caught ripper red handed


Well-Known Member
A friend had a live-in GF that he suspected of getting into his "coke". He also had a grow room going. He set a trap and caught her red handed then kicked her out- he couldn't trust her anymore. She turned him in for growing. Cops raided him, arrested him, and confiscated all his grow equipment. It ended up being an illegal search (forgot why) and he got all his equipment back and all charges were dropped. Police kept his plants but he had just started so they were very small still. It was still a bummer because he had to move to hide from the "snitch". Lesson is, GF's can be your worst enemy in more ways than one.


Well-Known Member
I would of taken it out on her asshole ! She's lucky she's not dead , She might not be so lucky in someone elses house.


Well-Known Member
A friend had a live-in GF that he suspected of getting into his "coke". He also had a grow room going. He set a trap and caught her red handed then kicked her out- he couldn't trust her anymore. She turned him in for growing. Cops raided him, arrested him, and confiscated all his grow equipment. It ended up being an illegal search (forgot why) and he got all his equipment back and all charges were dropped. Police kept his plants but he had just started so they were very small still. It was still a bummer because he had to move to hide from the "snitch". Lesson is, GF's can be your worst enemy in more ways than one.
In 46 years I've never figured em out.

cary schellie

Active Member
That's a tight spot to be in man. Especially someone you have history with. A thief is a thief though. She had no concerns about her kid sitting wherever it was when she was breaking into your place. The only thing she was concerned about was profiting from you. I personally have no sympathy whatsoever when it comes to thieves. We all know the risk when it comes to growing. It's in a grey area where the law is concerned. The feds can nail you at any point in time that they see fit from what I understand. A thief is in a black area. They know it's reward<risk and go do it anyways.
At least you got your bud back though. If you're still in the same house and using the same locks you had when you 2 were together then I highly suggest you change those. You never know she could have a key and just played it off. I'd also go through and think about people who you know that could be tied to her as well. Mutual friends etc if you didn't keep up with her and whatnot.
I'd try to fill up my tank on her card as well. If it worked then have a free gas party :lol:
So what was the damage in bud? How close/far from you harvesting were they etc? We all know that an extra 1 2 or even 3 weeks can make our girls pack on some weight.
she didn't have a key, she used a gas card to somehow jimmy the lock

cary schellie

Active Member
I saved evidence just incase, Im from a small community so if I turned her in it would be front page news and then there would be a million new rippers, also I don't want any type of retaliation I like to lay low stay under the radar, if shes bold enough to keep breaking in who know what else she'll do. Or maybe we are all wrong maybe she just loved smoking my bomb shit and just took a little here and there and was serious when she said she wont do it again. I have a soft spot for junkys cause I used in the past and did my share of bad things, but also just punished a lot too. IDK


Active Member
I saved evidence just incase, Im from a small community so if I turned her in it would be front page news and then there would be a million new rippers, also I don't want any type of retaliation I like to lay low stay under the radar, if shes bold enough to keep breaking in who know what else she'll do. Or maybe we are all wrong maybe she just loved smoking my bomb shit and just took a little here and there and was serious when she said she wont do it again. I have a soft spot for junkys cause I used in the past and did my share of bad things, but also just punished a lot too. IDK
i was a meth user for a number of years, you know what i did to get my drugs? worked. 40+ hours a week. if you are legal, the cops SHOULD have been involved. and i get the kid thing, but as i am sure has been said, what kind of example is she setting for said kid? just training them up to be thieves..


Well-Known Member
also I don't want any type of retaliation I like to lay low stay under the radar, if shes bold enough to keep breaking in who know what else she'll do. Or maybe we are all wrong maybe she just loved smoking my bomb shit and just took a little here and there and was serious when she said she wont do it again. I have a soft spot for junkys cause I used in the past and did my share of bad things, but also just punished a lot too. IDK
I feel you on staying under the radar. Regardless though man even if your stuff is legal and "legit" there's still the whole street credit aspect of things. You said you did your fair share of bad things right? Then you know when it comes to getting a big score that junkies put their fix far above logic. Especially if it's an easy mark. Breaking into your place and taking all your shit is just another days work for em.
Selling or trading your smoke for dope. We all know it's an easy thing to do. Those people live their lives running that rat race. If that bitch gets popped by LEO the first thing she's going to do is sing about your grow op. Even if it's legal you'll get a visit. Just to avoid sitting in general pop going through DTs.
The thing is the next time she up and needs some cash or knows someone looking to score she very well could bring you up. With the logic of he won't get the police involved. I've spent quite a bit of time around those types of people and that's pretty much their mindset.
Once upon a time I introduced an oxy addict to the business end of my 10.5 combat boots for swiping 40ish bucks in loose change out of the console of my car. It didn't get me my $ back and that wasn't the point of it. I highly doubt he would have bragged about swiping my change but word spread around real quick that I was a guy who would stomp someones guts while they were on the ground puking up what they bought with my $ within that clusterfuck circle. They know they'll be dealt one hell of a harsh hand. So much that it's been mentioned to me by a few people.
Who knows maybe nothing will come of it but you could have set yourself as one easy target for the thieves. I'd just hate to see all your work go towards nothing in the event you get jacked on down the road by bottom feeding scavengers.

cary schellie

Active Member
I stomped people out in the past and everytime they called to police, 2 assults and a domestic later, I have to resort to other options to stay out of GP