great way 2 start my day..


Active Member
wtf is wrong with people that they believe they should thrive off stolen car parts for the rest of their lives?

so this morning my sister was getting picked up by her boyfriend and when he pulled up he couldn't help but notice that my passenger side window was smashed in.

Motherfuckers shattered broken window glass all over the shit; stole my radio, ecu (computer), and some misc. shit that was left in the car over night. The car was ripped apart around the stearing column which leads me to believe they failed in their initial attempt to steal tha car.

yenno what are you going to do...people r dirty.


New Member
I know this doesn't really help but, sorry man! Roll a big fatty and forget those pricks. No one likes a thief, I'm a true believer in Karma, They will get whats coming to them one way or another


Well-Known Member
You got car insurance.... get ya money back ...... :)

Report it stolen, you'll get better stuff for the price you get back :)

hehehe.... well thats how it works here ..


Active Member
i wish it was that easy. my cars a 97, so theres no theft on it, and i filed a report with the 5-0 but itll probably do dick. something tells me it was a couple of amateur car theives, no one i would recognize from around here.

thanks for the input though.


Active Member
lol what do you want me to do, report it stolen and dump it somewhere? its a 97 n a honda at that. no ones giving me anything for it.


Well-Known Member
lol what do you want me to do, report it stolen and dump it somewhere? its a 97 n a honda at that. no ones giving me anything for it.
Well what you do is up to you ;) I dont care...... I would beat the shit out of that motherfucker, the world is small......

And yeah, i would still say to the insurance company that my ESU ( computer ) Radio was stolen... It's money.... and well .... i just thought u would want it back even though its a 97 honda....



Well-Known Member
ppl hate when their shit gets stolen..but when the opportunity comes to get those car parts at a phenomenal discount we're all ova it..

sorry bout ur loss.. at least it was just a 97 honda..ur parts are a dime a dozen..and cheap to boot!! if i wanted to even go halfway remotely legit w/ my bmw, i'd get assfucked..shops charge 120$/hr just for fucking labor on my car :(


Well-Known Member
Go to local pawn shops and see if the model radio was pawned there recently and if it was get the police involved. They can get the information from the store off of the person who gave the ID to pawn the hot items. Then go crack some skulls.


Active Member
idkk; out here, the honda game is pretty big. there are alot of faggets from brooklyn/queens area that come to the island 2 follow hondas to their respected 'homes.'

i do kno that bmw labor and parts are expensive, but nice honda parts [im not saying like a shitty civic, im talkin' like JDM or OEM] the parts are pretty expensive. unlike ur bmw, everythign in my car is held in by clips, and EVERYTHING is worth a buck or 2.

as far as the pwn shops around, ive checked all of the shops in my area, ive checked ebay [they got 2 be dumb to sell it on ebay], craigslist and a honda forum that im a member of. thus far, i havent found nething.

its just a shame that people can't chill out with that shit. i live in a respectable town, NOT the ghetto, so when this shit happens, it kinda leaves me speechless.

what can i say though, you learn from your mistakes right? my car goes up my driveway every night with 3 cars parked behind it, which will at least cease it from being stolen. as for the parts, they're gone, im never going to find them. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Keep checking those pawn shops. They're more than likely gonna wait a month or two before actually selling it at one so the heat dies down. You could warn all the pawn shops in the area about a potential thief coming in and trying to sell certain items (give them a list of potential items and model numbers). They might actually cooperate with you can give you a call if they see anything suspicious. I'm just throwing out suggestions with what worked for my friend when his car got broken into. We actually got the information straight from the pawn shop, went over to his house (apartment) knocked on the door and "asked him some questions". Needless to say we found out who actually had done it and got all of his stuff back.


Well-Known Member
wtf is wrong with people that they believe they should thrive off stolen car parts for the rest of their lives?

so this morning my sister was getting picked up by her boyfriend and when he pulled up he couldn't help but notice that my passenger side window was smashed in.

Motherfuckers shattered broken window glass all over the shit; stole my radio, ecu (computer), and some misc. shit that was left in the car over night. The car was ripped apart around the stearing column which leads me to believe they failed in their initial attempt to steal tha car.

yenno what are you going to do...people r dirty.
Sorry to hear about your car.
But a radio, an ECU computer, and some misc. shit is hardly considered car parts.
You should be grateful that your car was still there in the morning. You could be getting a phone call a few days later with the cops saying it was found sitting on the bottom of the east river.