Leaves turning yellow


Hi, noob 101 here, can someone give me the power of there wisdom.
I'm in week 6 of flowering and my leaves are turning yellow from the top, also they have some brown spots.
I'll post some pictures, any help gratefully received , peace out. :confused:


Well-Known Member
when you say from the top, is it only the fan leaves or the inner leaves that are growing out of the bud?

whats your ph and ppm during water and run off?


Well-Known Member
it could be normal too . lot of leaves do turn yellow in late flower If every thing is done correctly . send us a few pics


Well-Known Member
If they are turning yellow from top to down. Could be Magnesium and Potassium deficiency. Pictures definitely would help.
Silentgreen21 has it on the money.

6-6.5 is to much of a variable. watering should be constant at 6.5, any lower you will be locking out P, Ca, and Mg.

straight flush at ph of 6.5 will correct it but your to far into flowering you might do more harm flushing this late. just keep your ph at 6.5 with food and at plain water too.

you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Its normal for that to happen in late flower. I personally like to give it nitrogen all the way through flowering, but that's just me. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Agree, that's why I like the nutes I use. They have enough nitrogen in the flower nutes to keep the plants from turning yellow. Yellow leaves produce no energy.


Well-Known Member
they look ok, the leaves that are yellow look more crispy from burning from food or heat
but overall they look fine
if i was you i would pick off all those dead leaves, it will make it easer for you to see if it is happening
to any of the new growth,
if you have got them to this stage with only a few weeks to go do not do anything drastic you are almost there
recheck possible food and heat issues



Well-Known Member
I think its normal to see leaves turning late into flowering. it tells me that harvest is near. don't sweat it.


Thanks for all of your valued help , im going to add a little (N) 0.4, also i do have issues of burn so ive bent them over, cheers
You, are ok man. They look good over all. Few leaves here and there turning yellow is normal. Don't try to change anything drastically now that you are so far into flower.


Well-Known Member
At this stage of the grow I wouldn't worry about some fucking yellow leaves, It's the bud you should cioncern yourself with.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you burned some leaves and have an N deficiency in others. I think you took a wrong turn when you added the P,K.


Well-Known Member
the burn symptoms are most likely due to the ratio of nutes being used having an excess of PK and an absence of N, which is why you see a burn at the top and a deficiency at the bottom, along with random other stuff.

this can be avoided by leeching the soil once a month

or by having a nutrient in a different NPK range, something like 3-1-2, 6-2-4, or 9-3-6.
using something that is in this range allows you to have more control over salinity because it is more evenly uptook. A method i do is give the plants enough water so there is runoff. Each watering i do a maintenance feed which comes in 3's or 4's.
1st watering being strongest, then i step down to half, then to quarter

sometimes ill go full strength twice, but the point is that when i step down on the nutrient dosage, i'm controlling the salinity more in the medium because it is constantly being leeched out, little by little.

salt excess will give you a lot of different problems but looking at your plants they look great! good job letting them go and keeping up with the feedings