caught ripper red handed

cary schellie

Active Member
This evening when returning home from a hard days work, I unlocked my door and someone was dressed in all black with a mask and had a grocery bag full of buds. If I was 5 minutes later I would never caught them. I am in a medical state and do have a licence to grow. The ripper was an ex gf from long ago. I kept her jacket and the gas cards she used to open the lock. I decided to not call the cops, since I don't trust the police. She is a felon but also has a young child. Did I do the right thing? Ive been noticing Ive been short a lot, and she admitted that was not her first time ripping me.


Well-Known Member
What a dirty bitch, murdering your babies :(. I've actually read stories similar to this, and 1 guy actually called the cops on the kid that stole his weed and they got most of it back for him.

here's the video of it -


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I guess you got your buds back but that still sucks.
What comes around goes around.
I'm sure you will figure out a punishment for her. (provided you know where she lives)
Good wake up call for better security in your house.


Well-Known Member
She is a felon but also has a young child. Did I do the right thing? Ive been noticing Ive been short a lot, and she admitted that was not her first time ripping me.
That's a tight spot to be in man. Especially someone you have history with. A thief is a thief though. She had no concerns about her kid sitting wherever it was when she was breaking into your place. The only thing she was concerned about was profiting from you. I personally have no sympathy whatsoever when it comes to thieves. We all know the risk when it comes to growing. It's in a grey area where the law is concerned. The feds can nail you at any point in time that they see fit from what I understand. A thief is in a black area. They know it's reward<risk and go do it anyways.
At least you got your bud back though. If you're still in the same house and using the same locks you had when you 2 were together then I highly suggest you change those. You never know she could have a key and just played it off. I'd also go through and think about people who you know that could be tied to her as well. Mutual friends etc if you didn't keep up with her and whatnot.
I'd try to fill up my tank on her card as well. If it worked then have a free gas party :lol:
So what was the damage in bud? How close/far from you harvesting were they etc? We all know that an extra 1 2 or even 3 weeks can make our girls pack on some weight.


Well-Known Member
Personally i would have tackled the bitch to the ground and then called the five o. So what if she has got a child. She broke into your house/area, fuck if it had been a big 6x6 bloke you coulda been hurt. Fuck the police too, id tell her you so much as she her about again you will break her fucking legs. So what she is a women, still she was trying to play thief/ganster, so treat her like one. Break her fucking legs and then threaten her child. Haha. Or just call social services and tell um this junkie hoe is breaking into peoples houses so they will take the kid off her, then you could go tourch her house...haha. Wait is it your kid?
also once a thief always a Thief.
As i said you could also threaten that if she comes back you and your buddies will run a train on that bitch, yes threats are useless, and dropping to their level never works. But it will sure put the shit up her.

O and why not say, you steal my babies and im going to steal yours, and then nab the kid, or give the kid a note to give to her. That will freak her out. Haha

Or maybe ignore my advice if you like your freedoms. Anyhow take it easy.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
A one off occurence, ok, let her be, but she's done it multiple times, break that bitches nose! I'd personally have considered taking it to the law in some form, because of the small child. that kid is not gonna have the best life if his mother is a thief. If she can't support her family without having to resort to crime, then that is something that people need to address. Or was she stealing from you purely because it was you, as in to spite you, not because you were an easy target.

I say call social services. Even if they don't take the kid away, it's gonna have her looking over her shoulder and thinking about her actions, or at least one would hope. And worst case scenario, well, the kid is brought up by someone who is not a piece of shit.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You know what...I've had women paying me to take them to their ex's place to rip them. Most of these women were heavy drug users. They all seem to think that this guy owes them... All of them had keys.


Active Member
what drives someone to do what they do is a very complicated process- on a universal scale. Someone in the throes of addiction may otherwise never steal from another, may give their time and possessions for a charitable cause and yet some steal just for the adrenalin rush. For what its worth, I agree on the way you handled it. It will provide her with the opportunity to think about what the consequences might have been, it might be cause for some humility. Karma works without a judge, no need for an intermediary. She will reap what she sows. That you have provided an opportunity for introspection doesn't mean she will use it but then again, maybe that is all she needed to help turn her methods around to something more ethical. When we plant good seeds, all other conditions being present, we get a good harvest, From anger only grows more anger.


Well-Known Member
I'd report and here's why. If it was your oxy's she was taking you'd report right? So your medical cannabis should be treated the same way. Another reason is, she gets busted with your pot and says you sold it to her "illegally" .which I have seen happen with stolen pills, and it will all come back on you. A little punk back in the day stole a bunch of pills said he was sold them and caused a hell of a lot of problems. He was never sold anything he was a fucking thief and almost ruined lives.

Plus if you report her she won't do it again, as it stands now she got caught and got off. I bet she'll be back.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Of course she'll be back. Change the locks. Do like me, cut in just a bit to much dolomite lime into the res and bring it back with cigarrette ashes. The taste is unbearable if the weed doesn't get the RO water treatment. People will want to beat her up if she sells it, which we know she will. I got two teenage boys that way. They stocked me for a couple years and I just kept one step ahead of them. I set traps electrifried them and everything to no avail. I let them have five plants of the bad tasting weed and they've never been back.


Active Member
Agree with your initial response but i'd start planning on moving, she will probably tell god knows who and they will want to rip you off, this could lead to a whole load of trouble for you.


Well-Known Member
my last gf was a serious toker. when i told her to stop smoking so much of my bud she said she wouldn't take any without asking first. a few days later i came home early and found a bag with a few freshly cut colas in it. she tossed it to the side when i walked in. busted. i made her buy a large lock box where i kept the pot from then on. with a crazy, thieveing ex, i'd move.


Well-Known Member
women are EX-spensive! haha they're worth it most of the time though. better luck to you in the future bro!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Oh, FUCK that!

I would of held her down, cut off all her hair, stripped her naked and shoved her out the door.

Buy some new locks, put 2x2's in your window tracks, and get a nice alarm system that notifies you AND the police if someone breaks in.

If you don't want to go the alarm route, Secure your grow room with more locks. Strike plates, Steel door, etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go ahead and say do not physically harm her in any way. Police + Drugs + ExGF = Jail for you. Cops already always side with women in domestic violence cases, and add a grow-op legal or not and a lot of cops are gonna be gunning for you.


Well-Known Member
I've just upped my home's security and am going to add surveillance cameras to boot. I'm not in a legal state so I can't have an alarm company call the cops (A neighbor had such a set up and the cops ran the dogs to find anyone hiding in the house and found a lb of weed...she got busted), but instead notifies me with a phone call and sounds a loud alarm in the house to hopefully scare them away.

Someone mentioned the fact that you have no idea who she's told about your grow, so either ramp up your home security, move, or quit growing for awhile seems like your only options.


Well-Known Member
I would of beat her to an inch of her life pistol whipped her. nock a few teeth out. then stomp on her arms and hands , lets see her carry a bag when I was done with her . then I would call cops have her prosecuted for breaking and entering. just set a base ball bat or kitchen knife next to her , on the floor. I don't care if she has a kid or not. shes a thief . of the worst kind taking some one medication. I have aids patients that need there meds every week for severe pain. I give them meds for free. now some bitch is going to take meds out of my patient hands. bull shit. we don't fuck around. next time be a man at least call the police. no be a little bitch . get suckered because she has a kid. im sure that kid would be way better off with a different family.