Club 600


Well-Known Member
I am looking into an inexpensive vaporizer.
I have never used one before, but am going to start soon.
I am looking for suggestions.
Launchbox etc are on my list, but is there anything cheaper that works as well?


Well-Known Member
this is a good one to start with....[video=youtube;z-qaDwxgQVE][/video] I like it for flowers a lot,my buddy has it at the moment..i think you will like this bass.


Well-Known Member
I agree! Home made PCs since 1991!
Home made PC's since 1974 here.

*edit: It had 4KB of RAM, and used digital audio tape cassettes to save & load programs & data. If you wanted programs, you wrote them yourself, or you joined a computer club and could buy notebooks full of programs & crude games written out in hexadecimal code that you'd then have to data enter into the computer and save to a cassette tape.


Well-Known Member
My dad had a punch card reader/writer in his basement workshop.
The tech company he worked for was changing their gear to solid state and was going to throw it away so my dad snagged it and brought it home.
He is also an old school ham radio operator who had a cool hamshack downstairs next to his workshop. Playtime as a kid was awesome!
He'd give me all his junk radios (civilian & military) & electronics gear and I'd use them as props for my sci-fi & superhero adventures.
I had a wall of zooty looking space stuff to play make-believe with.


Well-Known Member
My grandfather had a garage room that smelled like solder and vacuum tubes. He was always tinkering in there :)

When he passed I inherited all of his tubes and transistors. I have a few of the first TIs in their packages - like seed packs :)


Well-Known Member
Some of those tubes might be worth their weight in gold.
Tube-heads are always in need of old tubes in working condition and are willing to part with decent money to get them.
I love the old "Buck Rogers" radios & electronics. :-)
It was a cool environment to grow up in. :-)


Well-Known Member
My dad was a ham too. I remember as a small child seeing a picture of a "naked" girl on tractor paper. She was made of X's and O's type shit but oh how I felt naughty for seeing it!


Well-Known Member
Great stuff. I saw the Borroughs card reader in the room at UCSD in 1980,
but they had just switched to hard disk storage of programs.

...but my first real computer access was a punch-tape driven system, and
that is close! LOL
