The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've heard folk sayin like oh the longer the cure the better and stronger the smoke and all that? I guess you'd notice it with a less potent and tasty strain aye? You can't beat free weed aye makes the world go round

Yeh heard it was gonna up your way we might get some too its boltic already cs is gonna be fun on Friday I got a sick note might just hand the fucker in lool
previous to tasting me dads cured stuff i was always under the impression it started to degrade after 6month curing but fuck knows where i read that cause it deffo aint true lol still not needed bizz hes just trying to show off lol the cunt thinks hes mr ganja but only cause i showed him how to grow and gave him the strains lolol carnt complain tho every visit he brings/gives me a nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
we supposed to have at least the nxt 2 weeks of snow up here, i fucking hate it, its good fun with the kids but driving in it is a nightmare, and dont help my car is fucked gonna be sliding all over the road


Well-Known Member
owww I love the snow...time to get me mg turbs out and go rallying....what a beautaaaa.....
we supposed to have at least the nxt 2 weeks of snow up here, i fucking hate it, its good fun with the kids but driving in it is a nightmare, and dont help my car is fucked gonna be sliding all over the road


Well-Known Member
Yeh gotta love sledging and snowball fights last year I made an igloo it took me standing on top aswell this year I'm gonna make a bigger one full.days graft Lol its mad how soundproofing snow is


Well-Known Member
well u wont beat my 6 foot giant snow cock out side me sisters front door took me bludy 3 hours to do....had all the detail in bolloks the lot ill deff have to dig that pic out lmaooo was class.......
Yeh gotta love sledging and snowball fights last year I made an igloo it took me standing on top aswell this year I'm gonna make a bigger one full.days graft Lol its mad how soundproofing snow is


Well-Known Member
been doing the ol xmas shopping last few days, me lil boy will only be 20months old come xmas so is kinda his first cause the last he didnt have a clue, he has a slightly older sister n always playing with her toys, gotta sort that shit out dont want the poor mite playing with barbies too long lol so been getting him all boys toys cars,guns etc been looking on ebay for toyguns fuck me you can get replicas of any gun pretty much full size but for kids lol they look dangerous the feds would shoot you dead from a distance they look that real i really wana get him the ak and the mp5 but there mum says nooooo lol


Well-Known Member
get him some nerf guns m8 can shoot the hell outta whatever he wants and aint gonna hurt or break anything, my boys got a few nerfs and cap guns but i refuse to by him a bb gun just in case he get any stupid ideas lol


Well-Known Member
He's probably just playing with her toys cuz he looks up to her mate, nothing to worry about but nurf is a pretty awesome suggestion n remote control cars, fuck it give the lad some fireworks n a 6 pack of beer n a beer bong, that will man him up haha.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Spose he's a touch young for a brazzers DVD eh :lol:

5th visit for this fucking root canal today. Had to leave the house earlier than I would for graft to get to the fucking appointment.


Well-Known Member
Morning fellas. Feel for ya don wank that is mate get the fucker pulled out if I had the money think I'd have the lot pulled out and a nice new set of veneers not those bright white ones tho lmao.

@rambs yyeh y youngest is gonna be 2 just before Xmas I'm getting him one of those fake iPad things as he's obsessed with phones n shit gonna get him some building blocks aswell if I got him a nerf gun it would be me playing with it he'd chuck it on the floor and play with the box

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
No joking I told the dentist, next time its straight out. I must have had 20+ injections today. Could barely manage to put my headphones in my dish is that numb.

Smoking that dope filled e cig vape thing like its going out of fashion.


Well-Known Member
Fuck that mate your gums'l be batters 2morra ya poor fucker get yaself a cheecky g and numb em with it later lol.

What are them pen vapes like? Some of em look bang on. I've just put me little'n to bed for a couple of hour time to have a nice joint now ;)