Getting the plant TO stretch

Bout to start a DWC vertical SCROG. I'm running BC Big Bud, I'll go my sativa strain my next grow. I want stretch to help fill the screen. I'll be vegging horizontal before flipping vertical during flower. Should I run the 600w dimmable low power and high to make it stretchy. I have a few other lights: a 32w T5HO I used for corals and a T8 with grow bulbs for growing macro algae.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
If you keep the 600w high and dimmed it should cause a lot more stretch. You can also do 18/6 can you'll get more stretch than 24/0 if you're still vegging and trying to get stretch.


Well-Known Member
18/6 and or simply raise the light. Works well. Also removing first 2-4 internodes of each branch you plan to keep will help get her moving.



Raise the light and/or increase the N in the nutes. I find high amounts of nitrogen makes them stretchier..


Active Member
Could be something else in the GH Grow that I used. I tested on two plants, one with it and one without, same strain, same mother, etc. The one with more feedings of the grow stretched much more than the other.

Thanks for the link though mate, appreciate the read!
No problem, seems the high phosphorus "bloom" fertilizers a lot of the hydro companies push are the type that will add to more stretch during the flower phase.


Active Member
Could be something else in the GH Grow that I used. I tested on two plants, one with it and one without, same strain, same mother, etc. The one with more feedings of the grow stretched much more than the other.

Thanks for the link though mate, appreciate the read!
Hmm the GH Floragro (which I assume you were using) DOES have Ammoniacal Nitrogen (which is derived from Ammonium PHOSPHATE) but the percentage is low. (compared to Nitrate nitrogen)