New person growing..and need some advice


New Member
Guys, Old fart newbie here. Got two plants, 2 different strains (don't know what they are, son left them for me and he has no idea)..both are were planted the same day both are flowering both are female...BUT...the top of the plants has lovely buds forming with the white hairs now all turning orange, but there are loads of wee tiny buds all over the rest of it just forming with white pistils but arn't doing anything...these are natural light growing plants in my veggie patch (hiding in the Tall plants as my garden is open all sides)...and both are in large pots for easy moving. If I trim them would that help?..or what? Any advice to this newbie would be appreciated. Just speak slowly and carefully as I am a bit thick when It comes to all the terms growers use...Cheers and many thanks Red x

They are tiny wee thin straggly pistils but numerous. And they all look healthy but weeny!


Well-Known Member
Its already in full flower. Trimming and stuff like that happens generally before it is in the stage its at.
It sounds like it needs light penetration to its lower branches. And since your using natural light, not much else you can do there.
Get yourself a flower nutrient and other than feeding her, I'd just leave it at that and take what you get. If its still fairly early into flower, she still has time to surprise ya.
Without seeing any pics, my guess would be to cut the orange buds to start drying, which would allow light to penetrate to the rest (weeny - lol) to give them a chance to continue to mature. Good luck Bro......:mrgreen:
Also, even if you have no clue about the strain, you can always see if its a Cannabis Indica (Shorter, Bushier plants with fatter leaves, usually related to indoor and stoned effect or body high) or a Cannabis Sativa (Longer, with thin leaves, usually related to outdoor grows and a mental high). At least by knowing this you may know a lot more on how to approach a plant. I hope you find this useful! Cheers.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the idea to harvest the more developed tops first (can't say to do it now without a pic), then the lower buds will get more light and mature more in maybe another 2-3 weeks. Don't know what nutrients are already in the soil, if it is a rich soil then give a 1/4 - 1/2 strength flowering nutrient every other watering and it will help them develop more quickly and more fully.


Well-Known Member
Guys, Old fart newbie here. Got two plants, 2 different strains (don't know what they are, son left them for me and he has no idea)..both are were planted the same day both are flowering both are female...BUT...the top of the plants has lovely buds forming with the white hairs now all turning orange, but there are loads of wee tiny buds all over the rest of it just forming with white pistils but arn't doing anything...these are natural light growing plants in my veggie patch (hiding in the Tall plants as my garden is open all sides)...and both are in large pots for easy moving. If I trim them would that help?..or what? Any advice to this newbie would be appreciated. Just speak slowly and carefully as I am a bit thick when It comes to all the terms growers use...Cheers and many thanks Red x

They are tiny wee thin straggly pistils but numerous. And they all look healthy but weeny!
Hi Red,
Where in the world are you?
No need for a specific address - just a general area will do.

I ask because I am curious to know what level of sunlight and what temperatures you're getting at the moment.


New Member
Its already in full flower. Trimming and stuff like that happens generally before it is in the stage its at.
It sounds like it needs light penetration to its lower branches. And since your using natural light, not much else you can do there.
Get yourself a flower nutrient and other than feeding her, I'd just leave it at that and take what you get. If its still fairly early into flower, she still has time to surprise ya.

Thanks so much, Hubby (who, by the way..laughingly is an ex cop in two states)..has had a look see at them and said the same't know he knew anything..but he is a keen I have taken off some of the big fan leaves and hopefully things will pan out...also folks....we get a lot of storms up here just no...if they are outside...will that wash all the THC off the plants are ruin them?..Or am I being a stupid old git?...Blessed Be Red x


New Member
lol..weeny is a Scottish word..I am a Scot living in Australia...and only used to multi kinds of resin..I lived In Manali in India for two years so I know about it ok to take some buds off and start drying them?...I looked a few sites and spoke with my mate from Nimbin (I am trying to buy a property there next year for our retirement)..and they all said NOT to touch the top buds....?..HELP!!..


New Member
Hi Red,
Where in the world are you?
No need for a specific address - just a general area will do.

I ask because I am curious to know what level of sunlight and what temperatures you're getting at the moment.

I am in Queensland near Mackay...And it gets a lot of sun, they were in my Laundry for 4 months with full sun shining on them 8 hrs a day, but the sun has moved (that sounds odd, jus the angle now the Summer sun is missing it) so we put them in my veggie patch surrounded by tall flowering Broccoli they seem to be not getting enough light a tthe bottom....Cheers and many thanks Red x


New Member
Also, even if you have no clue about the strain, you can always see if its a Cannabis Indica (Shorter, Bushier plants with fatter leaves, usually related to indoor and stoned effect or body high) or a Cannabis Sativa (Longer, with thin leaves, usually related to outdoor grows and a mental high). At least by knowing this you may know a lot more on how to approach a plant. I hope you find this useful! Cheers.

One plant is short and stubby with fatter leaves n bushy with lovely darker green leaves than the other. The taller one is about four feet tall (the other being about three) and has longer leaves...seems I have one of each...BONUS!! thanks for the tips and damned ignorant when It comes to this...cheers for all the help


Well-Known Member
not necessarily, depending on the pot size and outdoor growth. sounds like you have an indica genus. just with two different phenotypes.


