Not answering these posts has been bugging me, seriously.
Loving the look of those frosty flowers mr who! You gonna change the room at all or are you happy to gmaybe get another run before rebuilding the ark?
I think the shell of the ark will remain intact for quite a wile now

the guts will change from time to time... I heard Jig was going hydro so I got jealous and am going rdwc next round. Specifics are still being decided and thrown out and decided again everyday so I cant say too much on it, besides I will be doing at least one cab doubledecker rdwc.
Just one question, do you get blinded by your strong lights?
I just recently started tending to my tiny girls in my bucket with no reflectors on my 45W CFL bulbs, and looking down, even trying to look away from the light, they leave me blind spotted for a while.
Any tips?
Honestly I have either gotten used to it or my eyes are so damaged it doesnt effect me so much anymore
I used to wear uv sunglasses, but of course logical practices have fallen to the waistline... I have a feeling I may be regretting this when Im old and blind... I'll have to grow by feel, at least gardening during the night cycle wont be a problem.
Nice whodat..i can't wait for that feeling there ..sticky fingers time and face mask ..

Woot woot!
I gotta ask about the mask, Iv never felt I needed one? I may regret this when Im old and have spoon nostrils... Spoon nostrils are when they get clogged with resin to the point you can only breath through your mouth.
That reminds me I have to sharpen my scissors. Shit. Ill be going through the same processor the next couple weeks.
They did finish quick though man. 12 per light is solid man. Ill be lucky if I pull that this round. Man I miss the yields and phenos from my first round. On the other hand pheno hunting gives me something else to do.
When in doubt bruh take another hit. LOL
12 is good for sure especially considering the genetics. Id like to hit 1+gpw this next round.
Wow who. I was ripped last night. Didnt even know which thread i was posting to. Lol. Didnt mean to post whore your thread. Lol
haha all good bro
Mmm Mmm Mmm scissor hash and harvest time

. Those girls sure did pack on the frost man, and looks like some nice size buds too. I can't believe I've never thought to trim over one of those black seedling trays, I just got a new one I might try it.
Regarding the cup I would have been just as happy just going one day and spending some time seeing the city or doing some sort of recreation. I am hoping to get to check out some of the local action this year, and actually see the area a little bit. I'm going with just my wife this year so we'll have alot more freedom to do as we please.
I hope I can make it again!
Who looks awesome nice work as always. Just spent some time trolling for idea's for my shed since it's raining.
Amongst my friends everybody has a screen name like nickname. Some "lot names" crack me up.
Please keep me posted on the project!
The 30 was for your grow man. lol.
You guys had a squeaker last night man. Glad to see they came out on top. Hope my Lions do well this weekend.
You and the Southpark snips….lol. Flawless pick though on the vid. Today I should have some green pics up if you wanna check em out. Probably in 5 hours or so. lol. I don't think it will be near what your pushing per light but there's always next time. Even though you'll be in hydro next.
Ah I see now

Shit bro 3 wins in 11 days aint bad, and to top it off atl had nothing to play for so you know they wanted nothing more than to hand us a loss, they played hard. 3 wins in 11 days baby. Here we come seattle... So sick of hearing brees and crew cant play on real grass lmao what the fuk is that all about? and "they cant play outside" again im ???? They practice outside, on real grass,,, all the time. Oh and cold, apparently we cant play when its cold either? You know, because its not like the team is made up of professional athletes from all over the country or anything... Something about new orleans specifically makes you unable to navigate grass blades, and increases susceptibility to hypothermia... main killer in new orleans, people just cant handle anything below 60f.
I freakin love football, I usually have a reason to like at least someone or something about every team. I'm a diehard Broncos fan but I really just love to watch all the games. It's like a chess match, a gladiator match, and a concert all at once. The stakes are high and the competition is amazing at the pro level. That said, "who dat", "who dat", "who dat sayin' they gonna beat them Saints!"
Been a pretty good year so far.
Go Lions! Matt Stafford is a beast, they deserve some fortune finally!
^^ Two dat!
As a broncos fan you must be pretty happy

Last week was tough for them lions, to come back like that only to fall short at the goaline.
Go Chargers!!! Damn our division is tough SMH... Stupid Broncos, lol. Stupid Chiefs. We are in a battle for last with the Raiders.
I will always have a special place in my heart for the chargers,,, thanks for drew brees! Sproles was a charger as well eh?
I showed your harvest pictures to the two guys I work with. We all agree you did a damn fine job. I got my light mover going right. I like it alot, but now I wish I had room to put another light to it instead of a counter weight. I repotted my seedlings tonight. Once again great looking buds.
Thanks browski! Im sure you'll see some benefits from the mover
Ok got all that off me chest!