AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Got some myself some blotters last week. took two I literally having all these great thoughts that my my mind. I can't keep up with the connection of the thoughts and therre huge connections. Like why they make cell phones so easy to call people because they are made for kindergardnerrers. I don't remember the connect it's ridiculously.


Well-Known Member
Dont think 1 woulda done the trick.........When I did that,I always waited till I felt the 1st one then dropped another.


Well-Known Member
Dont think 1 woulda done the trick.........When I did that,I always waited till I felt the 1st one then dropped another.
Two was good, it was just one choice I picked out of the night of wonders that fkd the whole flow. I really cannot be with anyone else. NO friends, no outer cycle then my parents barely myself but I'm dying from a disease that keeps me from people, that makes me crave attention and recantation from others. I picked this lifestyle because it fit my depression. Staying home with my plants and smoking gives me happiness but now it's the opposite. I can't hang out with people, everyone knows or everyone doesn't know. People steal, people bag. I'm gettng fukd left and right when I'm doing nothing good or bad to the world. Whats the point...


Well-Known Member
Well the whole thing with those people stealing a bud in front of me was dealt with. What I live by is if it cost a couple grams to get rid of them for life then so be it, it's a good cost for weening out actual friends from horrible people.

Anyways I don't really care much anymore I was just upset when it happened last night.

Sill haven't harvest Plato #2, Plato #1 is looking like it'll weigh around 1.5 oz. Like I said before, not the 2oz I was hoping for, but I'll get to that oz per gallon, then I'll work for weight per wattage.

I'll post some post-harvest pics of Plato #1. It's nuts that the last plant took 6 hangers for 2.5 oz, and this plant is using 1 hanger for 1 to 1.5 oz not including popcorn buds. SUPER dense.


Well-Known Member
getter done hell yeah im afraid to fuck with the mind these days to many crazy chemicals out there now shrooms whole different story i love and grow them


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;ejKducC6zFY][/video]so if i said i never get buzzed that would mean what nothing


Well-Known Member
getter done hell yeah im afraid to fuck with the mind these days to many crazy chemicals out there now shrooms whole different story i love and grow them
Hell yeah. I've always like my halucigenics since I was 15. Blotters are defiantly great. The ones I got weren't super visual like my last time, but the high and thoughts and everything else was the same, it's great. I like shrooms too. I love them all, saliva, dmt, 2c's, ect. I want to grow my own shrooms, but have never looked into it very deeply.


Well-Known Member
shit growing shrooms way easier then growing weed, u get spore syringe off the net mail right to u i take brownrice and chop it into a powder and vermiculite mix with water and fill up mason jars close the lid put 4 holes in the lid and shoot some of the liquid in each jar put in a cool dark place for a month the mycellium will grow in the jar then u take a tote put a whole bunch of little holes in it fill with perlite about 4inches put little aluminfoil squares ontop and take the rice cake out the jar and put on the foil mist and fan like 4 times a day in about 5-6 days they grow, and they grow quick like 2 days


Well-Known Member
if u do decide to grow shrooms i recomend the shromery best site for info,i learn everything from that site even what vendors to order from, its awesome but i always end up giveing them away and not makeing much money, but its cool they got all diferent kinds of strains


Well-Known Member
Well last night I got the Plato #1 I harvested into smaller buds to jar it weighed 1.5oz and was pretty happy about that.

But they were still a bit moist, so I let them sit out for the night till this morning. It maybe have been a little much but we'll see after it cures up. Ended up losing close to half oz over the night and jarred it with it weighing maybe 3g over a oz. Kind of disappointed but it is what it is. I'm still learning.

I do got Plato #2 to still harvest, but again will probably only get an oz, maybe a little more. Still trying to figuring things out I guess.

I'll try to get some pictures up soon, today.


Well-Known Member
Just got done making another small batch of BHO. It's half Lucid X trim and half Plato trim. Turn out a little darker but an awesome combo high and clear as normal. One tiny hit got my spacin' hard.



Well-Known Member
That's my kind of 1/2 & 1/2. Looks pro, man. Clean, too. Do you use ISO, or butane? What are you using to medicate? A nail? Vape?

EDIT: Says BHO right in your post. :::facepalm:::


Well-Known Member
Yeah I normally do just pure because I'm always looking at weights and measure stuff every time, but haven't had a combo, it's nice.

I just use butane. I use to making ISO before I knew about BHO and I personally don't think you can even compare the two. I use Vector, Lucienne, Power, or Colibri for brands. 3/4ths to a full can per tube of material, which is anywhere from 10-14gs. Then depending on quality of material yield is anywhere from 5-30%.

I use my Ti nailm adjustable to 14 and 18mm rigs. My rig is about 7" tall, custom colors and custom bombilla perc and a recycler perc. Super smooth for concentrates.

I also got adapters for the rest of my bongs so I can use any of bongs for oil if I wish. I also got a bud bowl for the oil rig if I wish to use the oil rig for bud. I like to keep my options available lol.