A whole lot of Hempy and a whole lot of watts


Well-Known Member
ok, finally some pics. Sorry, harvest time on antother room so pretty much no time to play reindeer games online.

It is REALLY difficult to get good pictures in the room. It's either the back of the plant or a bulb.

In terms of progress.. holly shit!! and I mean it. We just started week 5 and the buds are fucking dense as hell. Seriously, my partner and I keep shaking our heads as to why the hell they are soo dense. Good light and temps helps for sure but we both think that the phosphoload in the last week of Veg is a major player. I would be very surprised if we don't pull 25lbs on this run. There are some buds that are going to be an oz or just under.

Anywho.. here are some pictures. They are pretty self explanatory. Picture of week 4 buds (and some clawed leaves), picture of plants trained to the cages.

If anyone has any questions I would be happy to try and answer them.



Well-Known Member
I have two question.
1. Why do you trim the bottom of the plant so much?
2. Do you remove a lot of fan leafs during flower?

btw that is an awesome setup. Is that coco that you growing in or dirt? I'm likening the watering pipes I currently water mine with a hose and I have to crawl all over the place


Well-Known Member
The bottoms just don't get enough light...in veg anyways

That is about 80/20 perlite coco and a dash of ancient forest

Heavy 16 nutes.

We have a centralized water system. Those 1/2" PVC bars you see all attach to 3/4" PVC via 1/2" black hose. We have a sump pump that attaches to the 3/4 and away she goes. Each line has it's own 1/2" barbed valve so we can adjust how much each plant gets watered. The ones closer to the pump have to be dialed down quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Week 7 update. Phosphoload induced massively dense grand daddy purple buds...to the extent that despite best efforts to keep humidity in check, we noticed a little bud rot on one of the GDPs. So we cut all the big tops off. I'll try and post some pictures but these fuckers are DENSE. We have about 20 tops that are going to be almost 2 zips dried. Grand total we are going to loose about an ounce to the rot.

Take away lesson? Pay fucking attention!! My partner saw one dead leaf on one cola. WTF? And he pulled the bud open to see the fuzz. Had he not seen that it would spread like wildfire!!

Remedial actions:
Installed two more high power oscilating fans
Buying another Dehu to get below 40% during lights out
We may rent an ozone generator.

Anyone dose developed buds with ozone?


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me, noticed a dying leaf in a bud, pulled it out and found the rot :(


I ran a small uv ozone gen in my cupboard for 2 days solid after cutting off the rotten tops to try to kill any spores that were still around and also upped my circulation fans so it was like a hurricane in there lol.
In a room your size you will need a big o3 gen so not sure if it would affect the plants but i know if you run it too high it can. Use it on a timer for 15 mins every hour for a day or 2 then maybe every 2 hours after that, point it into the back of a big oscillating fan so it blows the o3 all around the room, and you should be fine mate. Obviously if you have to go into the room dont go in until the ozone has been off for 30 mins or your throat will get sore :)


Well-Known Member
No more bud rot. Been harvesting tops all week. Jesus the OG are freaking huge!! WTF can't rollitup get a decent picture app so I can post from my phone? Really looking like we will hit or even pass up the 25lb mark.

5.5 dried and gone already.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Anyone dose developed buds with ozone?
yes, be very careful. excess ozone can fry your plants in hours.

Sulfur burners are much more effective imo. I burn weekly up until the week before harvest with no noticeable difference in taste. I love my sulfur burner. It's burning right now in fact. Just do not enter the room for any length of time, for a good day or so after burn.

I run sealed/co2 and mold and mildew is always a problem without the burner.

congrats on the banner harvest bro.


Well-Known Member
we actually found a product that worked absoutely fucking awesome..and we have tried EVERYTHING to get rid of PM, and I do mean everything. High temps, h2o2, neem, and the two forms of potassium. The product is called Nuke Em' and it is suposed to kill mites and other insects as well. Its some kind of enzyme and you can spray it right up until harvest. It smells kind of like dish soap.

We had some PM on some of the plants (mostly becuase we didn't get our dehu until week 3). We were able to kill all the pm except some of the very inner bud leaves.. which just means labor intensive trimming.

I did a bunch of research on ozone and the jury is still out... seems like the experts are still debating on how well it sterilizes things. We decided against it as it would really attack the trichs and quality will suffer.


Well-Known Member
Huh. This thread went nowhere. Maybe lack of pictures. Well. Everything all dried and bagged, 26lbs and a couple ounces. Can wait for the next run!!


Well-Known Member
hang and clean up the last thing on my mind is to take pictures of everything. Needless to say its A LOT of work. Anywho, here is a shot of the Cindy 99 (the greener one) and the grand daddy purp buds.