Newbie Needing Advice


Active Member
Hey guys,Ive a question for y'all.Im about to start my first grow.Ive a choice of two grow rooms,ones a cupboard about the size of a double wardrobe,the others quite a big cupboard about 2.5 m x 1.5m.Which would be better-Im doing a dwc grow and am using a 250w cfl for now,and am hoping to grow 4 plants,one of which will be used as a mother plant.
Thanks in advance for any advice,this is a great forum and I look forward to getting to know everyone.Ill apologize in advance for all my dumb newbie questions!


Well-Known Member
why not both? your going to need a lot more then 1 cfl bulb to grow 4 plants to full size


Active Member
why not both? your going to need a lot more then 1 cfl bulb to grow 4 plants to full size
hes right, ALLOT more than one, i myself am using an LED flood light i got from lowes, it seems to beworking fine, everyone says my plants look great, they run around $40 but they are very cheap to run, almost no heat is produced, and they are pretty damn bright. good luck mate!
hes right, ALLOT more than one, i myself am using an LED flood light i got from lowes, it seems to beworking fine, everyone says my plants look great, they run around $40 but they are very cheap to run, almost no heat is produced, and they are pretty damn bright. good luck mate!
How much energy does your LED need? I have a micro in a condo so I don't know with how much light I can play.


Active Member
EIther grow room using 250 watts will cover 2 plants. Your never get 4 plants under a single 250 cfl. So its pointless even thinking about it.

Or 2 spaces = 2 possible 250 setups...


Active Member
Is that 2 good sized plants though?Would I get away with 3,but taking one away after 3 or 4 weeks and putting it in a small cupboard under a constant 55w cfl to use as a mother plant?
How many can be grown per 250w cfl using sog?
Just one more question!The seeds I have are "money maker"-does anyone know what kind of yield Id be looking at from the two plants,and how long the grow will take from seed to harvest?


Active Member
Is that 2 good sized plants though?Would I get away with 3,but taking one away after 3 or 4 weeks and putting it in a small cupboard under a constant 55w cfl to use as a mother plant?
How many can be grown per 250w cfl using sog?
Just one more question!The seeds I have are "money maker"-does anyone know what kind of yield Id be looking at from the two plants,and how long the grow will take from seed to harvest?
Stick to 2 plants per setup thats te ideal And SAFE road to take as a newbie. you need to start from soemehwere an 2 under 250 watts using S.O.G is a safe place to start. Not to mention 2 others above have also stated you cant grow more than 2 plants under a 250 watt.

I cant offer tips for mothers as im only an auto grower at the moment until i get more soil for my Kaia Kush Beans. But others should be able to answer that side of stuff.

[h=1]Money Maker (Strain Hunters Seed Bank

Flowering Indoors:
8 weeks flowering time. Yield up to 1000 gr/m2 (with 1000W HPS).

Flowering Outdoors:
8-9 weeks, with production up to 1000 grams per plant depending on the final size. 
Support for the branches is recommended.[/h]
Remember this rough tip for growing.

As shown in the info about off the seedbank above. In general you should be looking at about 1gram Dry Bud PER 1 watt used. This can vary as you never know how grows will go. so results can vary.

And a Partrige in a pare Tree!.


Active Member
Great stuff Curiosuk,thanks for the reply.At the moment Im sticking with the one light,although I will get some small 55w cfls to place round the plant,and once I see how everything goes Ill either just buy another 250w cfl or look at something more substantial,as I have 2 great size grow rooms and a seperate smaller cupboard thatd be perfect for one mother plant.Ill see what the yield is like before deciding how much to invest,and obviously its not the best time of year for splashing the cash on grow lights etc anyway!
How kosher is this site?It just feels a bit strange coming on here and broadcasting my grow,you know?Are there any dos and donts,apart from obvious things like never giving personal details or posting photos that could give away your location?


Active Member
See when it says a plants flowering time is 8 weeks,is that 8 weeks from seed or 8 weeks from when you start to flower them?If the latter is the case,how many weeks would you veg them for first?Or if its the former,how many of those 8 weeks would you veg them for before flowering?Sorry if this is a dumb question by the way!?;)
See when it says a plants flowering time is 8 weeks,is that 8 weeks from seed or 8 weeks from when you start to flower them?If the latter is the case,how many weeks would you veg them for first?Or if its the former,how many of those 8 weeks would you veg them for before flowering?Sorry if this is a dumb question by the way!?;)
8 weeks after you switch it to 12h/12h. It depends on you about the time of vegetation, might be like 3 to 4 weeks depending on the strain of course. Depending on your space, you can always make her flower early so that she doesn't go that big. You can even flower them from seed so it might just take you the flowering time. HOWEVER, you will end up with midgets because they didn't get a chance to really develop. And yes you veg them before flowering. I give you two more suggestions, the first one: if you need advice from this forum don't forget to put pictures when you are growing so that everybody can take a look and guide towards a harvest. The second one and most important: you want to be doing this? then READ and when you have too much knowledge for reading…. keep reading.

Cheers! bongsmilie