Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Say goodbye to your tolerance. That's about my only issue with concentrates. They make my weed so much less powerful.
I dont smoke everyday,maybe 3-4 times a week.
But yea,I can see where your going.
The strain was Shoreline and it is real heady to begin with,
But nothing Close to this!!
The amount of Smoke you exhale is double to triple the reg amount!


Ursus marijanus
I only took 2 hits and took OFF,Could not just sit had to keep my mind on something,or it was racing and could not concentrate.
It lasted over 2hrs,with a nice come down to reality.Hard to really tell ya,But im new to extacts and to be honest that stuff kinda scares me! Its that potent.

Many Thanks to Thundercat and his method.So safe and easy!!
Lolyup I have gotten myself into a bit of trouble with good clean concentrates. Just a smidge will do ya ...


Well-Known Member
NTS-Concentrates FTW!

You never told me how the Hermie run turned out, I think last we talked you were getting ready to try it. I'll take it well from the last page of conversation!


Well-Known Member
NTS-Concentrates FTW!

You never told me how the Hermie run turned out, I think last we talked you were getting ready to try it. I'll take it well from the last page of conversation!
I could not have done it with YOU,and your Tut.You know how it gets when you get a fresh batch.....Kinda just vanish for a day or 2..LOL
ps.PM coming TC


Well-Known Member
Ya it can go fast especially if it was a small batch. I did a critical jack bud run the other day which wasn't very big got .9 from the A grade and its more then half gone.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of something ongoing with me. My wife just had a kid and we have lots of supplies from a company called Lansinoh. (had to look up the right spelling) The only thing I see every single time is Lanonish. Every time. I even call it that. So odd.


Well-Known Member
NTS: Clean cinnamon roll frosting off the front your pants ( you know, the pair with the fucked up zipper that always stays half open ) when shaking hot new co-workers hand. ::::sigh::::


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