so this is a bit of an odd confession as it has not happened yet. but it will. Since I moved my mom down to Plymouth and took over our house I have had quite a few run ins with the law.. basically had ProjectX for a week straight. I have been good for SOOOO long, but was just told by my shitty neighbors they are going away for a week to TN. So its happening again, but just the weekend. I rented out two of the four rooms to couples already I have mine (not for rent, only lease) and one left. Half o of the white will be ready for pick up tomorrow, 2 kegs tomorrow and 3 for sat. that's what im bringing.. im sure everyone else will bring theirs its going to be one for the books. I already talked to a couple of my cop buddies in town to run distractions and they can come after shift (grew up with them) so yeah im going to have cops there already for when the rest show up (it will happen) I may be setting myself up for a little time in the clink but it could go the other way also.. im beyond excited for it.. girl down the street is coming in more ways than one. I do need to hire some goons for security as my place is kinda nice still haha. my buddy is at my place now working on the minni mx track for the pit bikes out back with a bob cat under the lights. also going to build a huge fire pit because well fire is hot shit. read about me in the papers... I confess I may or may not post pictures depending upon what happens