New Member
also, being an 50 yr old to I upload pics?..PMSL..I am so damned hopeless.hahahahaha..North of England?...Love it, used to bang round the lake does it grow there mate?..Is it good, Im a Scot, never could grow the buggers in Scotland or England, this is my first time with my mental son trying to give advice, he is in Canberra....bugger me if I am going to kill these first attempts. The soil is awesome for growing anything and I used Seasol and some Rose plant food as directed by my mate from Nimbles...I thank you guys for all your advice....nice to be on a site that I feel comfortable with..Mucho gratitude Red x
One plant is short and stubby with fatter leaves n bushy with lovely darker green leaves than the other. The taller one is about four feet tall (the other being about three) and has longer leaves...seems I have one of each...BONUS!! thanks for the tips and damned ignorant when It comes to this...cheers for all the help
Beautiful, now if you want you could do some more research and use them for different occasions, remember that if used well, cannabis can relieve you from pain, anxiety, stress. So you could even play with your cannabis and use it at different times of the day. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions regarding that. I hope you enjoy those ladies.


New Member
not necessarily, depending on the pot size and outdoor growth. sounds like you have an indica genus. just with two different phenotypes.
Cheers, both seeds looked slightly different and came from two different sources, one from my guy in Nimbin and one from some gear from my son in I suppose it doesn't matter as long as they are healthy...just a by not...My fathers family are from Cork and county Antrim and my great Aunt is from cousins tried to grow...disaster...I shall tell them next time Im on facebook about this site..maybe they can get some good advice..they are shockingly bad...[h=2]Go raibh maith agat....from an Old Scot who missed home xoxox (went to Primary School in ireland for a few yrs Dad was a Para) xoxox[/h]


New Member
Beautiful, now if you want you could do some more research and use them for different occasions, remember that if used well, cannabis can relieve you from pain, anxiety, stress. So you could even play with your cannabis and use it at different times of the day. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions regarding that. I hope you enjoy those ladies.

Ok, I am going to take a punt and give you some info..that is why I use it, was recommended to me by my Doc in India way back in 92...I have had Cancer four times and a sleep disorder from PTSD ..anyway..since hubby left the Cops he tried to convince me to get some, so I went to Nimbin 9 yrs ago, I go there every three months and stock up and also love the area, met some like minded people and now I am going for I know all about the health benefits..that is the reason I am so desperate, I cannot keep driving 1400kms every three months, its killing my bank account and car!...I never thought I would grow them though.....always killed the ones I tried before many moons ago in the UK and never dared when Hubby was a cop, even though he was for it, and all my friends said go for it, I was too uptight about it, and the fact I cant grow a fungus if I all of you for the is muchly appreciated..


New Member
Also I am allergic to Opiods and a pagan who doesn't believe in Pharma this is my only option..been using on and off since I was 19....cheers
Ok, I am going to take a punt and give you some info..that is why I use it, was recommended to me by my Doc in India way back in 92...I have had Cancer four times and a sleep disorder from PTSD ..anyway..since hubby left the Cops he tried to convince me to get some, so I went to Nimbin 9 yrs ago, I go there every three months and stock up and also love the area, met some like minded people and now I am going for I know all about the health benefits..that is the reason I am so desperate, I cannot keep driving 1400kms every three months, its killing my bank account and car!...I never thought I would grow them though.....always killed the ones I tried before many moons ago in the UK and never dared when Hubby was a cop, even though he was for it, and all my friends said go for it, I was too uptight about it, and the fact I cant grow a fungus if I all of you for the is muchly appreciated..
If you have some patience I promise I can do some research for some strains that may be useful for what you have. I suggest you to check as it will show you what are the pros and the cons of each strain. I also suggest you to take at the medical cannabis section of this forum as it may be very useful (you will receive the same help as here but in that area).


New Member
If you have some patience I promise I can do some research for some strains that may be useful for what you have. I suggest you to check as it will show you what are the pros and the cons of each strain. I also suggest you to take at the medical cannabis section of this forum as it may be very useful (you will receive the same help as here but in that area).
Thank you so much mate, I have a card of a lovely man who gives away medical cannabis oil that he produces to people who need help. He also gives advice, I have been unfortunate enough to miss meeting him a few times as he is a bit of an activist who has gone into the nick fighting the law over this.....I will check out that web site, cheers x


Well-Known Member
Cheers, both seeds looked slightly different and came from two different sources, one from my guy in Nimbin and one from some gear from my son in I suppose it doesn't matter as long as they are healthy...just a by not...My fathers family are from Cork and county Antrim and my great Aunt is from cousins tried to grow...disaster...I shall tell them next time Im on facebook about this site..maybe they can get some good advice..they are shockingly bad...Go raibh maith agat....from an Old Scot who missed home xoxox (went to Primary School in ireland for a few yrs Dad was a Para) xoxox
honestly hit a nerve when you mentioned ireland... in good way.. not often you her from people over here...... :) also, happy grow my friend.. cead mile failte.. if you ever return.