
Well-Known Mod
Staff member
is this is the 1st pic we "kinda" have seen of c2g?
LOL sorry 'bout the face thing! I'm between a rock and a hard place. I'm pushing to return to a profession that frowns upon cannabis. If I don't make it back I'll post a full face (but you'll regret it), LOL! I pulled a lot of g's ;)

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member

Tried putting up a pic of my mug but the site wont allow it. Wants me to prove I'm human now. LOL! I know I'm not the best looking but WOW!!!
& no worries C2G. You're usually at the peak of a graceful sinuous undulation where the g's are neutral. Good luck in your return!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so like I said I was going to make a progress report. I started at 142 and 8% body fat I am currently 174 and 7.5% and pushing toward a goal of 195 and 5. For the last couple months I've been on a clean eating diet of mostly chicken, grains, vegetables, whey protein, nuts and yogurt and a few other things taking in 3500-4000 calories a day and 225 grams of protein over 6 meals/intakes. I have been constantly switching my routines to keep my muscles confused and pushing myself harder for results.

6"0 tall
174 lbs
7.5% bf content

bench, 210 6 reps or 225 3 reps up from 110 starting weight
squat 340 for 10 reps up from 150
bicep curl 95 for 12 reps up from 50

not overly crazy numbers yet but I push myself every day for a little more

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