silk road is back ??

Sure... Silk Road is back, under new management:


It's a TRAP!! lol
I posted this on another thread before but i guess its appropriate here as well

Silk road 2.0 has officially opened, It is supoosedly the old silk road mods that took over and made 2.0. it is supposed to havebetter security and other things...I personally suggest sitting back and jsut watching for awhile, like dude above me said, it could very well be a trap/honey pot for uncle LEO...either way, please be very careful. I personally beleive it is real and it is NOT the feds, but I AM NOT ALWAYS RIGHT by any means, it could very well be a i said, I personally am just sitting back and watchiong the ride for right now, I have made an account but do not plan on purchasing anything and especially do not plan on vending/selling anything...everyone needs to be careful and smart....please use your head before you go about doing thistype of stuff....just to remind you, if your caught breaking the law on silk road 2.0 it is federal and you can go away for a VERY VERY long time just by simply buying a little bit of ANY schedule 1 substance....marijuana included. so please use your head before you dive could very well ruin your life and lose your freedom for a long time by simply buying a gram of bud, or anything for that matter...good luck to you all...PLEASE USE YOUR HEAD, DONT BE AN IDIOT GOD DAMMIT.

I posted this on another thread before but i guess its appropriate here as well

Silk road 2.0 has officially opened, It is supoosedly the old silk road mods that took over and made 2.0. it is supposed to havebetter security.....snip...

Once you are pwned (by the feds), you are pwned forever. There is no better security, there is no etc.... there's only operating the honey pot for the feds and cooperating and praying for a better sentence.
Once you are pwned (by the feds), you are pwned forever. There is no better security, there is no etc.... there's only operating the honey pot for the feds and cooperating and praying for a better sentence.
I completley agree curious. which is why people should be very very careful and not just dive in head first. your life can be ruined by buying 1 gram of bud off of everyone please be careful

not a user of the old SR, but watched it's rise and fall with a lot of interest
so far, i haven't seen any reports of peep's who ordered from it havigna courtesy call from our federal lads
from what i can see, they can't even keep up with nabbing the vendors
it's hard for me to see why they would bother with cases that would likely be thrown out as entrapment
that said, i wouldn't want to the first RIUer to order from there
A couple months ago, I warned people that SR had been compromised. I was insulted by a couple people, and "corrected" by a lot of others. I went away for a bit, and upon arrival in ABQ, I heard that the road had been taken down. BIG SHOCK!

It's a trap. There's no making better a compromised system. The entire network is flawed and should be considered compromised, because the feds cracked 2 large servers* -- and, how long did they sit on SR, before doing anything?

*DOD/NSA secure networking protocol. More than 1 system compromised is a complete system compromise.
A couple months ago, I warned people that SR had been compromised. I was insulted by a couple people, and "corrected" by a lot of others. ........snip.....

Yes well a prophet, own land etc.... sort of parallel's gift horses and mouths in an odd way.
Ordering from SR would not give you a defense of entrapment, sorry.

this is 100% correct. Please remember people, what you are doing is SO HIGHLY passed the point of illegal its not even funny....Not only are you breaking federal laws by ordering schedule 1 or 2 medicine off the internet, but your not even doing it from a ''pharmacy'' or other ill-legitimate website..You are going onto a very highly illegal BLACK marketplace and not only conspiring to break federal laws (with the intent of violating federal law) but you are also breaking many numerous state laws as well. I understand your argument about it being entrapment because in reality the way the law is written ( US law) it is technically entrapment. BUT, you need to remember, when undercover cops operate by busting buyers or pretending to be a prostitute and all that stuff, it is technically entrapment but they have made it perfectly legal. just by being on silk road and doing that and knowing what your doing you are commiting conspriacy against the federal government just that in and of itself is enough to charge someone with several federal crimes...even if you were able to argue the entrapment case (which you could but i dont think you would get far with it) ....I am no lawyer, do not take this as legal advice, but my 2 cents and opinion are this....if you want to go on there, go ahead, have a blast, look around, dream whatever you want...but do NOT buy anything, do NOT sell anything. AS SOON AS you do, you are realistically looking at putting yourself in state or more likely federal prison for AT LEAST 5-10 years...again this is just my a nobody, and what i say really doesnt matter, but i care about people here and i follow my own advice so...whether or not you listen is not up to me...its up to you...:peace:
i mentioned entrapment with the reason that a government web site selling illegal drugs is a bit unprecedented
it's one thing where LEO's insert themselves into existing illegal activity, that is the current and routine practice
but initiating the illegal activity? that does strike me as potentially quite different legally
i'm not a lawyer, always interested in being educated
i mentioned entrapment with the reason that a government web site selling illegal drugs is a bit unprecedented
it's one thing where LEO's insert themselves into existing illegal activity, that is the current and routine practice
but initiating the illegal activity? that does strike me as potentially quite different legally
i'm not a lawyer, always interested in being educated

Lemme' tell you about a crackhead who's doing a 40 year, 20 mandatory for crack in a school zone. Crackhead is picked up by undercover that's looking to "score some rock." So, crackhead says "I can find you some, but you gotta give me some." So they drove him to the crack house, stopped a block away and gave him money. He procured said rock, and returned to the vehicle with the rock. He gets in and they drive a mile down the road, behind an apartment, letting him smoke some of his share. They pull in, stop the car and ask him for the crack, he hands it over and is now serving the above sentence. Not entrapment for "transfer of crack cocaine and consumption of crack cocaine in a school zone."

The feds aren't setting up something that's not already there. It was an illegal market it fried, just like some people suggested might happen when the pedo site went down. Now, it's magically back up and running? There are other black markets, SR was just "the ebay of black markets." There's established precedent, and so it's not entrapment. Oh, and for it to be entrapment you have to be enticed into doing something that you would otherwise not do. If you seek out a drug black market you are showing initiative in purchasing drugs on the black market -- not entrapment if it so happens that the feds own the one you buy from.
if it is legally possible for law enforcement to operate a drug website, i'd wonder why they waited for SR to be taken down before starting any stings
they could have put up sting site, call it Better Than SR, why wait to start luring peeps in?
perhaps the SR takedown seemed an opportune time
now i don't know the legalities here, pedophile sting sites have been around a while
but i've yet to see any reports of LEO drug web sale/arrests, maybe they're out there, haven't seen any myself