Stoner Dogs


New Member
I couldn't stop laughing watching this:

The guy recording this is too funny and pretty baked.

A bunch of news people are saying it's harmful for dogs to get high on weed...
Yeah, well I never trust the news... ever.

I have seen dogs get high (some like it and some don't just like people),
and of course it will be bad if they eat a brownie... chocolate isn't good for them.
I've never seen any dog actually be sick from pot. Have you?


Active Member
My ex had a yorkie that ate an oz of some kind bud I had.
Little bastard gobbled it all while I made ramen.
To answer your question, no, I've never seen a dog get sick from pot.


Active Member
Yeah when I was growing up our husky ate over an ounce of my dad's pot. Man my dad was pissed, choked the fuck out of the dog lol. Just slept pretty heavy afterword. Ah good childhood memories of dad abusing our animals.


Well-Known Member
My jack russell ate a cookie and ended up trying to walk , that didn't work
She was laying there doing nothing , then the drooling started uncontrollably
That lasted an hour , then threw up a couple of times
Went to sleep ,woke up in the morn and she was fine
just needed to sleep it off
The hardest part was trying to keep her hydrated as she was drooling so much and would not drink ( or couldn't )


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
If my dog gets into my flower room, he'll leap up, grab a bottom, budding, branch and just hang there suspended waiting for the inevitable. I just sort of stand there in a sort of frozen horror at how high the damn terrier can jump! He then field strips the branch he tore off! I'm left with some white pulpy shredded thing while my dog sacks out while I finish gardening. Then I get high and we go for a walk together. Turns out the dog can hold his edibles better than I. My gyro's can't keep me upright and walking straight when I've eaten it. The dog otoh .....

Oh and he eschews smoking but if I vape he occasionally partakes (only from the Volcano tho). Damn, smart dog...


Undercover Mod
Yeah when I was growing up our husky ate over an ounce of my dad's pot. Man my dad was pissed, choked the fuck out of the dog lol. Just slept pretty heavy afterword. Ah good childhood memories of dad abusing our animals.
That's fuct up.