (hell just look at all the unique language that permeates around the world from just 10% of Americans)....That's said, I still firmly believe Black Americas current problems are self perpetuated/self inflicted (mostly) but at root cause was segregation/racism


Well-Known Member
I didn't even bother to read any of this BS....like anything artificially segregated, it evolves into its own unique patterns .... yeah, I've seen people of "like" attributes assemble toward familiarity, but no people EVER, including "possibly" Jews have been subjected to more astringent social segregation like Blacks in the last 400yrs (hell just look at all the unique language that permeates around the world from just 10% of Americans)....That's said, I still firmly believe Black Americas current problems are self perpetuated/self inflicted (mostly) but at root cause was segregation/racism
stupid blacks, self inflicting slavery and jim crow and institutional racism upon themselves for centuries.


Active Member
stupid blacks, self inflicting slavery and jim crow and institutional racism upon themselves for centuries.
yeah but unfortunately, no amount of guilt, government money or programs can now correct what is at root very entrenched and cancerous social/family deficiencies.... and nobody but "right wing racist" have said this but until blacks themselves hunker down and raise their kids with a education, work and moral ethic (like Jews, Asians, et), nothing will fix their problems regardless of the root cause ...anymore some of the so called "Racism: is a self inflicted perception problem with some real facts/statistics at root..... until the left and minorities take that by the horns, we go round and round


Well-Known Member
yeah but unfortunately, no amount of guilt, government money or programs can now correct what is at root very entrenched and cancerous social/family deficiencies.... and nobody but "right wing racist" have said this but until blacks themselves hunker down and raise their kids with a education, work and moral ethic (like Jews, Asians, et), nothing will fix their problems regardless of the root cause ...anymore some of the so called "Racism: is a self inflicted perception problem with some real facts/statistics at root..... until the left and minorities take that by the horns, we go round and round
yep, not only did blacks self inflict themselves with slavery, they self perpetuate it by being trapped in the poverty cycle.

stupid blacks.


Well-Known Member
yeah but unfortunately, no amount of guilt, government money or programs can now correct what is at root very entrenched and cancerous social/family deficiencies.... and nobody but "right wing racist" have said this but until blacks themselves hunker down and raise their kids with a education, work and moral ethic (like Jews, Asians, et), nothing will fix their problems regardless of the root cause ...anymore some of the so called "Racism: is a self inflicted perception problem with some real facts/statistics at root..... until the left and minorities take that by the horns, we go round and round
Glorious manifesto comerade!


Active Member
yep, not only did blacks self inflict themselves with slavery, they self perpetuate it by being trapped in the poverty cycle.

stupid blacks
The "Guilt trip" is falling on death ears...its like crying racial wolf anymore....
I realized one day when talking to Asians that they like many whites can't see past the present; they have NO guilt whatsoever that they came here with advantages: 5000yrs of culture AND the fact that the little racism they encounter pales in comparison with the shit blacks go through...what they do see is the shit blacks could fix themselves but don't (like making st8 "A's"
even in fckd up ghetto schools or taking advantage of academic scholarships, et) .... and the new generation of whites don't give a shit most of their wealth is/was inherited by some nasty shit their forefathers committed (that's why you get this BS about how their family came off the boat with nothing, blah blah as if their ass had the same playing field as a black circa 1900-2000)

I've learned this at least from my Asian/Hindi friends: the best way to "cure" racism is fix the shit yourself: do all you can with what you got, and then take the fucking rest....

...also racism is partly fear based: if you look at the impact America has on the world vs. its population size, then look at the cultural impact only 10% of that has; well frankly it scare the hell out of people; you WANT to oppress what you fear.... demanding respect from people that are both afraid of you and see other MAJOR faults ain't gonna work


Well-Known Member
The "Guilt trip" is falling on death ears...
deaf ears. and the word you're looking for in your sig is morale.

i'm not trying to guilt anyone, i am just reciting basic, simple facts about american history and the difficulty of overcoming the poverty cycle.

white guilt is a term i leave for the stormfront folks to bandy about.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yep, not only did blacks self inflict themselves with slavery, they self perpetuate it by being trapped in the poverty cycle.

stupid blacks.
actually yes, they did.

almost all of the slaves sold by dutch and portagee slavers were sold to THEM by african powers, from local tribal chiefs and notable african kings.

"During the heyday of early European competition, slavery was an accepted social institution, and the slave trade overshadowed all other commercial activities on the West African coast. To be sure, slavery and slave trading were already firmly entrenched in many African societies before their contact with Europe. In most situations, men as well as women captured in local warfare became slaves. In general, however, slaves in African communities were often treated as junior members of the society with specific rights, and many were ultimately absorbed into their masters' families as full members. Given traditional methods of agricultural production in Africa, slavery in Africa was quite different from that which existed in the commercial plantation environments of the New World.

Another aspect of the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on Africa concerns the role of African chiefs, Muslim traders, and merchant princes in the trade. Although there is no doubt that local rulers in West Africa engaged in slaving and received certain advantages from it, some scholars have challenged the premise that traditional chiefs in the vicinity of the Gold Coast engaged in wars of expansion for the sole purpose of acquiring slaves for the export market. In the case of Asante, for example, rulers of that kingdom are known to have supplied slaves to both Muslim traders in the north and to Europeans on the coast. Even so, the Asante waged war for purposes other than simply to secure slaves. They also fought to pacify territories that in theory were under Asante control, to exact tribute payments from subordinate kingdoms, and to secure access to trade routes--particularly those that connected the interior with the coast.
It is important to mention, however, that the supply of slaves to the Gold Coast was entirely in African hands. Although powerful traditional chiefs, such as the rulers of Asante, Fante, and Ahanta, were known to have engaged in the slave trade, individual African merchants such as John Kabes, John Konny, Thomas Ewusi, and a broker known only as Noi commanded large bands of armed men, many of them slaves, and engaged in various forms of commercial activities with the Europeans on the coast."


oh snap.
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