Game Over


Well-Known Member
man this is a tough question, ill have to think about it a bit. Hard to think of a day that's been all happy and dosent have some other negative memory associated with it. maybe my day just hasn't happened yet
It doesn't necessarily mean a day of complete joy, there can be pain or triumph, maybe ridicule to redemption. I see your point though.


Well-Known Member
probably back when for a family gathering.. christmas or something. before all the craziness happened, loss of family members and stuff


Well-Known Member
It doesn't nessarily mean a day of complete joy, there can be pain or triumph, maybe ridicule to redemption. I see your point though.
definatly making me remember a lot of good times I haven't thought about in years. I could fill the day with hours taken from multiple days thatd be great but that wasn't the question now was it lol. the memories I keep coming back to though is when I was 15 and in newfoundland and I climbed down the side of signal hills cliff face and just sat above the ocean watching the water crash against the rocks. or the times I would hike out to this overlook in Bedford where u can see out over all of Halifax harbour and you can see basicly the entire city. or the day when I was a kid and it was raining, and I stayed underneath the picnic table in the backyard watching the lightning bolts strike in the distance over the tree line. when my daughter was first born right after when they took her over to the little table to clean her up and I reached down to touch her and she grabed my finger and opened her eyes and just looked at me. I haven't seen her in almost 6 years and it kills me, that's probably the day id like to have again. yeah that one I wouldn't even want the whole day just that moment would be amazing, excuse me now while I go cry my brains out


Well-Known Member
I'd opt to relive the 24 hour period just prior to me dying, so I can reach out and say "peace out" to my loved ones properly and formally.
