Can internodes be too close


I'm vegging a WW, 5 weeks old in dwc. Feed gh nutes recirculating @ ec 1.0.

She's 3.5" tall but she has 8 nodes. Theyre seriously like a qtr of a cm apart. What can cause this? I use 600w super hps 3 ft away. It's making me second guess when to flower, as I usually flower by number of nodes (10), but she's so small. I didn't top or lst.


I'm vegging a WW, 5 weeks old in dwc. Feed gh nutes recirculating @ ec 1.0.

She's 3.5" tall but she has 8 nodes. Theyre seriously like a qtr of a cm apart. What can cause this? I use 600w super hps 3 ft away. It's making me second guess when to flower, as I usually flower by number of nodes (10), but she's so small. I didn't top or lst.
Dont really see an issue closer nodes = denser buds. I would top her though

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Indica genes + vegging under a 600w causes really tight node spacing. As long as the plant looks vigorous it should work out good, but I would veg it longer myself before blooming it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like too much light too close. Generally not a problem, but in a dense grow during flowering, risk of bud rot van be higher. I had an Afghan strain under T5HO do that and had no problem. Just make sure to keep good airflow and manage humidity. Must be an indica leaning WW. I used to grow WW and had a great strain that was more sativa. Loved the high. Cheers... JD


Thx for the advice. I thought the light was a ill strong but said f it. I'll keep a close eye on airflow/humidity. Glad to hear it's not rly a big issue.

The WW is def showing indica pheno, the fans are broad as hell.

I usually always top my plants was gonna see what kinda yield i would get off one main cola this round.


Well-Known Member
I've felt I had the same problem before, wanting a bit of stretch to do LST training with. Back your lights up. Turn off the HPS for like 12 hrs/day and run them under some CFLs for the rest of the 24 hr period to induce some stretch.


They will stretch apart when you flip her...not to worry
Yea true. Btw are nodes and stretch interconnected? i.e.) you flower two identical plants (height, environment) one with 10 nodes, one with 5, will they both stretch the same amount, or will you see more stretch on the 10 noder


Well-Known Member
Yea true. Btw are nodes and stretch interconnected? i.e.) you flower two identical plants (height, environment) one with 10 nodes, one with 5, will they both stretch the same amount, or will you see more stretch on the 10 noder
In my experience its been logrythmic between two plants