George Zimmerman in jail AGAIN


Well-Known Member
I had a decent thread started yesterday but was told it got out of hand. Please stay on topic.

Zimmerman is a time bomb ready to exploded. How many times will people defend this man who seems to enjoy putting hands on females. His court time is at 1:30. I hope they keep him in jail without a bond.

lets see if this thread can
The guy is obviously a moron. His life is totally fucked and he is under incredible pressure. The chick is bitching about him breaking her glasses which doesnt really seem to indicate she felt in threat of her life...

He still acted in self defense....


Well-Known Member
he broke all of her stuff and pointed a gun at her in self defense?
The reality is she broke all her stuff, grabbed two samurai swords and advanced on poor Zimmy with the intent to kill. He held her back at gun point and directed her to leave the premises while he packed. He barricaded the door so she wouldn't force him to kill her in self defense and immediately called 911. When the police arrived he was docile, cooperative and unarmed.

These are the facts of the case as we know them so far. Well, at least the ones backed by as much evidence as all the other assertions being floated on this thread. Which is none.


Well-Known Member
The reality is she broke all her stuff, grabbed two samurai swords and advanced on poor Zimmy with the intent to kill. He held her back at gun point and directed her to leave the premises while he packed. He barricaded the door so she wouldn't force him to kill her in self defense and immediately called 911. When the police arrived he was docile, cooperative and unarmed.

These are the facts of the case as we know them so far. Well, at least the ones backed by as much evidence as all the other assertions being floated on this thread. Which is none.
Never heard Zimmerman mention the two swords. Do you have the 911 call in which he reported that.


Well-Known Member
He was hiding out from Shellie so she could not serve him divorce papers, but seeing how he got kicked out of his hiding spot...he got served.


Well-Known Member
I had a decent thread started yesterday but was told it got out of hand. Please stay on topic.

Zimmerman is a time bomb ready to exploded. How many times will people defend this man who seems to enjoy putting hands on females. His court time is at 1:30. I hope they keep him in jail without a bond.

lets see if this thread can
I recall Sunni serving your arse on a silver platter yesterday.
I have never seen her act that way before, it was quite erotic in an unsettling way.



Well-Known Member
Man follows boy, man gets punked by boy, man shoots boy dead. Man is free of charges. Man moves. Man is accused of violence towards a woman, its later dismissed for whatever reason. Same man is then again accused of a violent act towards a woman.

You have to be fucking kidding me, you people are actually defending this guy? You are chalking this up as a series of unfortunate events for this one guy? Man you knuckle draggers are some persistent mother fuckers.


Well-Known Member
I recall Sunni serving your arse on a silver platter yesterday.
I have never seen her act that way before, it was quite erotic in an unsettling way.

sunni did not "serve his arse" for posting a thread about the topic, rather that the thread was closed because it became out of hand. if you folks would simply stay on topic and not be fucking children about it, maybe the thread would stay alive. is it hard to ask? no, nevermind, i know the answer, it is way too hard to ask.


New Member
Man follows boy, man gets punked by boy, man shoots boy dead. Man is free of charges. Man moves. Man is accused of violence towards a woman, its later dismissed for whatever reason. Same man is then again accused of a violent act towards a woman.

You have to be fucking kidding me, you people are actually defending this guy? You are chalking this up as a series of unfortunate events for this one guy? Man you knuckle draggers are some persistent mother fuckers.
How can anyone take you seriously.
Dude, you still haven't explained how you make over $250k a year and your healthcare went down because of Obamacare
Or how you were allowed to carry a concealed weapon on an Amtrak train thanks again to Obama.


Well-Known Member
sunni did not "serve his arse" for posting a thread about the topic, rather that the thread was closed because it became out of hand. if you folks would simply stay on topic and not be fucking children about it, maybe the thread would stay alive. is it hard to ask? no, nevermind, i know the answer, it is way too hard to ask.
Well you missed it then.


Well-Known Member
How can anyone take you seriously.
Says the guy who nobody ever takes seriously. Ever.

Dude, you still haven't explained how you make over $250k a year and your healthcare went down because of Obamacare.
Says the guy who claims to be a millionaire and owns a business, yet is on RIU posting countless comments during normal business hours and evenings. Good one brah. Umad, I know. But I can't help ya.

how you were allowed to carry a concealed weapon on an Amtrak train thanks again to Obama.
I can carry a concealed weapon in states that allow me. At the time and location of the Amtrak in question, I was in a state that allows me to conceal carry. Not sure why that is so hard for your dumb ass to comprehend.

Want to approach me in a different manner beenthere? I thought we went over this? Civilized deserves civilized?