George Zimmerman in jail AGAIN


New Member
when did I TELL you what to think ??? I asked you a question.
Lets try it again.. If 3 different women at 3 different times told you that a man was abusive what would you say about that man.
I would make a reasonable decision that the man is abusive by nature.
But the guy still gets his day in court, if he is found guilty, the judge should throw the book at him.

Just like in the Travon Martin case, some of you people were the judge, jury and executioner.


Well-Known Member
So if I can get 2 more people to say something terrible about you, everyone should believe it and condemn you as the criminal we chose to brand you as?

Or should people look at the facts first before branding you as xyz?
What are they saying I done ??? If 3 different woman EVER tell you I hit them please call the police, that is a pattern that should not go unnoticed. Won't ever happen though, because I don't hit on females

Why did Zimmerman have to barricade himself in a house that's not his. Why did he not just go and tell the police what was going on ?


Well-Known Member
I would make a reasonable decision that the man is abusive by nature.
But the guy still gets his day in court, if he is found guilty, the judge should throw the book at him.

Just like in the Travon Martin case, some of you people were the judge, jury and executioner.
And thats exactly what I'm doing here !!! I'm not a court this is a thread for me to express my opinion about a person whom I deem a women beater. I won't defend him nor will I let his actions go unnoticed.

As far as the Martin case. I do believe he was guilty but the jury stated other wise. I also felt Casey Anthony was guilty, but the jury said other wise. I give Casey credit for at least staying out of trouble and out the news when she beat her murder case.


Well-Known Member

Neither of us know so why fucking argue and place labels at this point?!
Only a guilty or crazy man would barricade himself in a home like that. Hell the 911 operator told him the police were outside and wante to talk to him. Open the door and explain why she saying you put a gun in her face, broke personal items, and kicked her out HER house.


Well-Known Member
might this be the 2nd time alledgedly...
Actually, my post was exactly as I meant it and holds up to ANY scrutiny. The ex-wife FALSELY accused Zim of brandishing his weapon, later to retract it. So, asking if this MIGHT ​be the 2nd time he was falsely accused is valid. Sorry for your failed attempt to correct that which needed no correction. I won't even bother with the spelling inaccuracy.


Well-Known Member
The police were called!
dude I was addressing a scenario that spandy was using with me being the so called bad guy...go back and read it

Because of the media and people like you Fog, think.
so he barricaded himself in from the media whilst the police are out side wanting to talk to him..really ???? DO you ever take the side of the female who claims to have been assaulted or do you ALWAYS find an excuse for the man doing the assaulting


Well-Known Member
so he barricaded himself in from the media whilst the police are out side wanting to talk to him..really ???? DO you ever take the side of the female who claims to have been assaulted or do you ALWAYS find an excuse for the man doing the assaulting
Well, considering it's the man that's facing possible wrongful imprisonment and is afforded the presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty, yeah.


Well-Known Member
so he barricaded himself in from the media whilst the police are out side wanting to talk to him..really ???? DO you ever take the said of the female who claims to have been assaulted or do you ALWAYS find an excuse for the man doing the assaulting
lol..i'm thinking he was barracading himself from the po-po..they were knocking on the door and tapping on the windows for him to come out of her house..this get's me all warm and fuzzy..but he wouldn't and called 911 to "tell his side of the story"..but let's get case the po-po broke in and started beating the living shit out of him..this douche is such a fucking pussy..magic florida 8-ball says..he's not gonna walk away from this..he's going to jail..after all it's our state import/export:mrgreen:


New Member
so he barricaded himself in from the media whilst the police are out side wanting to talk to him..really ???? DO you ever take the side of the female who claims to have been assaulted or do you ALWAYS find an excuse for the man doing the assaulting
There was someone lurking in my head that reminded me of you Fog, for the life of me I couldn't recall it.
But alas, it came. You are so much like Jeraldo Rivera it's not funny!


Well-Known Member
Well, considering it's the man that's facing possible wrongful imprisonment and is afforded the presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty, yeah.
he likes prison..he's gonna be reeeeeeeeeeeeeal popular..maybe he should have a tattoo on his back of a girl ala mystic clown "for the boys in the pen":lol:


Well-Known Member
lol..i'm thinking he was barracading himself from the po-po..they were knocking on the door and tapping on the windows for him to come out of her house..this get's me all warm and fuzzy..but he wouldn't and called 911 to "tell his side of the story"..but let's get case the po-po broke in and started beating the living shit out of him..this douche is such a fucking pussy..magic florida 8-ball says..he's not gonna walk away from this..he's going to jail..after all it's our state import/export:mrgreen:
LOL @ her beating him to the 911 call. He only called to save his sorry ass. Who kicks a pregnant women out the house. WTF. I wonder what Shellie is


Well-Known Member
LOL @ her beating him to the 911 call. He only called to save his sorry ass. Who kicks a pregnant women out the house. WTF. I wonder what Shellie is
i "heard" a report from her stating she's not preggers..probably wants to cut demon seed out before it multiplies:lol:


Well-Known Member
Unless there was another witness, it's he said, she said. The girlfriend COULD have broken the table and COULD have lied about the gun in the face to fuck him over. She may have even told him she was going to do it, prompting his barricading the door. Also, since there is no history of Zim illegally brandishing a weapon, it's his word against hers. Once again, tough to secure a conviction with no proof of the crime. Especially since she had NO injuries, can't really even prove domestic violence.


Well-Known Member
What's the sentence for NOT brandishing a weapon, not hitting your woman, kicking her out of the house and putting furniture in front of the door? If he had dug a moat, would the "castle doctrine" apply?


Well-Known Member
Unless there was another witness, it's he said, she said. The girlfriend COULD have broken the table and COULD have lied about the gun in the face to fuck him over. She may have even told him she was going to do it, prompting his barricading the door. Also, since there is no history of Zim illegally brandishing a weapon, it's his word against hers. Once again, tough to secure a conviction with no proof of the crime. Especially since she had NO injuries, can't really even prove domestic violence.
you sure like defending this madness.