Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning all,

The g/f has been in the Philippines for 9 days and I haven't been able to reach her for the last two.
I'm sure (hoping) she's alright it's just that the mind (mine) likes to run. She was suppose return on Sat but thinking thats not going to happen.


Getting over a 2 day bug, just going rest up today.
Uh oh, was just watching initial damage reports from the Philippines...catastrophic.

Hope she's OK.



Well-Known Member
Check 1-2, check, check...is thing on? Hello Friday
Stay safe bakers :weed:


Well-Known Member
Damn... I thought I was gonna be home hours ago... OH Well... better late than never as far as I'm concerned
bongsmiliebongsmilie yup almost... bongsmilie bongsmilie... :eyesmoke:
fuck yeah... that's what I'm talkin' bout


Well-Known Member
Damn... I thought I was gonna be home hours ago... OH Well... better late than never as far as I'm concerned
bongsmiliebongsmilie yup almost... bongsmilie bongsmilie... :eyesmoke:
fuck yeah... that's what I'm talkin' bout
Possibly the most awesome video ever..


Well-Known Member
Mornin' bakers!...hope everyone spends time this weekend with those you love

B/C we never know how much time there really is.


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Hash plant and coffee for breakfast. Enjoy the time you have with family and friends life can be cut short for any of us and you should enjoy as much as you can. I hope you are all well and having a great Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Morning All! talked with the g/f last night, she's fine. Should be home tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Morning All! talked with the g/f last night, she's fine. Should be home tomorrow.

Came in specifically to check. That's great news!

In our new place, was able to pack my hookah with half molta and half blueberry Sisha, made my magic coffee, and moved the first load.

It's been a hot minute since I was able to smoke indoors.


New Member
Winter Time in AK~~~~~~~~~~~~wake n bake at noon.lol.gotta love it.The neighbors have almost all gone south.Everybody else's house's are buttoned up tightly.So that means I can listen to my Grateful Dead and hear my Lascallas WFO !!!!


Well-Known Member

Such a well done vid, on this date(Nov. 10th, 1975)38 years ago...we had one hell of a storm in the area.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!




Well-Known Member
Ok other than the Sonic coffee you can pollute yourself better than anyone I have ever met and trust me THAT is saying a lot after even ONE shift at County much less years of 'em!

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Bubble hash and coffee to start the day. I got a text from a friend in the hospital at 4:30 this morning. He had a hart attack. He is one year younger than me. I'll be going to see him. When I posted yesterday about keeping close to friends and family I really didn't think it would hit me. You all have a great day and make sure to tell the people you love that that you love them every time ya see them.


Well-Known Member
Ok other than the Sonic coffee you can pollute yourself better than anyone I have ever met and trust me THAT is saying a lot after even ONE shift at County much less years of 'em!
Yer just being nice. LoL - no more sonic's, I get local pinon roasted coffee and brew it at home.

I made a great mixed drunk last night. 1 ounce Van Gogh blueberry, 1 ounce Van Gogh caramel, 2 grams powdered mushies topped with Sprite. That's the last day I use whole mushies, from now on it'll be extract.

Oh, good morning, I'm baked and drinking my coffee