The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'll jump in the mix as well! Gonna start my journal tomorrow I think. Peace and keep up the good work. Now Off to fight the creepy crawlers.


Well-Known Member
Alright I got off my ass today and started my journal. it's still not up to date yet. it's in the sig.
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Well-Known Member
ok i put all the rest of my plants in the ground yesterday .. everything up there looked fine and dandy .. i put one of the plants in the ground with native soil and a little perlite in the soil to see how well it does .. i forgot to FIM them i got tired after planting them and just forgot .. so i'll do that this weekend and get some more pics up .. well thanks for the support .. peace


Well-Known Member
Lookin fuckin excellent Gilfman, Keep up to good work, Have you thought about doin any Pruning or FIM yet bro?


Well-Known Member
yea i topped all of mine today well 3 of them hopefully i'll get those double branch's and double buds lol


Well-Known Member
Looks nice.I really Liked the idea how you are recycling those cinder blocks!KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Looks nice.I really Liked the idea how you are recycling those cinder blocks!KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
ha yeah but now they arent in use ... i did how every have that chicken wire that was left over so i made cages! .. also the wooden box was useless stakes that were laying around .. im a resourceful person.. actually all the shit i use is laying around my house .. like im using milk jugs to water with and some 5 gallon jug that i found .. lol


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll be checking my plants today.. it'll be first check since i planted the rest .. which seems so long ago .. anyway I'll post some pics after i visit cause I'm hoping the progress is REALLY noticeable (in a good way) .. but anyway i'll try to get them up b4 noon .. peace and keep on growing


Well-Known Member
ok when i entered my plot my heart dropped a little along with the morale of my grow ... I saw the good, the bad, and some ugly ... here's the pics

number 6 and 10 were dug out completely.. 6 some root mass , 10 none at all .. i re-buried each in hope of continued growth

plant 4 had some crazy leaf pattern

plant 3 had a hole dug beside it which knocked it over .. but still looked healthy and LST'd itself

plant 1,2,5,7,9,11,12 looked good and healthy

plants 1,2,5,7,12 got FIM'd


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Well-Known Member
I know it sucks but it's also part of the adventure when you have no idea what to expect when you enter your garden. Looks like all in all your doing alright. i wonder what dug the hole next to your plant? Is it trying to get at something in the soil?


Well-Known Member
I know it sucks but it's also part of the adventure when you have no idea what to expect when you enter your garden. Looks like all in all your doing alright. i wonder what dug the hole next to your plant? Is it trying to get at something in the soil?
well i think it might have been getting at the roots or something .. but the one that dug beside my plant put a rock in there?? yeah idk either.. and any help on plant 4???


Well-Known Member
Damn, something out there really likes your plants! I'm thinking of buying one of those cheaper trail cams so I can see whats going on when Im not there. I dont have many large animals around my plot, but it would be nice to have evidence if any humans have spotted my grow. Then I could make a decision on whether or not to bail.


Well-Known Member
Damn, something out there really likes your plants! I'm thinking of buying one of those cheaper trail cams so I can see whats going on when Im not there. I dont have many large animals around my plot, but it would be nice to have evidence if any humans have spotted my grow. Then I could make a decision on whether or not to bail.
yeah im gonna go put my trial cam up there tonight .. screw looking for bucks .. im finding this culprit!